Ansifilter installation instructions ------------------------------------ Ansifilter is a small utility without external dependencies. There are no configuration files or libs to take care of. 1. Compilation and installation =============================== 1.1 Linux ----------- 1. tar xjvf ansifilter-x.x.tar.bz2 2. cd ansifilter-x.x 3. make help 4. make make gui (build the Qt GUI (requires Qt 4/5)) 5. make install (install binary and documentation files) make install-gui (install GUI binary) (depending on your installation destination, you need to be root) 6. make clean (optional) 1.2 Windows ----------- Install the following tools and libraries. a) Install Qt Creator IDE ( b) Install MingW (gcc toolchain) -Download Online-Installer: -Start mingw-w64-install.exe and select default options -Add bin directory of the downloaded files to the system PATH -open cmd.exe and type "g++ --version" to check c) Compile Qt: -Download and extract package from -> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.6.0.tar.gz -Open cmd.exe and change into the Qt directory -Configure Qt. Use static if you do not want to ship Qt DLLs: configure -release -nomake examples -opensource -static -strip -opengl desktop -Compile Qt: mingw32-make -j4 d) Add compiler and Qt paths (location of qmake.exe) in QtCreator e) Install upx from f) Open the pro files in src/w32-projects and src/gui_qt in QtCreator and adjust the paths of libraries and tools before compiling the projects. g) Ship Ansifilter with libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll (32 bit) libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (64 bit) libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll (all DLLs are located in the mingw32 installation) 2. Known compiler issues ======================== Ansifilter was tested with gcc > 4.8 and clang 3.9.0. It will not compile with gcc 2.x. For gcc versions < 4.7, unique_ptr needs to be replaced by auto_ptr.