import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker._ import sbtcrossproject.{CrossProject, CrossType, Platform} /// variables val groupId = "org.scala-steward" val projectName = "scala-steward" val rootPkg = groupId.replace("-", "") val gitHubOwner = "scala-steward-org" val moduleCrossPlatformMatrix: Map[String, List[Platform]] = Map( "core" -> List(JVMPlatform), "sbt-plugin" -> List(JVMPlatform), "mill-plugin" -> List(JVMPlatform) ) val Scala212 = "2.12.10" val Scala213 = "2.13.3" /// sbt-github-actions configuration ThisBuild / crossScalaVersions := Seq(Scala212, Scala213) ThisBuild / githubWorkflowTargetTags ++= Seq("v*") ThisBuild / githubWorkflowPublishTargetBranches := Seq( RefPredicate.Equals(Ref.Branch("master")), RefPredicate.StartsWith(Ref.Tag("v")) ) ThisBuild / githubWorkflowPublish := Seq( WorkflowStep.Run( List("sbt ci-release"), name = Some("Publish JARs"), env = Map( "PGP_PASSPHRASE" -> "${{ secrets.PGP_PASSPHRASE }}", "PGP_SECRET" -> "${{ secrets.PGP_SECRET }}", "SONATYPE_PASSWORD" -> "${{ secrets.SONATYPE_PASSWORD }}", "SONATYPE_USERNAME" -> "${{ secrets.SONATYPE_USERNAME }}" ) ), WorkflowStep.Run( List( "docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}", "sbt core/docker:publish" ), name = Some("Publish Docker image") ) ) ThisBuild / githubWorkflowJavaVersions := Seq("adopt@1.8", "adopt@1.11") ThisBuild / githubWorkflowBuild := Seq( WorkflowStep.Sbt(List("validate"), name = Some("Build project")), WorkflowStep.Use("codecov", "codecov-action", "v1", name = Some("Codecov")) ) /// projects lazy val root = project .in(file(".")) .aggregate(core.jvm, `sbt-plugin`.jvm, `mill-plugin`.jvm) .settings(commonSettings) .settings(noPublishSettings) lazy val core = myCrossProject("core") .enablePlugins(BuildInfoPlugin, JavaAppPackaging, DockerPlugin) .settings(dockerSettings) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Seq( compilerPlugin(Dependencies.betterMonadicFor), compilerPlugin(Dependencies.kindProjector.cross(CrossVersion.full)), Dependencies.attoCore, Dependencies.bcprovJdk15to18, Dependencies.betterFiles, Dependencies.caseApp, Dependencies.catsCore, Dependencies.catsEffect, Dependencies.circeConfig, Dependencies.circeGeneric, Dependencies.circeGenericExtras, Dependencies.circeParser, Dependencies.circeRefined, Dependencies.commonsIo, Dependencies.coursierCore, Dependencies.coursierCatsInterop, Dependencies.cron4sCore, Dependencies.fs2Core, Dependencies.fs2Io, Dependencies.http4sCirce, Dependencies.http4sClient, Dependencies.http4sCore, Dependencies.http4sOkhttpClient, Dependencies.jjwtApi, Dependencies.jjwtImpl % Runtime, Dependencies.jjwtJackson % Runtime, Dependencies.log4catsSlf4j, Dependencies.monocleCore, Dependencies.refined, Dependencies.refinedCats, Dependencies.scalacacheCaffeine, Dependencies.scalacacheCatsEffect, Dependencies.logbackClassic % Runtime, Dependencies.catsLaws % Test, Dependencies.circeLiteral % Test, Dependencies.disciplineScalatest % Test, Dependencies.http4sDsl % Test, Dependencies.refinedScalacheck % Test, Dependencies.scalacheck % Test, Dependencies.scalaTestFunSuite % Test, Dependencies.scalaTestShouldMatcher % Test ), assembly / test := {}, assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := { val nativeSuffix = "\\.(?:dll|jnilib|so)$".r { case PathList(ps @ _*) if nativeSuffix.findFirstMatchIn(ps.last).isDefined => MergeStrategy.first case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last == "" => // This is included in Netty JARs which are pulled in by http4s-async-http-client. MergeStrategy.first case PathList("org", "fusesource", _*) => // (core / assembly) deduplicate: different file contents found in the following: // https/ // https/ MergeStrategy.first case otherwise => val defaultStrategy = (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value defaultStrategy(otherwise) } }, buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey]( organization, version, scalaVersion, scalaBinaryVersion, sbtVersion, { case (k, v) => k -> v.getOrElse("master") },`sbt-plugin`.jvm / moduleRootPkg) { case (_, v) => "sbtPluginModuleRootPkg" -> v },`mill-plugin`.jvm / moduleName) { case (_, v) => "millPluginModuleName" -> v },`mill-plugin`.jvm / moduleRootPkg) { case (_, v) => "millPluginModuleRootPkg" -> v } ), buildInfoPackage := moduleRootPkg.value, initialCommands += s""" import ${moduleRootPkg.value}._ import ${moduleRootPkg.value}.data._ import ${moduleRootPkg.value}.util.Nel import ${moduleRootPkg.value} import better.files.File import cats.effect.ContextShift import cats.effect.IO import cats.effect.Timer import import import org.http4s.client.Client import org.http4s.client.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClient import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext implicit val ioContextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift( implicit val ioTimer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( implicit val logger: Logger[IO] = Slf4jLogger.getLogger[IO] implicit val client: Client[IO] = AsyncHttpClient.allocate[IO]().map(_._1).unsafeRunSync() """, fork in run := true, fork in Test := true, Compile / unmanagedResourceDirectories ++= (`sbt-plugin`.jvm / Compile / unmanagedSourceDirectories).value ) lazy val `sbt-plugin` = myCrossProject("sbt-plugin") .settings(noPublishSettings) .settings( scalaVersion := Scala212, sbtPlugin := true, Compile / compile / wartremoverErrors -= Wart.Equals ) lazy val `mill-plugin` = myCrossProject("mill-plugin") .settings( crossScalaVersions := Seq(Scala213, Scala212), libraryDependencies += Dependencies.millScalalib.value % Provided, scalacOptions -= "-Xfatal-warnings" ) /// settings def myCrossProject(name: String): CrossProject = CrossProject(name, file(name))(moduleCrossPlatformMatrix(name): _*) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .withoutSuffixFor(JVMPlatform) .in(file(s"modules/$name")) .settings( moduleName := s"$projectName-$name", moduleRootPkg := s"$rootPkg.${name.replace('-', '.')}" ) .settings(commonSettings) // workaround for .settings(Seq(Compile, Test).flatMap(inConfig(_) { unmanagedResourceDirectories ++= { unmanagedSourceDirectories.value .map(src => (src / ".." / "resources").getCanonicalFile) .filterNot(unmanagedResourceDirectories.value.contains) .distinct } })) ThisBuild / dynverSeparator := "-" lazy val commonSettings = Def.settings( compileSettings, metadataSettings, scaladocSettings ) lazy val compileSettings = Def.settings( scalaVersion := Scala213, doctestTestFramework := DoctestTestFramework.ScalaCheck, wartremoverErrors ++= Seq(Wart.TraversableOps), Compile / compile / wartremoverErrors ++= Seq(Wart.Equals) ) lazy val metadataSettings = Def.settings( name := projectName, organization := groupId, homepage := Some(url(s"$gitHubOwner/$projectName")), startYear := Some(2018), licenses := List("Apache-2.0" -> url("")), scmInfo := Some( ScmInfo(homepage.value.get, s"scm:git:$gitHubOwner/$projectName.git") ), headerLicense := Some(HeaderLicense.ALv2("2018-2020", "Scala Steward contributors")), developers := List( Developer( id = "fthomas", name = "Frank S. Thomas", email = "", url(s"") ) ) ) lazy val dockerSettings = Def.settings( dockerBaseImage := Option(System.getenv("DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE")).getOrElse("openjdk:8-jdk-alpine"), dockerCommands ++= { val getSbtVersion = sbtVersion.value val sbtTgz = s"sbt-$getSbtVersion.tgz" val sbtUrl = s"$getSbtVersion/$sbtTgz" val millVersion = Dependencies.millVersion.value val binDir = "/usr/local/bin/" Seq( Cmd("USER", "root"), Cmd("RUN", "apk --no-cache add bash git ca-certificates curl maven openssh"), Cmd("RUN", s"wget $sbtUrl && tar -xf $sbtTgz && rm -f $sbtTgz"), Cmd( "RUN", s"curl -L${millVersion.split("-").head}/$millVersion >${binDir}mill && chmod +x ${binDir}mill" ), Cmd( "RUN", s"curl -L > ${binDir}coursier && chmod +x ${binDir}coursier && coursier install scalafmt --install-dir ${binDir} && rm -rf ${binDir}coursier" ) ) }, Docker / packageName := s"fthomas/${name.value}", dockerUpdateLatest := true, dockerEnvVars := Map("PATH" -> "/opt/docker/sbt/bin:${PATH}") ) lazy val noPublishSettings = Def.settings( skip in publish := true ) lazy val scaladocSettings = Def.settings( Compile / doc / scalacOptions ++= { val tag = s"v${version.value}" val tree = if (isSnapshot.value) git.gitHeadCommit.value.getOrElse("master") else tag Seq( "-doc-source-url", s"${scmInfo.value.get.browseUrl}/blob/${tree}€{FILE_PATH}.scala", "-sourcepath", (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value.getAbsolutePath ) } ) /// setting keys lazy val installPlugin = taskKey[Unit]("Copies StewardPlugin.scala into global plugins directory.") installPlugin := { val name = "StewardPlugin.scala" val source = (`sbt-plugin`.jvm / Compile / sources).value.find( == name).get val target = file(System.getProperty("user.home")) / ".sbt" / "1.0" / "plugins" / name IO.copyFile(source, target) } lazy val moduleRootPkg = settingKey[String]("") moduleRootPkg := rootPkg // Run Scala Steward from sbt for development and testing. // Do not do this in production. lazy val runSteward = taskKey[Unit]("") runSteward := Def.taskDyn { val home = System.getenv("HOME") val projectDir = (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value val args = Seq( Seq("--workspace", s"$projectDir/workspace"), Seq("--repos-file", s"$projectDir/"), Seq("--default-repo-conf", s"$projectDir/default.scala-steward.conf"), Seq("--git-author-email", s"me@$"), Seq("--vcs-login", projectName), Seq("--git-ask-pass", s"$home/.github/askpass/$"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.cache/coursier"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.cache/JNA"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.cache/mill"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.ivy2"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.m2"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.mill"), Seq("--whitelist", s"$home/.sbt") ).flatten.mkString(" ", " ", "") (core.jvm / Compile / run).toTask(args) }.value /// commands def addCommandsAlias(name: String, cmds: Seq[String]) = addCommandAlias(name, cmds.mkString(";", ";", "")) addCommandsAlias( "validate", Seq( "clean", "headerCheck", "scalafmtCheck", "scalafmtSbtCheck", "test:scalafmtCheck", "unusedCompileDependenciesTest", "coverage", "test", "coverageReport", "doc", "package", "packageSrc", "core/assembly", "docker:publishLocal" ) ) addCommandsAlias( "fmt", Seq( "headerCreate", "scalafmt", "test:scalafmt", "scalafmtSbt" ) )