Creates API server to dispatch mvs simulation tasks to a queue of workers. The API typically recieves a post request with a json input file, sends this file to a parser which initiate a long simulation (like oemof). Once the simulation is done a json response is sent back. The json results can also be retrieved with the task id.
Run sudo docker-compose up -d --build
to run the task queue and the webapp simultaneously.
Now the webapp is available at
sudo docker-compose logs web
to get the logs messages of the web
service of the docker-compose.yml file
Run sudo docker-compose down
to shut the services down.
Using redis
Ubuntu install instructions
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
Then go in redis conf file
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
and look for supervised
parameter, set it to systemd
supervised systemd
Then start the service with
sudo systemctl restart redis.service
sudo service redis-server start
(to stop it use sudo service redis-server stop
Move to task_queue
and run .
to start the celery queue with redis a message
Using RabbitMQ
Using fastapi
In another terminal go the the root of the repo and run .
Now the fastapi app is available at
To build the docs simply go to the docs
cd docs
Install the requirements
pip install -r docs_requirements.txt
and run
make html
The output will then be located in docs/_build/html
and can be opened with your favorite browser
Use black .
to lint the python files inside the repo