import pygame import random import csv import math from collections import Counter import time class SolveTSP: def __init__(self): self.visuals = True self.mutation_rate = 0.01 pop_size = 1000 with open('oliver30.csv', newline='') as csvfile: data = list(csv.reader(csvfile)) for row in data: row[1] = float(row[1]) row[0] = float(row[0]) self.cities = [tuple(x) for x in data] print(self.cities) self.popln = [None] * pop_size l_population = len(self.popln) i = 0 while i < l_population: random.shuffle(self.cities) self.popln[i] = self.cities[:] i+=1 = [0] * pop_size self.present_best = {"length": float('inf'),"path": self.popln[0]} self.countofgen = 0 def start(self): self.stamp = time.time() if self.visuals: pygame.init() pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 32) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((801, 851)) size = (450, 850) self.surface = pygame.Surface(size) self.main_loop() else: while True: self.countofgen = 1 + self.countofgen self.calc_fit() self.generate_new_popln() def main_loop(self): rbg_max = 255 current_generation_text = self.font.render("Initialising", False, (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max)) alltime_best_text = self.font.render("Initialising", False, (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max)) min_fn = (0, 0, 0) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() self.surface.fill(min_fn) self.screen.fill(min_fn) self.draw_cities() self.countofgen += 1 self.calc_fit() self.generate_new_popln() max_idx = current_gen_best = self.popln[max_idx] self.draw_path(current_gen_best, (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max), 1, 0) self.draw_path(self.present_best["path"], (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max), 1, 1) current_generation_text = self.font.render("Generation {0} best".format(self.countofgen), False, (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max)) alltime_best_text = self.font.render("Current best: {0}".format(math.floor(self.present_best["length"])), False, (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max)) self.screen.blit(self.surface, (101, 101)) self.screen.blit(current_generation_text, (451, 101)) self.screen.blit(alltime_best_text, (451, 501)) pygame.display.update() def generate_new_popln(self): length_popln = len(self.popln) new_pop = [None] * length_popln i = 0 while i < length_popln: parentA, parentB = None, None iter_limit = 0 while parentA == parentB: parentB = self.select_GA() parentA = self.select_GA() iter_limit += 1 if iter_limit > 50000: break new_pop[i] = self.crossover(parentB, parentA) new_pop[i] = self.mutate(new_pop[i]) i+=1 self.popln = new_pop def select_GA(self): max_fit = max( l_population = len(self.popln)-1 idx = random.randint(0, l_population) while[idx] < random.uniform(0, max_fit): idx = random.randint(0, l_population) return self.popln[idx] def crossover(self, pB, pA): rand = random.randint(0, len(pA) - 1) offspring = pA[:rand] intersect = Counter(offspring) & Counter(pB) pB = (Counter(pB) - intersect).elements() pB = list(pB) offspring = offspring + pB[:] return offspring def mutate(self, p): l_p = len(p) i=0 while i < l_p: if random.random() < self.mutation_rate: l_cities = len(self.cities) - 1 idx = random.randint(0, l_cities) p[i], p[idx] = p[idx], p[i] i+=1 return p def calc_dist(self, p): total = 0 length_p = len(p) - 1 i = 0 while i < length_p: x = (p[i + 1][0] - p[i][0]) ** 2 y = (p[i + 1][1] - p[i][1]) ** 2 total += pow(x + y, 1 / 2) i += 1 x = (p[-1][0] - p[0][0]) ** 2 y = (p[-1][1] - p[0][1]) ** 2 total = total + math.sqrt(x + y) return total def calc_fit(self): total_fit = 0 length_ga = len( i = 0 while i < length_ga:[i] = self.calc_dist(self.popln[i]) time_var = time.time() - self.stamp if ([i] < self.present_best["length"]): print("New best path is found: {0} after {1} generations and {2:5.2f} seconds.".format([i], self.countofgen, time_var)) self.present_best["path"] = self.popln[i] self.present_best["length"] =[i][i] = 1 /[i] total_fit = total_fit +[i] i+=1 def draw_cities(self): length_cities = len(self.cities) i = 0 rbg_max=255 while i < length_cities:, (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max), (self.cities[i][0], self.cities[i][1]), 3), (rbg_max, rbg_max, rbg_max), (self.cities[i][0], self.cities[i][1] + 400), 3) i+=1 def draw_path(self, p, colour, width, y_multi): offset = 400 * y_multi len_p = len(p) - 1 i = 0 while i < len_p: pygame.draw.line(self.surface, colour, (p[i][0], p[i][1] + offset), (p[i + 1][0], p[i + 1][1] + offset), width) i+=1 pygame.draw.line(self.surface, colour, (p[-1][0], p[-1][1] + offset), (p[0][0], p[0][1] + offset), width) tsp = SolveTSP() tsp.start()