# Generated by Cargo # will have compiled files and executables debug/ target/ ci/ CLI_TARGET/ # These are backup files generated by rustfmt **/*.rs.bk # MSVC Windows builds of rustc generate these, which store debugging information *.pdb *.egg-info build dist target */.vscode/* *.DS_Store tmp_venv/* .vscode/settings.json /data /logs /target /.vscode # Git hooks /.husky /.idea # Python artifacts. scripts/__pycache__ # Papyrus p2p sync test artifacts. scripts/papyrus/p2p_sync_e2e_test/data_client/ scripts/papyrus/p2p_sync_e2e_test/data_server/ # Papyrus helm chart deployments/papyrus/helm/config/* !deployments/papyrus/helm/config/example.json