Proof-generated, BDD-based SAT solver
The program(s) here implement a SAT solver based on BDDs. The key feature is that, for unsatisfiable formulas, they also generate proofs of unsatisfiable in Extended Resolution.
Some inspirations for this work include:
C. Sinz and A. Biere, "Extended resolution proofs for conjoining BDDs," CSR, 2006.
T. Jussila, C. Sinz and A. Biere, "Extended resolution proofs for symbolic SAT solving with quantification," SAT, 2006
J. Franco, M. Kouril, J. Schlipf, J. Ward, S. Weaver, M. Dransfeld, and W. Fleet "SBSAT: a state-based, BDD-based satisfiability solver," SAT 2003
That is, the overall program operation is similar to that of SBSAT, but it generates proofs using generalizations of the ideas found in EBDDRES (Jussila, Sinz, Biere).
benchmarks: Contains benchmarks used for evaluting solver
booleforce-1.3: Downloaded from JKU Linz. Make use of its proof checker tracecheck
explore: Code for generating different graph types.
lrat: LRAT proof checker
pcaas: LRAT proof checker modified to support "Proof checking as a service"
protoA: Initial implementation of solver. Uses general-purpose resolution engine
prototype: Refined implementation of solver. Uses resolution engine tailored to needs of solver