from datetime import datetime import uuid import logging import configuration import os.path import couchdb import getpass from typing import Any import collections from Operators import jsonify import os import psutil ''' GDB part ''' from py2neo import Graph graph = Graph(password = 'password') #graph.delete_all() ''' modelling part ''' failure = False # to disable all logging #logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) # to re-enable all logging logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) # logger for the current script logger_name = 'Model_Logger' # log file for the whole experiment log_file = 'workflow.log' # create the loggers that you want to use in this file # params : logger_name, output_file info = configuration.logger_info(logger_name, log_file) info_start = configuration.logger_info_start(logger_name, log_file) info_end = configuration.logger_info_end(logger_name, log_file) deb = configuration.logger_debug(logger_name, log_file) warn = configuration.logger_warn(logger_name, log_file) err = configuration.logger_error(logger_name, log_file) fatalerr = configuration.logger_fatal(logger_name, log_file) def elasticuser(id, name, time): #print 'curl XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "name": "' + str(name) + '"}\' ' os.system('curl --silent --output XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "name": "' + str(name) + '"}\' ') class User: def __init__(self): = uuid.uuid4() = getpass.getuser() msg = {"event": "USR-INVK", "id": str(, "name": str(, 'time': str( datetime.utcnow() )} deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) elasticuser(msg['id'], msg['name'], msg['time']) USER = User() class Data: def __init__(self): = None self.ref = None self.user = None def elasticobject(id, type, value, user, memory, cpu, time, error): #print 'curl XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "type": "' + str(type) + '", "value": "' + str(value) + '", "user": "' + str(user) + '", "memory": ' + str(memory) + ', "cpu": ' + str(cpu) + ', "error": "' + str(error) + '" }\' ' os.system('curl --silent --output XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "type": "' + str(type) + '", "value": "' + str(value) + '", "user": "' + str(user) + '", "memory": ' + str(memory) + ', "cpu": ' + str(cpu) + ', "error": "' + str(error) + '" }\' ') class Object(Data): def __init__(self, reference): # type: (Any) -> None = uuid.uuid4() self.user = if failure is True: # precondition management pass else: # if all preconditions passed try: self.ref = reference msg = { 'event': 'OB-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'type': str(type(reference)), 'value': str(reference), 'user': str(, 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'object', 'error': 'success' } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) elasticobject(msg['id'], msg['type'], msg['value'], msg['user'], msg['memory'], msg['cpu'], msg['time'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' props = ['VALUE:\"' + msg['value'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'type:\"' + msg['type'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"null\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'memory:\"' + str(msg['memory']) + '\"', 'cpu:\"' + str(msg['cpu']) + '\"', 'label:\"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) #print propsQuery query = 'create (n:Object{' + propsQuery + '})' except Exception as e: # if any further error occurs somehow #pid = os.getpid() #py = psutil.Process(pid) #memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2. ** 30 msg = { 'event': 'OB-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'type': str(type(reference)), 'value': str(reference), 'user': str(, 'error': 'OCE', 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'object' } err.error(jsonify(msg)) elasticobject(msg['id'], msg['type'], msg['value'], msg['user'], msg['memory'], msg['cpu'], msg['time'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' props = ['VALUE:\"' + msg['value'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'type:\"' + msg['type'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"' + msg['error'] + '\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'memory:\"' + str(msg['memory']) + '\"', 'cpu:\"' + str(msg['cpu']) + '\"', 'label:\"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) #print propsQuery query = 'create (n:Object{' + propsQuery + '})' def elasticfile(id, user, source, memory, cpu, time, error): #print 'curl XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "user": "' + str(user) + '", "source": "' + str(source) + '", "memory": ' + str(memory) + ', "cpu": ' + str(cpu) + ', "error": "' + str(error) + '" }\' ' os.system('curl --silent --output XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "user": "' + str(user) + '", "source": "' + str(source) + '", "memory": ' + str(memory) + ', "cpu": ' + str(cpu) + ', "error": "' + str(error) + '" }\' ') class File(Data): def __init__(self, f): # type: (file) -> None = uuid.uuid4() self.user = if failure is True: # precondition management pass elif not isinstance(f, file): # if file not found msg = { 'event': 'FIL-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'user': str(, 'error': 'FCE', 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'file' } err.error(jsonify(msg)) elasticfile(msg['id'], msg['user'], 'InvalidFile', msg['memory'], msg['cpu'], msg['time'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part this part is never executed props = ['SOURCE:\"' + msg['source'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'type:\"' + msg['type'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"' + msg['error'] + '\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'memory:\"' + str(msg['memory']) + '\"', 'cpu:\"' + str(msg['cpu']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) # print propsQuery query = 'create (n:File{' + propsQuery + '})' ''' else: # if all exceptions passed try: self.ref = f msg = { 'event': 'FIL-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'type': str(type(f)), 'source': str(, 'user': str(, 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'file', 'error': 'success' } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) elasticfile(msg['id'], msg['user'], msg['source'] ,msg['memory'], msg['cpu'], msg['time'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' props = ['SOURCE:\"' + msg['source'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'type:\"' + msg['type'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"null\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'memory:\"' + str(msg['memory']) + '\"', 'cpu:\"' + str(msg['cpu']) + '\"', 'label:\"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) #print propsQuery query = 'create (n:File{' + propsQuery + '})' except Exception as e: # if any further exception occurs msg = { 'event': 'FIL-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'type': str(type(f)), 'source': str(, 'user': str(, 'error': 'OE', 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'file' } err.error(jsonify(msg)) elasticfile(msg['id'], msg['user'], msg['source'], msg['memory'], msg['cpu'], msg['time'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' props = ['SOURCE:\"' + msg['source'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'type:\"' + msg['type'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"' + msg['error'] + '\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'cpu:\"' + str(msg['cpu']) + '\"', 'memory:\"' + str(msg['memory']) + '\"', 'label:\"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) # print propsQuery query = 'create (n:File{' + propsQuery + '})' class Document(Data): def __init__(self, document): # type: (couchdb.Document) -> None = uuid.uuid4() self.user = if failure is True: # precondition management pass elif not isinstance(document, couchdb.Document): msg = { 'event': 'DOC-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'user': str(, 'error': 'error', 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'document' } err.error(jsonify(msg)) else: # if all exceptions passed try: self.ref = document msg = { 'event': 'DOC-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'type': str(type(document)), 'address': str(document), 'user': str(, 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'document' } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) except Exception as e: # if any further exception occurs msg = { 'event': 'DOC-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'type': str(type(document)), 'address': str(document), 'user': str(, 'error': 'error', 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'document' } err.error(jsonify(msg)) def elasticmodule(id, time, name, user, memory_run, memory_init, cpu_run, cpu_init, duration_run, duration_init, error): #print 'curl XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "name": "' + str(name) + '", "user": "' + str(user) + '", "memory_run": ' + str(memory_run) + ', "memory_init": ' + str(memory_init) + ', "cpu_run": ' + str(cpu_run) + ', "cpu_init": ' + str(cpu_init) + ', "duration_run": "' + str(duration_run) + '", "duration_init": "' + str(duration_init) + '", "error": "' + str(error) + '" }\' ' os.system('curl --silent --output XPUT' + str(id) + ' -d\' {"time": "' + str(time) + '", "name": "' + str(name) + '", "user": "' + str(user) + '", "memory_run": ' + str(memory_run) + ', "memory_init": ' + str(memory_init) + ', "cpu_run": ' + str(cpu_run) + ', "cpu_init": ' + str(cpu_init) + ', "duration_run": "' + str(duration_run) + '", "duration_init": "' + str(duration_init) + '", "error": "' + str(error) + '" }\' ') class Module: def logStart(self): msg = { 'event': 'MOD-STRT', 'id': str(, 'user': str( } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) def logEnd(self): msg = { 'event': 'MOD-END', 'id': str(, 'user': str( } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) def body(self): """ :param interfaceParam: :return: """ def __init__(self, *args): start_time = datetime.utcnow() = uuid.uuid4() self.user = self.P = args try: param_ids = [] for i in args: if isinstance(i, Object) or isinstance(i, File) or isinstance(i, Document): param_ids.append(str( else: param_ids.append(str(i)) msg = { 'p@': param_ids, 'event': 'MOD-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'name': str(self.__class__.__name__), 'user': str(, 'memory_init': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu_init': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'duration_init': str(datetime.utcnow()-start_time), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'cpu_run': 0, 'memory_run': 0, 'duration_run': "00:00:00.000000", 'label': 'module', 'error': 'success' } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) elasticmodule(msg['id'], msg['time'], msg['name'], msg['user'], msg['memory_run'], msg['memory_init'], msg['cpu_run'], msg['cpu_init'], msg['duration_run'], msg['duration_init'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' props = ['NAME:\"' + msg['name'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"null\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'memory_init:\"' + str(msg['memory_init']) + '\"', 'cpu_init:\"' + str(msg['cpu_init']) + '\"', 'duration_init:\"' + str(msg['duration_init']) + '\"', 'duration_run:\"' + str(msg['duration_run']) + '\"', 'memory_run:\"' + str(msg['memory_run']) + '\"', 'cpu_run:\"' + str(msg['cpu_run']) + '\"', 'label:\"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) #print propsQuery query = 'create (n:Module{' + propsQuery + '})' ''' relationships ''' for uninqid in param_ids: # match (n:Object{id:uniqid}), (m:Module{id:id}) # create (n)-[:IN]-> (m) query = ' match (n),(m) where = \"' + uninqid + '\" and = \"' + msg['id'] + '\" create (n)-[:IN]-> (m)' #print query except Exception as e: param_ids = [] for i in args: if isinstance(i, Object) or isinstance(i, File) or isinstance(i, Document): param_ids.append(str( else: param_ids.append(str(i)) msg = { 'p@': param_ids, 'event': 'MOD-CRTN', 'id': str(, 'name': str(self.__class__.__name__), 'user': str(, 'error': 'MIE', 'memory_init': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu_init': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'duration_init': str(datetime.utcnow()-start_time), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'cpu_run': 0, 'memory_run': 0, 'duration_run': "00:00:00.000000", 'label': 'module' } #print msg err.error(jsonify(msg)) elasticmodule(msg['id'], msg['time'], msg['name'], msg['user'], msg['memory_run'], msg['memory_init'], msg['cpu_run'], msg['cpu_init'], msg['duration_run'], msg['duration_init'], msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' props = ['NAME:\"' + msg['name'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"' + msg['error'] + '\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"', 'memory_init:\"' + str(msg['memory_init']) + '\"', 'cpu_init:\"' + str(msg['cpu_init']) + '\"', 'duration_init:\"' + str(msg['duration_init']) + '\"', 'cpu_run:\"' + str(msg['cpu_run']) + '\"', 'memory_run:\"' + str(msg['memory_run']) + '\"', 'duration_run:\"' + str(msg['duration_run']) + '\"', 'label:\"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"'] propsQuery = ','.join(props) #print propsQuery query = 'create (n:Module{' + propsQuery + '})' def run(self, when = True, false_return = None): start_time = datetime.utcnow() if when is True: try: self.logStart() self.outgoing = self.body() ret_ids = [] if isinstance(self.outgoing, collections.Iterable): for i in self.outgoing: if isinstance(i, Object) or isinstance(i, File) or isinstance(i, Document): ret_ids.append(str( else: if isinstance(self.outgoing, Object) or isinstance(self.outgoing, File) or isinstance(self.outgoing, Document): ret_ids.append(str( msg = { 'o@': ret_ids, 'event': 'BODY-TRU', 'id': str(, 'name': str(self.__class__.__name__), 'user': str(, 'duration_run': str(datetime.utcnow()-start_time), 'memory_run': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu_run': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time_run': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'error': 'success' } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) elasticmodule(msg['id'], msg['time_run'], msg['name'], msg['user'], msg['memory_run'], 0, msg['cpu_run'], 0, msg['duration_run'], "00:00:00.000000", msg['error']) ''' relationships ''' for uninqid in ret_ids: # match (n:Object{id:uniqid}), (m:Module{id:id}) # create (m)-[:OUT]-> (n) query = ' match (n),(m) where = \"' + uninqid + '\" and = \"' + msg['id'] + '\" create (m)-[:OUT]-> (n) ' + 'set m.duration_run = \"' + str(msg['duration_run']) + '\"' + ', m.cpu_run = \"' + str(msg['cpu_run']) + '\"' + ', m.memory_run = \"' + str(msg['memory_run']) + '\"' + ', m.time_run = \"' + str(msg['time_run']) + '\"' #print query self.logEnd() return self.outgoing except Exception as e: msg = { 'event': 'MOD-RUN', 'id': str(, 'name': str(self.__class__.__name__), 'user': str(, 'error': 'MRE', 'duration_run': str(datetime.utcnow() - start_time), 'memory_run': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu_run': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time_run': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'label': 'module' } err.error(jsonify(msg)) elasticmodule(msg['id'], msg['time_run'], msg['name'], msg['user'], msg['memory_run'], 0, msg['cpu_run'], 0, msg['duration_run'], "00:00:00.000000", msg['error']) ''' GDB part ''' #props = ['NAME:\"' + msg['name'] + '\"', 'id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"', # 'user:\"' + msg['user'] + '\"', 'error:\"' + msg['error'] + '\"', 'time:\"' + str(msg['time']) + '\"'] #propsQuery = ','.join(props) # print propsQuery query = 'match (n:Module{id:\"' + msg['id'] + '\"}) set n.error = \"' + str(msg['error']) + '\"' + ', n.duration_run = \"' + str(msg['duration_run']) + '\"' + ', n.cpu_run = \"' + str(msg['cpu_run']) + '\"' + ', n.memory_run = \"' + str(msg['memory_run']) + '\"' + ', n.time_run = \"' + str(msg['time_run']) + '\"' + ', n.label = \"' + str(msg['label']) + '\"' #print query else: '''not using this part for implementation''' ret_ids = [] for i in false_return: ret_ids.append(str(i)) msg = { 'o@': ret_ids, 'event': 'BODY-FLS', 'id': str(, 'name': str(self.__class__.__name__), 'user': str(, 'duration': str(datetime.utcnow() - start_time), 'memory': (psutil.virtual_memory()[2])*(.000001), 'cpu': (psutil.cpu_percent()), 'time': str(datetime.utcnow()), 'error': 'success' } deb.debug(jsonify(msg)) return false_return