# Makefile for building Containers for Storage Testing
# Reference Guide - https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html
# Internal variables or constants.
# NOTE - These will be executed when any make target is invoked.
IS_DOCKER_INSTALLED := $(shell which docker >> /dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?)
@echo ""
@echo "Usage:-"
@echo "\tmake build -- will build openebs components"
@echo "\tmake deps -- will verify build dependencies are installed"
@echo ""
@if [ $(IS_DOCKER_INSTALLED) -eq 1 ]; \
then echo "" \
&& echo "ERROR:\tdocker is not installed. Please install it before build." \
&& echo "" \
&& exit 1; \
deps: _build_check_docker
@echo ""
@echo "INFO:\tverifying dependencies for OpenEBS ..."
@echo "INFO: Building container image for OpenEBS K8s Operator"
cd k8s/lib/operator && docker build -t openebs/operator .
@echo "INFO: Publish container (openebs/operator)"
cd k8s/lib/operator/buildscripts && ./push
build: deps _build_operator_image _push_operator_image
# This is done to avoid conflict with a file of same name as the targets
# mentioned in this makefile.
.PHONY: help deps build
.DEFAULT_GOAL := build