#!/usr/bin/env bash set +e declare builtin_sbt_version="1.5.4" declare -a residual_args declare -a java_args declare -a scalac_args declare -a sbt_commands declare -a sbt_options declare -a print_version declare -a print_sbt_version declare -a print_sbt_script_version declare -a original_args declare java_cmd=java declare java_version declare init_sbt_version=_to_be_replaced declare sbt_default_mem=1024 declare -r default_sbt_opts="" declare -r default_java_opts="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" declare sbt_verbose= declare sbt_debug= declare build_props_sbt_version= declare use_sbtn= declare sbtn_command="$SBTN_CMD" declare sbtn_version="1.4.7" ### ------------------------------- ### ### Helper methods for BASH scripts ### ### ------------------------------- ### # Bash reimplementation of realpath to return the absolute path realpathish () { ( TARGET_FILE="$1" FIX_CYGPATH="$2" cd "$(dirname "$TARGET_FILE")" TARGET_FILE=$(basename "$TARGET_FILE") COUNT=0 while [ -L "$TARGET_FILE" -a $COUNT -lt 100 ] do TARGET_FILE=$(readlink "$TARGET_FILE") cd "$(dirname "$TARGET_FILE")" TARGET_FILE=$(basename "$TARGET_FILE") COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1)) done # make sure we grab the actual windows path, instead of cygwin's path. if [[ "x$FIX_CYGPATH" != "x" ]]; then echo "$(cygwinpath "$(pwd -P)/$TARGET_FILE")" else echo "$(pwd -P)/$TARGET_FILE" fi ) } # Uses uname to detect if we're in the odd cygwin environment. is_cygwin() { local os=$(uname -s) case "$os" in CYGWIN*) return 0 ;; MINGW*) return 0 ;; MSYS*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # TODO - Use nicer bash-isms here. CYGWIN_FLAG=$(if is_cygwin; then echo true; else echo false; fi) # This can fix cygwin style /cygdrive paths so we get the # windows style paths. cygwinpath() { local file="$1" if [[ "$CYGWIN_FLAG" == "true" ]]; then #" echo $(cygpath -w $file) else echo $file fi } declare -r sbt_bin_dir="$(dirname "$(realpathish "$0")")" declare -r sbt_home="$(dirname "$sbt_bin_dir")" echoerr () { echo 1>&2 "$@" } vlog () { [[ $sbt_verbose || $sbt_debug ]] && echoerr "$@" } dlog () { [[ $sbt_debug ]] && echoerr "$@" } jar_file () { echo "$(cygwinpath "${sbt_home}/bin/sbt-launch.jar")" } jar_url () { local repo_base="$SBT_LAUNCH_REPO" if [[ $repo_base == "" ]]; then repo_base="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2" fi echo "$repo_base/org/scala-sbt/sbt-launch/$1/sbt-launch-$1.jar" } download_url () { local url="$1" local jar="$2" mkdir -p $(dirname "$jar") && { if command -v curl > /dev/null; then curl --silent -L "$url" --output "$jar" elif command -v wget > /dev/null; then wget --quiet -O "$jar" "$url" fi } && [[ -f "$jar" ]] } acquire_sbt_jar () { local launcher_sv="$1" if [[ "$launcher_sv" == "" ]]; then if [[ "$init_sbt_version" != "_to_be_replaced" ]]; then launcher_sv="$init_sbt_version" else launcher_sv="$builtin_sbt_version" fi fi local user_home && user_home=$(findProperty user.home) download_jar="${user_home:-$HOME}/.cache/sbt/boot/sbt-launch/$launcher_sv/sbt-launch-$launcher_sv.jar" if [[ -f "$download_jar" ]]; then sbt_jar="$download_jar" else sbt_url=$(jar_url "$launcher_sv") echoerr "downloading sbt launcher $launcher_sv" download_url "$sbt_url" "${download_jar}.temp" download_url "${sbt_url}.sha1" "${download_jar}.sha1" if command -v shasum > /dev/null; then if echo "$(cat "${download_jar}.sha1") ${download_jar}.temp" | shasum -c - > /dev/null; then mv "${download_jar}.temp" "${download_jar}" else echoerr "failed to download launcher jar: $sbt_url (shasum mismatch)" exit 2 fi else mv "${download_jar}.temp" "${download_jar}" fi if [[ -f "$download_jar" ]]; then sbt_jar="$download_jar" else echoerr "failed to download launcher jar: $sbt_url" exit 2 fi fi } acquire_sbtn () { local sbtn_v="$1" local user_home && user_home=$(findProperty user.home) local p="${user_home:-$HOME}/.cache/sbt/boot/sbtn/$sbtn_v" local target="$p/sbtn" local archive_target= local url= if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then archive_target="$p/sbtn-x86_64-pc-linux-${sbtn_v}.tar.gz" url="https://github.com/sbt/sbtn-dist/releases/download/v${sbtn_v}/sbtn-x86_64-pc-linux-${sbtn_v}.tar.gz" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then archive_target="$p/sbtn-x86_64-apple-darwin-${sbtn_v}.tar.gz" url="https://github.com/sbt/sbtn-dist/releases/download/v${sbtn_v}/sbtn-x86_64-apple-darwin-${sbtn_v}.tar.gz" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "win32" ]]; then target="$p/sbtn.exe" archive_target="$p/sbtn-x86_64-pc-win32-${sbtn_v}.zip" url="https://github.com/sbt/sbtn-dist/releases/download/v${sbtn_v}/sbtn-x86_64-pc-win32-${sbtn_v}.zip" else echoerr "sbtn is not supported on $OSTYPE" exit 2 fi if [[ -f "$target" ]]; then sbtn_command="$target" else echoerr "downloading sbtn ${sbtn_v}" download_url "$url" "$archive_target" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then tar zxf "$archive_target" --directory "$p" else unzip "$archive_target" -d "$p" fi sbtn_command="$target" fi } # execRunner should be called only once to give up control to java execRunner () { # print the arguments one to a line, quoting any containing spaces [[ $sbt_verbose || $sbt_debug ]] && echo "# Executing command line:" && { for arg; do if printf "%s\n" "$arg" | grep -q ' '; then printf "\"%s\"\n" "$arg" else printf "%s\n" "$arg" fi done echo "" } if [[ "$CYGWIN_FLAG" == "true" ]]; then # In cygwin we loose the ability to re-hook stty if exec is used # https://github.com/sbt/sbt-launcher-package/issues/53 "$@" else exec "$@" fi } addJava () { dlog "[addJava] arg = '$1'" java_args=( "${java_args[@]}" "$1" ) } addSbt () { dlog "[addSbt] arg = '$1'" sbt_commands=( "${sbt_commands[@]}" "$1" ) } addResidual () { dlog "[residual] arg = '$1'" residual_args=( "${residual_args[@]}" "$1" ) } addDebugger () { addJava "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=$1" } addMemory () { dlog "[addMemory] arg = '$1'" # evict memory related options local xs=("${java_args[@]}") java_args=() for i in "${xs[@]}"; do if ! [[ "${i}" == *-Xmx* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-Xms* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-Xss* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-XX:MaxPermSize* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize* ]]; then java_args+=("${i}") fi done local ys=("${sbt_options[@]}") sbt_options=() for i in "${ys[@]}"; do if ! [[ "${i}" == *-Xmx* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-Xms* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-Xss* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-XX:MaxPermSize* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize* ]] && ! [[ "${i}" == *-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize* ]]; then sbt_options+=("${i}") fi done # a ham-fisted attempt to move some memory settings in concert local mem=$1 local codecache=$(( $mem / 8 )) (( $codecache > 128 )) || codecache=128 (( $codecache < 512 )) || codecache=512 local class_metadata_size=$(( $codecache * 2 )) if [[ -z $java_version ]]; then java_version=$(jdk_version) fi addJava "-Xms${mem}m" addJava "-Xmx${mem}m" addJava "-Xss4M" addJava "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=${codecache}m" (( $java_version >= 8 )) || addJava "-XX:MaxPermSize=${class_metadata_size}m" } addDefaultMemory() { # if we detect any of these settings in ${JAVA_OPTS} or ${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS} we need to NOT output our settings. # The reason is the Xms/Xmx, if they don't line up, cause errors. if [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-Xmx* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-Xms* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-Xss* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-XX:MaxRAM* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-XX:InitialRAMPercentage* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-XX:MaxRAMPercentage* ]] || \ [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-XX:MinRAMPercentage* ]]; then : elif [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-Xmx* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-Xms* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-Xss* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-XX:MaxRAM* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-XX:InitialRAMPercentage* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-XX:MaxRAMPercentage* ]] || \ [[ "${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS}" == *-XX:MinRAMPercentage* ]] ; then : elif [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-Xmx* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-Xms* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-Xss* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-XX:MaxRAM* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-XX:InitialRAMPercentage* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-XX:MaxRAMPercentage* ]] || \ [[ "${sbt_options[@]}" == *-XX:MinRAMPercentage* ]] ; then : else addMemory $sbt_default_mem fi } addSbtScriptProperty () { if [[ "${java_args[@]}" == *-Dsbt.script=* ]]; then : else sbt_script=$0 sbt_script=${sbt_script/ /%20} addJava "-Dsbt.script=$sbt_script" fi } require_arg () { local type="$1" local opt="$2" local arg="$3" if [[ -z "$arg" ]] || [[ "${arg:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then echo "$opt requires <$type> argument" exit 1 fi } is_function_defined() { declare -f "$1" > /dev/null } # parses JDK version from the -version output line. # 8 for 1.8.0_nn, 9 for 9-ea etc, and "no_java" for undetected jdk_version() { local result local lines=$("$java_cmd" -Xms32M -Xmx32M -version 2>&1 | tr '\r' '\n') local IFS=$'\n' for line in $lines; do if [[ (-z $result) && ($line = *"version \""*) ]] then local ver=$(echo $line | sed -e 's/.*version "\(.*\)"\(.*\)/\1/; 1q') # on macOS sed doesn't support '?' if [[ $ver = "1."* ]] then result=$(echo $ver | sed -e 's/1\.\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\1/; 1q') else result=$(echo $ver | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\1/; 1q') fi fi done if [[ -z $result ]] then result=no_java fi echo "$result" } # Find the first occurrence of the given property name and returns its value by looking at: # - properties set by command-line options, # - JAVA_OPTS environment variable, # - SBT_OPTS environment variable, # - _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable and # - JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable # in that order. findProperty() { local -a java_opts_array local -a sbt_opts_array local -a _java_options_array local -a java_tool_options_array read -a java_opts_array <<< "$JAVA_OPTS" read -a sbt_opts_array <<< "$SBT_OPTS" read -a _java_options_array <<< "$_JAVA_OPTIONS" read -a java_tool_options_array <<< "$JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" local args_to_check=( "${java_args[@]}" "${java_opts_array[@]}" "${sbt_opts_array[@]}" "${_java_options_array[@]}" "${java_tool_options_array[@]}") for opt in "${args_to_check[@]}"; do if [[ "$opt" == -D$1=* ]]; then echo "${opt#-D$1=}" return fi done } # Extracts the preloaded directory from either -Dsbt.preloaded, -Dsbt.global.base or -Duser.home # in that order. getPreloaded() { local preloaded && preloaded=$(findProperty sbt.preloaded) [ "$preloaded" ] && echo "$preloaded" && return local global_base && global_base=$(findProperty sbt.global.base) [ "$global_base" ] && echo "$global_base/preloaded" && return local user_home && user_home=$(findProperty user.home) echo "${user_home:-$HOME}/.sbt/preloaded" } syncPreloaded() { local source_preloaded="$sbt_home/lib/local-preloaded/" local target_preloaded="$(getPreloaded)" if [[ "$init_sbt_version" == "" ]]; then # FIXME: better $init_sbt_version detection init_sbt_version="$(ls -1 "$source_preloaded/org/scala-sbt/sbt/")" fi [[ -f "$target_preloaded/org/scala-sbt/sbt/$init_sbt_version/" ]] || { # lib/local-preloaded exists (This is optional) [[ -d "$source_preloaded" ]] && { command -v rsync >/dev/null 2>&1 && { mkdir -p "$target_preloaded" rsync --recursive --links --perms --times --ignore-existing "$source_preloaded" "$target_preloaded" || true } } } } # Detect that we have java installed. checkJava() { local required_version="$1" # Now check to see if it's a good enough version local good_enough="$(expr $java_version ">=" $required_version)" if [[ "$java_version" == "" ]]; then echo echo "No Java Development Kit (JDK) installation was detected." echo Please go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/ and download. echo exit 1 elif [[ "$good_enough" != "1" ]]; then echo echo "The Java Development Kit (JDK) installation you have is not up to date." echo $script_name requires at least version $required_version+, you have echo version $java_version echo echo Please go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/ and download echo a valid JDK and install before running $script_name. echo exit 1 fi } copyRt() { local at_least_9="$(expr $java_version ">=" 9)" if [[ "$at_least_9" == "1" ]]; then # The grep for java9-rt-ext- matches the filename prefix printed in Export.java java9_ext=$("$java_cmd" "${sbt_options[@]}" "${java_args[@]}" \ -jar "$sbt_jar" --rt-ext-dir | grep java9-rt-ext- | tr -d '\r') java9_rt=$(echo "$java9_ext/rt.jar") vlog "[copyRt] java9_rt = '$java9_rt'" if [[ ! -f "$java9_rt" ]]; then echo copying runtime jar... mkdir -p "$java9_ext" "$java_cmd" \ "${sbt_options[@]}" \ "${java_args[@]}" \ -jar "$sbt_jar" \ --export-rt \ "${java9_rt}" fi addJava "-Dscala.ext.dirs=${java9_ext}" fi } run() { # Copy preloaded repo to user's preloaded directory syncPreloaded # no jar? download it. [[ -f "$sbt_jar" ]] || acquire_sbt_jar "$sbt_version" || { exit 1 } # TODO - java check should be configurable... checkJava "6" # Java 9 support copyRt # If we're in cygwin, we should use the windows config, and terminal hacks if [[ "$CYGWIN_FLAG" == "true" ]]; then #" stty -icanon min 1 -echo > /dev/null 2>&1 addJava "-Djline.terminal=jline.UnixTerminal" addJava "-Dsbt.cygwin=true" fi if [[ $print_sbt_version ]]; then execRunner "$java_cmd" -jar "$sbt_jar" "sbtVersion" | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\[info\]//g' elif [[ $print_sbt_script_version ]]; then echo "$init_sbt_version" elif [[ $print_version ]]; then execRunner "$java_cmd" -jar "$sbt_jar" "sbtVersion" | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\[info\]/sbt version in this project:/g' echo "sbt script version: $init_sbt_version" else # run sbt execRunner "$java_cmd" \ "${java_args[@]}" \ "${sbt_options[@]}" \ -jar "$sbt_jar" \ "${sbt_commands[@]}" \ "${residual_args[@]}" fi exit_code=$? # Clean up the terminal from cygwin hacks. if [[ "$CYGWIN_FLAG" == "true" ]]; then #" stty icanon echo > /dev/null 2>&1 fi exit $exit_code } declare -ra noshare_opts=(-Dsbt.global.base=project/.sbtboot -Dsbt.boot.directory=project/.boot -Dsbt.ivy.home=project/.ivy) declare -r sbt_opts_file=".sbtopts" declare -r build_props_file="$(pwd)/project/build.properties" declare -r etc_sbt_opts_file="/etc/sbt/sbtopts" # this allows /etc/sbt/sbtopts location to be changed declare -r etc_file="${SBT_ETC_FILE:-$etc_sbt_opts_file}" declare -r dist_sbt_opts_file="${sbt_home}/conf/sbtopts" declare -r win_sbt_opts_file="${sbt_home}/conf/sbtconfig.txt" declare sbt_jar="$(jar_file)" usage() { cat < path to global settings/plugins directory (default: ~/.sbt) --sbt-boot path to shared boot directory (default: ~/.sbt/boot in 0.11 series) --ivy path to local Ivy repository (default: ~/.ivy2) --mem set memory options (default: $sbt_default_mem) --no-share use all local caches; no sharing --no-global uses global caches, but does not use global ~/.sbt directory. --jvm-debug Turn on JVM debugging, open at the given port. --batch disable interactive mode # sbt version (default: from project/build.properties if present, else latest release) --sbt-version use the specified version of sbt --sbt-jar use the specified jar as the sbt launcher # java version (default: java from PATH, currently $(java -version 2>&1 | grep version)) --java-home alternate JAVA_HOME # jvm options and output control JAVA_OPTS environment variable, if unset uses "$default_java_opts" .jvmopts if this file exists in the current directory, its contents are appended to JAVA_OPTS SBT_OPTS environment variable, if unset uses "$default_sbt_opts" .sbtopts if this file exists in the current directory, its contents are prepended to the runner args /etc/sbt/sbtopts if this file exists, it is prepended to the runner args -Dkey=val pass -Dkey=val directly to the java runtime -J-X pass option -X directly to the java runtime (-J is stripped) -S-X add -X to sbt's scalacOptions (-S is stripped) In the case of duplicated or conflicting options, the order above shows precedence: JAVA_OPTS lowest, command line options highest. EOM } process_my_args () { while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -batch|--batch) exec -sbt-create|--sbt-create) sbt_create=true && shift ;; new) sbt_new=true && addResidual "$1" && shift ;; *) addResidual "$1" && shift ;; esac done # Now, ensure sbt version is used. [[ "${sbt_version}XXX" != "XXX" ]] && addJava "-Dsbt.version=$sbt_version" # Confirm a user's intent if the current directory does not look like an sbt # top-level directory and neither the -sbt-create option nor the "new" # command was given. [[ -f ./build.sbt || -d ./project || -n "$sbt_create" || -n "$sbt_new" ]] || { echo "[warn] Neither build.sbt nor a 'project' directory in the current directory: $(pwd)" while true; do echo 'c) continue' echo 'q) quit' read -p '? ' || exit 1 case "$REPLY" in c|C) break ;; q|Q) exit 1 ;; esac done } } ## map over argument array. this is used to process both command line arguments and SBT_OPTS map_args () { local options=() local commands=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -no-colors|--no-colors) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.log.noformat=true" ) && shift ;; -timings|--timings) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.task.timings=true" "-Dsbt.task.timings.on.shutdown=true" ) && shift ;; -traces|--traces) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.traces=true" ) && shift ;; --supershell=*) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.supershell=${1:13}" ) && shift ;; -supershell=*) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.supershell=${1:12}" ) && shift ;; --color=*) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.color=${1:8}" ) && shift ;; -color=*) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.color=${1:7}" ) && shift ;; -no-share|--no-share) options=( "${options[@]}" "${noshare_opts[@]}" ) && shift ;; -no-global|--no-global) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.global.base=$(pwd)/project/.sbtboot" ) && shift ;; -ivy|--ivy) require_arg path "$1" "$2" && options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.ivy.home=$2" ) && shift 2 ;; -sbt-boot|--sbt-boot) require_arg path "$1" "$2" && options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.boot.directory=$2" ) && shift 2 ;; -sbt-dir|--sbt-dir) require_arg path "$1" "$2" && options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dsbt.global.base=$2" ) && shift 2 ;; -debug|--debug) commands=( "${commands[@]}" "-debug" ) && shift ;; -debug-inc|--debug-inc) options=( "${options[@]}" "-Dxsbt.inc.debug=true" ) && shift ;; *) options=( "${options[@]}" "$1" ) && shift ;; esac done declare -p options declare -p commands } process_args () { while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -h|-help|--help) usage; exit 1 ;; -v|-verbose|--verbose) sbt_verbose=1 && shift ;; -V|-version|--version) print_version=1 && shift ;; --numeric-version) print_sbt_version=1 && shift ;; --script-version) print_sbt_script_version=1 && shift ;; -d|-debug|--debug) sbt_debug=1 && addSbt "-debug" && shift ;; -client|--client) use_sbtn=1 && shift ;; --server) use_sbtn=0 && shift ;; -mem|--mem) require_arg integer "$1" "$2" && addMemory "$2" && shift 2 ;; -jvm-debug|--jvm-debug) require_arg port "$1" "$2" && addDebugger $2 && shift 2 ;; -batch|--batch) exec = 2 )) || ( (( $sbtBinaryV_1 >= 1 )) && (( $sbtBinaryV_2 >= 4 )) ); then if [[ "$use_sbtn" == "1" ]]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi else echo "false" fi } runNativeClient() { vlog "[debug] running native client" detectNativeClient [[ -f "$sbtn_command" ]] || acquire_sbtn "$sbtn_version" || { exit 1 } for i in "${!original_args[@]}"; do if [[ "${original_args[i]}" = "--client" ]]; then unset 'original_args[i]' fi done sbt_script=$0 sbt_script=${sbt_script/ /%20} execRunner "$sbtn_command" "--sbt-script=$sbt_script" "${original_args[@]}" } original_args=("$@") # Here we pull in the default settings configuration. [[ -f "$dist_sbt_opts_file" ]] && set -- $(loadConfigFile "$dist_sbt_opts_file") "$@" # Here we pull in the global settings configuration. [[ -f "$etc_file" ]] && set -- $(loadConfigFile "$etc_file") "$@" # Pull in the project-level config file, if it exists. [[ -f "$sbt_opts_file" ]] && set -- $(loadConfigFile "$sbt_opts_file") "$@" # Pull in the project-level java config, if it exists. [[ -f ".jvmopts" ]] && export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS $(loadConfigFile .jvmopts)" # Pull in default JAVA_OPTS [[ -z "${JAVA_OPTS// }" ]] && export JAVA_OPTS="$default_java_opts" [[ -f "$build_props_file" ]] && loadPropFile "$build_props_file" java_args=($JAVA_OPTS) sbt_options0=(${SBT_OPTS:-$default_sbt_opts}) if [[ "$SBT_NATIVE_CLIENT" == "true" ]]; then use_sbtn=1 fi # Split SBT_OPTS into options/commands miniscript=$(map_args "${sbt_options0[@]}") && eval "${miniscript/options/sbt_options}" && \ eval "${miniscript/commands/sbt_additional_commands}" # Combine command line options/commands and commands from SBT_OPTS miniscript=$(map_args "$@") && eval "${miniscript/options/cli_options}" && eval "${miniscript/commands/cli_commands}" args1=( "${cli_options[@]}" "${cli_commands[@]}" "${sbt_additional_commands[@]}" ) # process the combined args, then reset "$@" to the residuals process_args "${args1[@]}" vlog "[sbt_options] $(declare -p sbt_options)" if [[ "$(isRunNativeClient)" == "true" ]]; then set -- "${residual_args[@]}" argumentCount=$# runNativeClient else java_version="$(jdk_version)" vlog "[process_args] java_version = '$java_version'" addDefaultMemory addSbtScriptProperty set -- "${residual_args[@]}" argumentCount=$# run fi