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Fork of matteofigliuzzi/bmDCA repository for Boltzmann-machine Direct Coupling Analysis (bmDCA).


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Boltzmann-machine Direct Coupling Analysis (bmDCA)

Dependencies (installation instructions detailed below):

This repository contains a C++ reimplementation of bmDCA adapted from the original code. Method is described in:

Figliuzzi, M., Barrat-Charlaix, P. & Weigt, M. How Pairwise Coevolutionary Models Capture the Collective Residue Variability in Proteins? Molecular Biology and Evolution 35, 1018–1027 (2018).

This code is designed to eliminate the original's excessive file I/O and to parallelize the MCMC in the inference loop.

Installing dependencies

GCC is used to compile the source code (and dependencies, if necessary). The code relies on the fopenmp flag for parallelization, so GCC is preferred over Clang. It also needs support for the C++11 standard, so any GCC later than version 4.2 will suffice.

AutoTools are a set of programs used to generate makefiles for cross-platform compilation and installation.

pkg-config is a program that provides a simple interface between installed programs (e.g. libraries and header files) and the compiler. It's used by AutoTools to check for dependencies before compilation.

Armadillo is a C++ linear algebra library. It's used for storing data in matrix structures and performing quick computations in the bmDCA inference loop. To install, again look to your package repository.


To install the dependencies in Linux, simply use your distributions package manager. Commands for Debian/Ubuntu and Arch Linux are provided below:



sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ automake autoconf pkg-config \
  libarmadillo-dev libopenblas-dev libarpack++2-dev

Arch Linux

For Arch Linux, GCC should have been installed with the base and base-devel metapackages (sudo pacman -S base base-devel), but if not installed, run:

sudo pacman -S gcc automake autoconf pkgconf

For Arch, Armadillo is not in the package repositories. You will need to check the AUR.

First, install the SuperLU library:

git clone
cd superlu
makepkg -si
cd ..

SuperLU is a fast matrix factorization library required as a build dependency for Armadillo. Other build dependencies will be installed via makepkg from the official repositories.

Now, download and install Armadillo:

git clone
cd armadillo
makepkg -si
cd ..


The macOS instructions rely on Xcode developer tools and Homebrew for package management. All commands will be entered into the Terminal.

First, install Xcode developer tools. Open the 'Terminal' application from the launcher and run:

xcode-select --install

This may already have this installed.

Next, install Homebrew. From the online instructions, run:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If you run into permissions errors when installing Homebrew, complaining that root owns the /usr/local/ directory, you can change the ownership by running:

sudo chown -R <user> /usr/local/

where <user> should be substituted with your username, e.g. john.

Once Homebrew is installed, run:

brew install gcc automake autoconf pkg-config armadillo

This will install the most recent GCC (9.3.0 as of writing) along with AutoTools and pkg-config.

IMPORTANT: The default gcc, located in /usr/bin/gcc is actually aliased to clang, which is another compiler. While in principle this is not an issue, this version of Clang is not compatible with the fopenmp compiler flag that is used to enable parallelization of the MCMC sampler. Additionally, libraries (see Armadillo in the next step) installed via Homebrew are not by default known to pkg-config or the linker.

Addressing all of these issues involves overriding the CC and CXX environmental variables with the new GCC, updating PKG_CONFIG_PATH with paths to any relevant *.pc files, and updating LD_LIBRARY_PATH with any shared object library linked at compile time.

Doing this for the first time is a bit bewildering, so for convenience, use the rcparams file in the tools directory in this repository. In it are a few helper functions and aliases. Simply append the contents of that file to your shell run commands. If you don't know what shell you're using, run:

echo $SHELL

For bash, copy the contents of rcparams to ${HOME}/.bashrc, and for zsh, copy to ${HOME}/.zshrc. The general idea is that macOS versions <=10.14 (Mojave and earlier), uses bash as the default shell, and for >=10.15 (Catalina and later), Apple switched the default shell to zsh.

You can append the rcparams file by copy-pasting the code in your favorite text editor. You could also do something like cat tools/rcparams >> ${HOME}/.bashrc, for example.

As a side note, your macOS may not actually source the .bashrc file by default. If you notice that adding the rcparams function has not effect in new terminals, check that the ${HOME}/.bash_profile file exists. In it, there should be a line like [ -f $HOME/.bashrc ] && . $HOME/.bashrc. (If the .bashrc file exists, use source on it.) If no such like is there, add it and reload your terminal.

The libraries and headers will be found via the pkgconfig_find() and ld_lib_add() functions specified in the rcparams file.

Note: Run commands are executed when the shell starts, not when the files are edited. To update your shell to reflect changes, you can either run:

source ${HOME}/.bashrc

Or simply open a new shell. (For remote systems, you can just log out and log in again.)


Before starting, install MSYS2. This program is a package distribution for GNU/Unix tools that can be used to build programs for Windows.

The installer defaults work fine, and if prompted, open the "MSYS2" shell in the dialog window.

Once MSYS2 is installed and open, update the base libraries by running:

pacman -Syu

This will download and install some packages. You will then be prompted to close the terminal. Close it and open it again. Then, again run:

pacman -Syu

This will upgrade the remaining packages packaged in the installer to their most recent versions.

Next, install the dependencies for bmDCA:

pacman -S nano vim git \
   autoconf automake-wrapper pkg-config make \
   mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain \
   mingw-w64-x86_64-openmp \
   mingw-w64-x86_64-arpack \
   mingw-w64-x86_64-lapack \
   mingw-w64-x86_64-openblas \

The above command will installed the required programs in the /mingw64/bin directory. Unfortunately, this directory is not on the default PATH. You will need to add it manually.

Open your .bashrc file in a text editor (e.g. vim ~/.bashrc). Nano and Vim were installed in the above command block.

Once open, add the line (at the end of the file):

export PATH="/mingw64/bin:$PATH"

Then, close and open the MSYS2 terminal again.

Optionally, edit the /etc/pacman.conf file. Uncomment the line #Color and add the line ILoveCandy. Just a cosmetic flourish for pacman.

Installing bmDCA (all platforms)

Now that all the dependencies have been installed, compile and install bmDCA globally (default: /usr/local) by running:

git clone
cd bmDCA
./ --prefix=/usr/local && \
make -j4 && \
make install
cd ..

Depending on your platform, the make install command may fail due to permissions issues. To remedy this you can either run sudo make install instead, or you can specify a different installation directory that does not require administrator privileges. The latter option is particularly useful when working on remote system not under your control.

Should you want to specify a local directory, for example $HOME/.local, run:

./ --prefix=${HOME}/.local && \
make -j4 && \
make install

You can replace the value to the right of --prefix= with any other path. Note, that you should check that it is on your system PATH.

In the event you with to uninstall bmDCA, simply run sudo make uninstall or make uninstall as appropriate.

Test the installation by running in the terminal:


If the installation worked correctly, this will print the usage information, e.g.:

bmdca usage:
(e.g. bmdca -i <input MSA> -r -d <directory> -c <config file>)
  -i: input MSA (FASTA format)
  -d: destination directory
  -r: re-weighting flag
  -n: numerical MSA
  -w: sequence weights
  -c: config file
  -h: print usage (i.e. this message)
  -f: force a restart of the inference loop

Additional notes for Windows 10

Though bmdca should now be easily invoked from within MSYS2, one can update the system PATH variable to make the binaries accessible system-wide, such as from the command prompt or other terminal emulators. To update the PATH:

  1. Type 'env' in the start search bar.
  2. Click 'Edit the system environment variables'.
  3. Click on 'Environment Variables...' toward the bottom of the window that opens.
  4. Select 'Path' in one of the two selection windows (either 'User variables' or 'System variables' is fine)
  5. Once 'Path' is highlighted, click 'Edit...'
  6. Enter the /usr/local/bin as a new PATH entry. You can either:
    • Click 'New' in the new window and enter the path to /usr/local/bin in the MSYS2 installation folder (default: C:\msys64\usr\local\bin).
    • Click the 'Browse...' button and navigate to the C:\msys64\usr\local\bin directory.
  7. When the new entry is added, click 'OK' on all the opened windows to set all the changes. You will need to close and re-open terminals for the changes to be reflected.


Inference (bmdca)

This step will take an input multiple sequence alignment (MSA) and a config file specifying learning parameters and options and then run an inference loop to fit values to a Potts model for amino acid frequencies at positions (Potts fields) and pairs of frequencies at pairs of positions (Potts couplings).

The command line flags are:

  • -i: input MSA, FASTA format
  • -d: directory where output files are written
  • -r: (optional) flag to compute re-weighting coefficients for each sequence in the alignment, with the goal to not unduly bias inference by highly similar sequences arising from the phylogeny (default: false)
  • -c: (optional) config file for bmDCA run hyperparameters, such as example/bmdca.conf
  • -t: threshold for computing default sequence weights (default: 0.8)
  • -n: input MSA, numerical format
  • -w: file containing sequence weights
  • -h: print usage information
  • -f: force a restart of inference loop (i.e., start at step 1)

If -r is not specified, each sequence will be equally weighted, and if no config file is supplied, the run will default to hyperparameters hard-coded in the initializeParameters() function defined in src/run.cpp. The default number of iterations for the Boltzmann machine is 2000.

The mapping from amino acids to integers is defined in the following way. Amino acids are ordered as in the following string "-ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY". They are then mapped to the integer corresponding to their position in the string, minus one. The gap symbol is mapped to 0, A is mapped to 1, etc...

Important: The MSA processing function does not handle gaps represented by '.' characters.

Example 1: run from FASTA file

To learn a FASTA-formatted multiple sequence alignment (with re-weighting) and a config file:

bmdca -i <input_alignment.fasta> -d <output_directory> -r -c <config_file.conf>

Example 2: run from weighted numerical alignment

If you already have a numerically-formatted alignment (gaps are 0) and set of per-sequence weights, run:

bmdca -n <numerical_alignment.txt> -w <sequence_weights.txt>
  -d <output_directory> -c <config_file.conf>

Example 3: restarting runs

Take, for example, this command:

bmdca -i <input_alignment.fasta> -d <output_directory> -r -c <config_file.conf>

If the run is stopped before the maximum number of steps is reached, simply invoke the same command again to restart it:

bmdca -i <input_alignment.fasta> -d <output_directory> -r -c <config_file.conf>

The inference loop will pick up from where it left off.

IMPORTANT To guarantee that inferences loops produce the same results irrespective of whether they were stopped and restarted or ran continuously, bmDCA will check that the hyperparameters used previously and presently match. The only fields that may be adjusted before restarting are:

  1. save_parameters
  2. step_max - the max number of steps (increase to continue a loop after it ends)
  3. error_max - the convergence threshold (lower it to continue)

The hyperparameters used by any given run are stored in the bmdca_params.conf file. For boolean configuration options, it is not to specify 1 or 0 instead of true and false.

Sampling (bmdca_sample)

Use a Monte-Carlo sampler to draw sequences from the model specified by the learned parameters.


bmdca_sample -p <parameters.txt> -d <output_directory> \
  -o <output_file.txt> -n <number_of_sequences> \
  -r <number_of_indep_sampling_runs> -c <config_file.conf>

If instead, you save parameters in binary format, run:

bmdca_sample -p <parameters_h.bin> -P <parameters_J.bin>  \
  -d <output_directory> -o <output_file.txt> \
  -n <number_of_sequences> -r <number_of_indep_sampling_runs> \
  -c <config_file.conf>

The command line flags are:

  • -p: input parameters, text format or fields (h) parameters file, binary format
  • -P: (optional) couplings (J) parameters file, binary format
  • -d: directory where output files are written
  • -c: (optional) config file for bmDCA run hyperparameters, e.g. example/bmdca.conf
  • -o: name of the output file for the sequences
  • -n: number of sequences to sample in each independent run (default: 1000)
  • -r: number of independent sequencing runs (default: 10)

Note, you only need to specify the -p option if the bmdca output is stored in text files. For binary parameters, which are stored in two _h_%d.bin and _J_%d.bin files, pass the fields (h) file to -p and couplings (J) file to -P.

Conversion (arma2ascii)

If using the output_binary=true flag during the inference step, the output will be stored in an Armadillo-specific binary format. While this allows for reproducible outputs in stopped-and-restarted inference runs, the format is not accessible for other programs. You can use the arma2ascii tool to convert binary-stored outputs to ASCII.

To convert parameters:

arma2ascii -p <parameters_h.bin> -P <parameters_J.bin>

To convert stats files:

arma2ascii -s <MC_stat_file.bin>

The output fill be stored in a .txt file.

Configuration file options

Inference and sampling runs can be configured using a text file (see example/bmdca.conf). The fields in the file are as follows:


  1. lambda_reg1 - L2 regularization strength for fields, h (default: 0.01)
  2. lambda_reg2 - L2 regularization strength for couplings, J (default: 0.01)
  3. step_max - maximum number of iterations for Boltzmann learning process (default: 2000)
  4. error_max - error convergence criterion for stopping (default: 1e-05)
  5. save_parameters - save parameters every save_parameters number of steps (default: 100)
  6. save_best_steps - save steps that yield the lowest RMSE of the gradient (default: false)
  7. random_seed - initial seed for the random number generator (default: 1)
  8. use_reparametrization - use the re-parametrized model for inference (default: true)
  9. epsilon_0_h - initial learning rate for fields (default: 0.01)
  10. epsilon_0_J - initial learning rate for couplings (default: 0.001)
  11. adapt_up - multiple by which to increase Potts (J and h) gradient (default: 1.5)
  12. adapt_down - multiple by which to decrease Potts (J and h) gradient (default: 0.6)
  13. min_step_h - minimum learning rate for h (default: 0.001)
  14. max_step_h - maximum learning rate for h (default: 2.5)
  15. min_step_J - minimum learning rate for J (default: 1e-05)
  16. max_step_J_N - maximum learning rate for J, scaled by effective number of sequences (default: 2.5)
  17. error_min_update - threshold for differences in MSA and MCMC frequencies above which parameters (J and h) are updated (default: -1)
  18. t_wait_0 - initial burn-in time (default: 10000)
  19. delta_t_0 - initial wait time between sampling sequences (default: 100)
  20. check_ergo - flag to check MCMC sample energies and autocorrelations, without which wait and burn-in times are not updated (default: true)
  21. adapt_up_time - multiple to increase MCMC wait/burn-in time (default: 1.5)
  22. adapt_down_time - multiple to decrease MCMC wait/burn-in time (default 0.6)
  23. step_important_max - maximum number of importance sampling steps (default: 1, i.e.importance sampling disabled)
  24. coherence_min - (default=.9999)
  25. M - number of sequences to sample for each MCMC replicate (default: 1000)
  26. count_max - number of independent MCMC replicates (default: 10)
  27. init_sample - flag for whether of not to use seed sequence for initializing the MCMC (default: false)
  28. init_sample_file - file containing the MCMC seed sequences (default: "")
  29. sampler - sampler mode, 'mh' for Metropolis-Hastings and 'z-sqrt' or 'z-barker' for Zanella, 2019. 'z-sqrt' corresponds to a balancing function of sqrt(t), and 'z-barker' corresponds to t/(1+t). (default: "mh")
  30. output_binary - flag to output data in binary format, which is faster and more precise (default: true)


  1. random_seed - initial seed for the random number generator (default: 1)
  2. t_wait_0 - initial burn-in time (default: 100000)
  3. delta_t_0 - initial wait time between sampling sequences (default: 1000)
  4. check_ergo - flag to check MCMC sample energies and autocorrelations, without which wait and burn-in times are not updated (default: true)
  5. adapt_up_time - multiple to increase MCMC wait/burn-in time (default: 1.5)
  6. adapt_down_time - multiple to decrease MCMC wait/burn-in time (default 0.6)
  7. sampler - sampler mode, 'mh' for Metropolis-Hastings and 'z-sqrt' or 'z-barker' for Zanella, 2019. 'z-sqrt' corresponds to a balancing function of sqrt(t), and 'z-barker' corresponds to t/(1+t). (default: "mh")
  8. temperature - temperature at which to sample sequences (default: 1.0)

Output files

bmdca will output files during the course of its run:

  • bmdca_params.conf: a list of the hyperparameters used in the learning procedure.
  • energy_%d.dat: mean and std dev over replicates for sample sequence energies at each step of the Markov chain
  • ergo_%d.dat: set of autocorrelation calculations for sampled sequences used for deciding whether to increase/decrease MCMC wait intervals and burn-in times
    1. correlation of sequences 1 wait interval apart.
    2. correlation of sequences M/10 wait intervals apart. (M = # sequences)
    3. cross correlation of sequences
    4. standard deviation of correlations 1 wait intervals apart
    5. standard deviation of correlations M/10 intervals apart
    6. standard deviation of cross correlations
    7. combined deviation of cross and autocorrelations (1 wait interval)
    8. combined deviation of cross and autocorrelations (M/10 wait intervals)
    9. combined deviation of autocorrelations 1 and M/10 intervals apart
  • MC_energies_%d.txt: energies of each MCMC sequence, grouped by replicate
  • MC_samples_%d.txt: sequences sampled from MCMC, grouped by replicate
  • msa_numerical.txt: numerical representation on input MSA
  • my_energies_cfr_%d.txt: statistics of energies over replicates, used for deciding whether to increase/decrease MCMC wait intervals and burn-in times:
    1. number of replicates
    2. average over replicates of the energies of starting MCMC sequences
    3. standard deviation over replicates of energies of starting MCMC sequences
    4. number of replicates
    5. average over replicates of the energies of ending MCMC sequences
    6. standard deviation over replicates of energies of sending MCMC sequences
  • my_energies_cfr_err_%d.txt: additional energies statistics
    1. average over replicates of the energies of starting MCMC sequences
    2. average over replicates of the energies of ending MCMC sequences
    3. combined std dev of energies for staring and ending MCMC sequences
  • my_energies_end_%d.txt: energies of ending MCMC sequence for each replicate
  • my_energies_start_%d.txt: energies of starting MCMC sequence for each replicate
  • overlap_%d.txt: overlap of pairs of MCMC sequences
    1. number of steps apart (in units of wait time)
    2. mean overlap for all sequences %d steps apart
    3. standard deviation of overlaps for all sequences %d steps apart
  • parameters_%d.txt: learned Potts model parameters (J and h)
  • parameters_h_%d.bin and parameters_J_%d.bin: learned Potts model parameters (J and h), stored in arma binary format (see output_binary=true flag from config file).
  • rel_ent_grad_align_1p.txt: relative entropy gradient for each amino acid at each position
  • sequence_weights.txt: weights for each sequence, either a number between 0 and 1 based on sequence similarity or 1 if re-weighting was not specified
  • stat_align_1p: table of frequencies for each amino acid at each position in the MSA
  • stat_align_2p: table of frequencies for pairs of amino acids at each pair of positions in the MSA (due to symmetry, only the 'upper triangle' of positions is stored)
  • stat_MC_1p_%d.txt: table of frequencies for each amino acid at each position of the set of MCMC-sampled sequences.
  • stat_MC_1p_sigma_%d.txt: table of standard deviation of frequencies over replicates for each amino acid at each position of the set of MCMC-sampled sequences.
  • stat_MC_2p_%d.txt: table of frequencies for pairs of amino acids at each pair of positions from the set of MCMC-sampled sequences
  • stat_MC_2p_sigma_%d.txt: table of standard deviation over replicates of frequencies for pairs of amino acids at each pair of positions from the set of MCMC-sampled sequences

The final outputs will be stored with a _final suffix in the file name before the file extension. For example, the final learned parameters will be stored in parameters_final.txt. Use this file or the latest learned parameters for sampling synthetic sequences.

Depending how many times you configure bmdca to save steps to disk, the total data generated can be substantial ( > 1 Gb). At present, the only way to disable writing of a particular log file is to comment out the code in the Sim::run() function defined in src/run.cpp.

Output file formats

Numerical sequence alignment

This file is a space-delimited file, e.g.:

4914 53 21
0 2 10 10 13 16 1 7 6 13 2 1 12 19 17 17 15 19 20 5 18 6 18 18 6 15 2 12 15 5 19 20 6 6 2 7 6 12 9 12 16 5 1 16 4 4 4 2 11 15 18 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 6 20 9 6 2 6 6 12 9 12 12 5 3 17 3 6 17 2 17 16 10 2 9

The first line is:

  1. Number of sequences (M)
  2. Number of positions (N)
  3. Size of amino acid alphabet (all AAs + 1 for gaps) (Q)

Learned Potts model parameters

Armadillo binary

By default, bmdca will save learned parameters in binary format. These files (parameters_h_%d.bin and parameters_J_%d.bin) cannot be directly viewed by a text editor. To view the contents, convert the files to ASCII by using the provided arma2ascii tool.

See the above usage section for how to use arma2ascii. Parameters converted by the program will match the format for parameters generated when output_binary=false is specified in the config file. See the below section for details.


Learned parameters saved in text files are called parameters_%d.txt. They contain the parameters for both J and h, formatted as follows:

J [position index i] [position index j] [amino acid index a] [amino acid index b]
h [position index i] [amino acid index a]

The position indices go from 0 to N-1 (N = # positions), and the amino acid indices go from 0 to 20 (21 amino acids total, including gaps). 0 corresponds to a gap.

Sequence statistics

The sequence statistics files (e.g. stat_align_1p.txt and stat_align_2p.txt) have a different format.

For 1 position (1p) frequencies:

[position index] [amino acid frequencies (21)]

where [amino acid frequencies (21)] is a row of frequencies for each of the 21 positions.

For 2 position (2p) frequencies:

[position index i] [position index j] [amino acid frequencies (21x21)]

where [amino acid frequencies (21x21)] is a row that corresponds to the frequencies of the 21x21 pairs of amino acids at positions i and j.


For users of shared resources: OpenMP will default to the number of available cores, so if the bmDCA programs are run on a shared resource, say a cluster, all cores will be engaged, starving other processes of resources or getting you booted off the system. To prevent this, use the OMP_NUM_THREADS environmental variable.

You can either set it at runtime:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 bmdca -i ...

Or, you can set it globally, for example in your shell rc file.


The above examples will limit OpenMP to 4 threads.

You don't need to worry about this if submitting jobs through a workload manager, such as Slurm or Sun Grid Engine. The manager will limit bmDCA to the number of cores specified, so manipulating OMP_NUM_THREADS is not needed.


Fork of matteofigliuzzi/bmDCA repository for Boltzmann-machine Direct Coupling Analysis (bmDCA).







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