import pandas import numpy from LiarLiar import arePantsonFire import seaborn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from import DataLoader import torch def create_glove_dict(path_to_text:str): # 0.75 Marks """ Create the dictionary containing word and corresponding vector. :param path_to_text: Path to Glove embeddings. """ embeddings = {} with open(path_to_text,"r",encoding="utf8") as f: while True: tokens=[] line=f.readline() if not line: break tokens=line.split() vector=numpy.array(list(map(float,tokens[1:]))) embeddings[tokens[0]]=vector #print(embeddings) #del tokens, vector, lines,key return embeddings def get_max_length(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, column_number: int): # 0.75 Marks """ :param dataframe: Pandas Dataframe :param column_number: Column number you want to get max value from :return: max_length: int """ max_length = 0 #print(len(dataframe)) for i in range(0, len(dataframe)): length= len(word_tokenize(dataframe.iloc[i][column_number].lower())) if(length>max_length): max_length=length #print(max_length) return max_length def visualize_Attenion(attention_matrix: numpy.ndarray): """ Visualizes multihead attention. Expected input shape to [n_heads, query_len, key_len] :param attention_matrix: :return: """ assert len(attention_matrix.shape) == 3 for head in range(attention_matrix.shape[0]): seaborn.heatmap(attention_matrix[head]) def infer(model: arePantsonFire, dataloader:DataLoader): """ Use for inferencing on the trained model. Assumes batch_size is 1. :param model: trained model. :param dataloader: Test Dataloader :return: """ labels = {0: "true", 1: "mostly true", 2: "half true", 3: "barely true" , 4: "false", 5: "pants on fire"} model.eval() correct = 0 wrong = 0 for _, data in enumerate(dataloader): statement = data['statement'] justification = data['justification'] credit_history = data['credit_history'] label = data['label'][0] print(label) label=label.cuda() statement=statement.cuda() justification=justification.cuda() credit_history=credit_history.cuda() prediction = model(statement, justification, credit_history) if torch.argmax(prediction).item() == label.item(): print("Correct Prediction") correct+=1 else: print("wrong prediction") wrong+=1 print(labels[torch.argmax(prediction).item()]) print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(correct/_) print(wrong/_)