# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' require 'logger' separate_testing do require_relative '../lib/rack/common_logger' require_relative '../lib/rack/lint' require_relative '../lib/rack/mock_request' end describe Rack::CommonLogger do obj = 'foobar' length = obj.size app = Rack::Lint.new lambda { |env| [200, { "content-type" => "text/html", "content-length" => length.to_s }, [obj]]} app_without_length = Rack::Lint.new lambda { |env| [200, { "content-type" => "text/html" }, []]} app_with_zero_length = Rack::Lint.new lambda { |env| [200, { "content-type" => "text/html", "content-length" => "0" }, []]} app_without_lint = lambda { |env| [200, { "content-type" => "text/html", "content-length" => length.to_s }, [obj]]} it "log to rack.errors by default" do res = Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app)).get("/") res.errors.wont_be :empty? res.errors.must_match(/"GET \/ HTTP\/1\.1" 200 #{length} /) end it "log to anything with +write+" do log = StringIO.new Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app, log)).get("/") log.string.must_match(/"GET \/ HTTP\/1\.1" 200 #{length} /) end it "work with standard library logger" do logdev = StringIO.new log = Logger.new(logdev) Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app, log)).get("/") logdev.string.must_match(/"GET \/ HTTP\/1\.1" 200 #{length} /) end it "log - content length if header is missing" do res = Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app_without_length)).get("/") res.errors.wont_be :empty? res.errors.must_match(/"GET \/ HTTP\/1\.1" 200 - /) end it "log - content length if header is zero" do res = Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app_with_zero_length)).get("/") res.errors.wont_be :empty? res.errors.must_match(/"GET \/ HTTP\/1\.1" 200 - /) end it "log - records host from X-Forwarded-For header" do res = Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app)).get("/", 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' => '') res.errors.wont_be :empty? res.errors.must_match(/203\.0\.113\.0 - /) end it "log - records host from RFC 7239 forwarded for header" do res = Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app)).get("/", 'HTTP_FORWARDED' => 'for=') res.errors.wont_be :empty? res.errors.must_match(/203\.0\.113\.0 - /) end def with_mock_time(t = 0) mc = class << Time; self; end mc.send :alias_method, :old_now, :now mc.send :define_method, :now do at(t) end yield ensure mc.send :undef_method, :now mc.send :alias_method, :now, :old_now end it "log in common log format" do log = StringIO.new with_mock_time do Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app, log)).get("/", 'QUERY_STRING' => 'foo=bar') end md = /- - - \[([^\]]+)\] "(\w+) \/\?foo=bar HTTP\/1\.1" (\d{3}) \d+ ([\d\.]+)/.match(log.string) md.wont_equal nil time, method, status, duration = *md.captures time.must_equal Time.at(0).strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") method.must_equal "GET" status.must_equal "200" (0..1).must_include duration.to_f end it "escapes non printable characters except newline" do logdev = StringIO.new log = Logger.new(logdev) Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app_without_lint, log)).request("GET\x1f", "/hello") logdev.string.must_match(/GET\\x1f \/hello HTTP\/1\.1/) end it "log path with PATH_INFO" do logdev = StringIO.new log = Logger.new(logdev) Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app, log)).get("/hello") logdev.string.must_match(/"GET \/hello HTTP\/1\.1" 200 #{length} /) end it "log path with SCRIPT_NAME" do logdev = StringIO.new log = Logger.new(logdev) Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app, log)).get("/path", script_name: "/script") logdev.string.must_match(/"GET \/script\/path HTTP\/1\.1" 200 #{length} /) end it "log path with SERVER_PROTOCOL" do logdev = StringIO.new log = Logger.new(logdev) Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::CommonLogger.new(app, log)).get("/path", http_version: "HTTP/1.0") logdev.string.must_match(/"GET \/path HTTP\/1\.0" 200 #{length} /) end def length 123 end def self.obj "hello world" end end