Package: hover Title: CSS Animations for 'shiny' Button Elements Version: 0.1.1 Authors@R: c(person("Tyler","Littlefield",email="",role=c("aut","cre"),comment="Creator of Shiny Wrapper"), person("Ian","Lunn",role=c("ctb","cph"),comment="Author of included CSS code"), person("Danube", "Huynhle",role=c("ctb"))) Description: A wrapper around a CSS library called 'Hover.css', intended for use in 'shiny' applications. License: MIT + file LICENSE Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) RoxygenNote: 7.1.1 Imports: shiny, htmltools URL: BugReports: Suggests: testthat Depends: R (>= 2.10)