.. QuTiP Copyright (C) 2011-2013, Paul D. Nation & Robert J. Johansson .. _changelog: ********** Change Log ********** Version 3.1.0 (January 1, 2015): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Features ------------- - Much faster Python based monte carlo solver (mcsolve). - Stochastic solvers now run trajectories in parallel. - Time-dependent Cython code now calls complex cmath functions. Bug Fixes --------- - Cython build files for time-dependent string format now removed automatically. - Fixed incorrect solution time from inverse-power method steady state solver. Version 3.0.1 (Aug 5, 2014): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bug Fixes --------- - Fix bug in create(), which returned a Qobj with CSC data instead of CSR. - Fix several bugs in mcsolve: Incorrect storing of collapse times and collapse operator records. Incorrect averaging of expectation values for different trajectories when using only 1 CPU. - Fix bug in parsing of time-dependent Hamiltonian/collapse operator arguments that occurred when the args argument is not a dictionary. - Fix bug in internal _version2int function that cause a failure when parsing the version number of the Cython package. Version 3.0.0 (July 17, 2014): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Features ------------- - New module `qutip.stochastic` with stochastic master equation and stochastic Schrödinger equation solvers. - Expanded steady state solvers. The function ``steady`` has been deprecated in favor of ``steadystate``. The steadystate solver no longer use umfpack by default. New pre-processing methods for reordering and balancing the linear equation system used in direct solution of the steady state. - New module `qutip.qip` with utilities for quantum information processing, including pre-defined quantum gates along with functions for expanding arbitrary 1, 2, and 3 qubit gates to N qubit registers, circuit representations, library of quantum algorithms, and basic physical models for some common QIP architectures. - New module `qutip.distributions` with unified API for working with distribution functions. - New format for defining time-dependent Hamiltonians and collapse operators, using a precalculated numpy array that specifies the values of the Qobj-coefficients for each time step. - New functions for working with different superoperator representations, including Kraus and Chi representation. - New functions for visualizing quantum states using Qubism and Schimdt plots: ``plot_qubism`` and ``plot_schmidt``. - Dynamics solver now support taking argument ``e_ops`` (expectation value operators) in dictionary form. - Public plotting functions from the ``qutip.visualization`` module are now prefixed with ``plot_`` (e.g., ``plot_fock_distribution``). The ``plot_wigner`` and ``plot_wigner_fock_distribution`` now supports 3D views in addition to contour views. - New API and new functions for working with spin operators and states, including for example ``spin_Jx``, ``spin_Jy``, ``spin_Jz`` and ``spin_state``, ``spin_coherent``. - The ``expect`` function now supports a list of operators, in addition to the previously supported list of states. - Simplified creation of qubit states using ``ket`` function. - The module ``qutip.cyQ`` has been renamed to ``qutip.cy`` and the sparse matrix-vector functions ``spmv`` and ``spmv1d`` has been combined into one function ``spmv``. New functions for operating directly on the underlaying sparse CSR data have been added (e.g., ``spmv_csr``). Performance improvements. New and improved Cython functions for calculating expectation values for state vectors, density matrices in matrix and vector form. - The ``concurrence`` function now supports both pure and mixed states. Added function for calculating the entangling power of a two-qubit gate. - Added function for generating (generalized) Lindblad dissipator superoperators. - New functions for generating Bell states, and singlet and triplet states. - QuTiP no longer contains the demos GUI. The examples are now available on the QuTiP web site. The ``qutip.gui`` module has been renamed to ``qutip.ui`` and does no longer contain graphical UI elements. New text-based and HTML-based progressbar classes. - Support for harmonic oscillator operators/states in a Fock state basis that does not start from zero (e.g., in the range [M,N+1]). Support for eliminating and extracting states from Qobj instances (e.g., removing one state from a two-qubit system to obtain a three-level system). - Support for time-dependent Hamiltonian and Liouvillian callback functions that depend on the instantaneous state, which for example can be used for solving master eqautions with mean field terms. Improvements ------------- - Restructured and optimized implementation of Qobj, which now has significantly lower memory footprint due to avoiding excessive copying of internal matrix data. - The classes ``OdeData``, ``Odeoptions``, ``Odeconfig`` are now called ``Result``, ``Options``, and ``Config``, respectively, and are available in the module `qutip.solver`. - The ``squeez`` function has been renamed to ``squeeze``. - Better support for sparse matrices when calculating propagators using the ``propagator`` function. - Improved Bloch sphere. - Restructured and improved the module ``qutip.sparse``, which now only operates directly on sparse matrices (not on Qobj instances). - Improved and simplified implement of the ``tensor`` function. - Improved performance, major code cleanup (including namespace changes), and numerous bug fixes. - Benchmark scripts improved and restructued. - QuTiP is now using continous integration tests (TravisCI). Version 2.2.0 (March 01, 2013): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Features ------------- - **Added Support for Windows** - New Bloch3d class for plotting 3D Bloch spheres using Mayavi. - Bloch sphere vectors now look like arrows. - Partial transpose function. - Continuos variable functions for calculating correlation and covariance matrices, the Wigner covariance matrix and the logarithmic negativity for for multimode fields in Fock basis. - The master-equation solver (mesolve) now accepts pre-constructed Liouvillian terms, which makes it possible to solve master equations that are not on the standard Lindblad form. - Optional Fortran Monte Carlo solver (mcsolve_f90) by Arne Grimsmo. - A module of tools for using QuTiP in IPython notebooks. - Increased performance of the steady state solver. - New Wigner colormap for highlighting negative values. - More graph styles to the visualization module. Bug Fixes: ---------- - Function based time-dependent Hamiltonians now keep the correct phase. - mcsolve no longer prints to the command line if ntraj=1. Version 2.1.0 (October 05, 2012): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Features ------------- - New method for generating Wigner functions based on Laguerre polynomials. - coherent(), coherent_dm(), and thermal_dm() can now be expressed using analytic values. - Unittests now use nose and can be run after installation. - Added iswap and sqrt-iswap gates. - Functions for quantum process tomography. - Window icons are now set for Ubuntu application launcher. - The propagator function can now take a list of times as argument, and returns a list of corresponding propagators. Bug Fixes: ---------- - mesolver now correctly uses the user defined rhs_filename in Odeoptions(). - rhs_generate() now handles user defined filenames properly. - Density matrix returned by propagator_steadystate is now Hermitian. - eseries_value returns real list if all imag parts are zero. - mcsolver now gives correct results for strong damping rates. - Odeoptions now prints mc_avg correctly. - Do not check for PyObj in mcsolve when gui=False. - Eseries now correctly handles purely complex rates. - thermal_dm() function now uses truncated operator method. - Cython based time-dependence now Python 3 compatible. - Removed call to NSAutoPool on mac systems. - Progress bar now displays the correct number of CPU's used. - Qobj.diag() returns reals if operator is Hermitian. - Text for progress bar on Linux systems is no longer cutoff. Version 2.0.0 (June 01, 2012): +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The second version of QuTiP has seen many improvements in the performance of the original code base, as well as the addition of several new routines supporting a wide range of functionality. Some of the highlights of this release include: New Features ------------- - QuTiP now includes solvers for both Floquet and Bloch-Redfield master equations. - The Lindblad master equation and Monte Carlo solvers allow for time-dependent collapse operators. - It is possible to automatically compile time-dependent problems into c-code using Cython (if installed). - Python functions can be used to create arbitrary time-dependent Hamiltonians and collapse operators. - Solvers now return Odedata objects containing all simulation results and parameters, simplifying the saving of simulation results. .. important:: This breaks compatibility with QuTiP version 1.x. - mesolve and mcsolve can reuse Hamiltonian data when only the initial state, or time-dependent arguments, need to be changed. - QuTiP includes functions for creating random quantum states and operators. - The generation and manipulation of quantum objects is now more efficient. - Quantum objects have basis transformation and matrix element calculations as built-in methods. - The quantum object eigensolver can use sparse solvers. - The partial-trace (ptrace) function is up to 20x faster. - The Bloch sphere can now be used with the Matplotlib animation function, and embedded as a subplot in a figure. - QuTiP has built-in functions for saving quantum objects and data arrays. - The steady-state solver has been further optimized for sparse matrices, and can handle much larger system Hamiltonians. - The steady-state solver can use the iterative bi-conjugate gradient method instead of a direct solver. - There are three new entropy functions for concurrence, mutual information, and conditional entropy. - Correlation functions have been combined under a single function. - The operator norm can now be set to trace, Frobius, one, or max norm. - Global QuTiP settings can now be modified. - QuTiP includes a collection of unit tests for verifying the installation. - Demos window now lets you copy and paste code from each example. Version 1.1.4 (May 28, 2012): ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bug Fixes: ---------- - Fixed bug pointed out by Brendan Abolins. - Qobj.tr() returns zero-dim ndarray instead of float or complex. - Updated factorial import for scipy version 0.10+ Version 1.1.3 (November 21, 2011): +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Functions: -------------- - Allow custom naming of Bloch sphere. Bug Fixes: ---------- - Fixed text alignment issues in AboutBox. - Added fix for SciPy V>0.10 where factorial was moved to scipy.misc module. - Added tidyup function to tensor function output. - Removed openmp flags from setup.py as new Mac Xcode compiler does not recognize them. - Qobj diag method now returns real array if all imaginary parts are zero. - Examples GUI now links to new documentation. - Fixed zero-dimensional array output from metrics module. Version 1.1.2 (October 27, 2011) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed issue where Monte Carlo states were not output properly. Version 1.1.1 (October 25, 2011) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **THIS POINT-RELEASE INCLUDES VASTLY IMPROVED TIME-INDEPENDENT MCSOLVE AND ODESOLVE PERFORMANCE** New Functions --------------- - Added linear entropy function. - Number of CPU's can now be changed. Bug Fixes --------- - Metrics no longer use dense matrices. - Fixed Bloch sphere grid issue with matplotlib 1.1. - Qobj trace operation uses only sparse matrices. - Fixed issue where GUI windows do not raise to front. Version 1.1.0 (October 04, 2011) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **THIS RELEASE NOW REQUIRES THE GCC COMPILER TO BE INSTALLED** New Functions --------------- - tidyup function to remove small elements from a Qobj. - Added concurrence function. - Added simdiag for simultaneous diagonalization of operators. - Added eigenstates method returning eigenstates and eigenvalues to Qobj class. - Added fileio for saving and loading data sets and/or Qobj's. - Added hinton function for visualizing density matrices. Bug Fixes --------- - Switched Examples to new Signals method used in PySide 1.0.6+. - Switched ProgressBar to new Signals method. - Fixed memory issue in expm functions. - Fixed memory bug in isherm. - Made all Qobj data complex by default. - Reduced ODE tolerance levels in Odeoptions. - Fixed bug in ptrace where dense matrix was used instead of sparse. - Fixed issue where PyQt4 version would not be displayed in about box. - Fixed issue in Wigner where xvec was used twice (in place of yvec). Version 1.0.0 (July 29, 2011) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - **Initial release.**