A Leiningen plugin to wrap the Beaver compiler generator and the JFlex lexer generator.
Put [lein-beaver "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj.
The beaver task can be invoked directly as a target:
$ lein beaver
It can also be chained into the compile chain by prepending beaver to the default :prep-tasks property of the project. This leads to:
:prep-tasks ["beaver" "javac" "compile"]
The following properties are used by the plugin (and ignored by the rest of Leiningen):
- A string containing the (usually relative) directory path where the
grammar and syntax files are found. Defaults to src/lang
- A string containing the (usually relative) directory path where the
output .java files are placed. Defaults to target/gen-src
. Be sure to include this in
the :java-source-paths
vector so that you will compile the output when javac
gets run.
Beaver options can be set by setting the :beaver-opts
property to a map of options. The
options available are all based on the normal Beaver command line options, described at:
Each flag should be converted to a keyword (just be placing a : in front of the flag name, maintaining case). On/off flags should be set to a boolean value.
For instance, to generate a separate file for Beaver terminals (the -T flag) and to sort those terminals (-s), this is done by adding the following to project.clj:
:beaver-opts { :T true, :s true }
Tasks are always run, rather than detecting when the source files are more recent than the destination file.
Also, by default JFlex always creates classes with "default" visibility. This is OK if your
Clojure code is in the same package, but recompiles without cleaning can get confused with
the JFlex generated class not being rebuilt in the javac
operation. The result is that
the newly generate Clojure class cannot link to the existing JFlex generated class. The fix
is to just run clean and recompile. Alternatively, add the %public
option to the JFlex
lexer definition file.
The following is a simple project.clj file for building a parser:
`(defproject turtle "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "A parser for Foo" :url "http://example.com/Foo" :license {:name "Eclipse Public License" :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"} :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"] [net.sf.beaver/beaver-ant "0.9.9"]]
:plugins [[lein-beaver "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
[lein-pprint "1.1.1"]] ;; good to have to see what the default project is
:prep-tasks ["beaver" "javac" "compile"]
:source-paths ["src/main/clj"] ;; Maven-style directory structure
:test-paths ["src/test/clj"]
:java-source-paths ["src/main/java" "target/src"]
:grammar-src-dir "src/main/grammar"
:grammar-dest-dir "target/src/"
:main foo.core)
Copyright © 2012 Paula Gearon
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.