0.9.20241027 ------------ - Feature enhancement: codebase improved via deepsource: pass #1, imports fixed 0.9.20241013 ------------ - Documentation update: get paraphernalia files in shape for release 0.9.20240422 ------------ - Feature enhancement: codebase improved via ruff: pass #1 0.9.20231110 ------------ - Removed: support for Python 2, fixes #108 - Feature enhancement: Migrate to Python 3, fixes #108 - Feature enhancement: Use argparse instead of optparse, fixes #311 - Feature enhancement: Migrate to pyproject.toml, fixes #313 - Feature enhancement: Add CI Pipeline, fixes #313 - Feature enhancement: Use JSON output for PBS Plugin, fixes #315 - Bugfix: Fix parsing of CPU cores in PBS plugin, fixes #312 - Bugfix: Add full width output for piping into less, fixes #316 0.9.20161222 ------------ - Bugfix: hotfix for ``tar_out`` issue #283, #284 0.9.20161221 ------------ - Feature enhancement: Need for speed: compression of ansi codes #279 - Feature enhancement: report version #276 - Feature enhancement: some more fixes on help page, visible with ``?`` #273 - Bugfix: fix for Anonymisation feature temporarily unavailable until completely implemented (use ``--experimental``) #170 - Bugfix: fix for stacktrace while collecting anonymized sample (which by then worked fine otherwise) #280, #281 - Bugfix: fix for when in filtered view, summary now reflects filtered jobs/cores #276 - Bugfix: fix for svc.* no longer with Cyan color #278 - Bugfix: fix-anonymize-SGE-and-optimisations #276 - Bugfix: fix broken coloring #276 0.9.20161216 ------------ - Feature enhancement: key ``H``: highlight users and queues by string or regex #272 - Feature enhancement: add -``rr`` option: filter out unused core lines #270, #271 - Feature enhancement: harmonize output filenames for window/full view and json exports #269 - Bugfix: -r Option to remove empty core lines now works as advertised #267 - Bugfix: fix for more arcane pbs node names in pbsnodes #266 - Bugfix: fix for PBS plugin fails when jobs use non-consecutive CPUs #265 - Bugfix: fix for adding ``-G`` flag under demo resulted in a crash, when ``getent`` was missing #262 0.9.20161207 ------------ - Feature enhancement: online help available with ``?`` ; #257 - Feature enhancement: unhardwire ``__version__``, make it visible across code; #259 - Feature enhancement: Remove ``WORKDIR`` from banner, it was no longer serving a purpose; #243 - Bugfix around missing ``core_job_map``, when not remapping; #253 - Bugfix unhardwire ``/tmp``, make the choice of intermediate directory liberal; #254, #255 - Bugfix under linux watch mode, fix watch issues of various types; #206, #248, #256 - Bugfix around jobid consistency of input files in OAR - handle gracefully and report in debug log; #258 0.9.20161130 ------------ - Summary in the 1st section now shows ``Total:, Up:, Free:`` nodes - Added a nodes column per user in the 3rd section where user info is presented - Added -R feature to replay last frames; recording is automatic! - Added setup.py, ``pip install --user qtop`` should work - Added ``--version``, in case anyone wondered about it - Bail out if python version is <2.5 - Supplied ``qtop`` launcher script, for better system integration - Create timestamped intermediate files, to improve ability to look back - Bugfix to avoid /tmp getting crowded with temporary files - Bugfix for grepping and pipelining qtop's output (1st attempt to treat #206) - Bugfixes on PBS (jobid arrays, node states etc) - Bugfixes on SGE (job states added, all jobs now visible, userid is correct) - Bugfixes on OAR (nodes per user are also visible) - Converted documentation files to ``.rst`` format 0.8.9 ----- - watch mode ``(-w)`` - ``((s))`` node sorting with custom presets/user-inserted RegEx sorts - ``((f))`` node filtering - ``((t))`` matrix transposition - ``((F))`` toggle full nodename display/numbering - ``((m))`` toggle coloring code (user-id based/queue name-based) - queue info can now be colored, three different queues with the same initials can be colored distinctly - a good first amount of documentation - small bugfixes 0.8.8 ----- - created a shiny new demo out of a demo mini-grid scheduler (!) 0.8.7 ----- - added support for queuename display for OAR and PBS (SGE already there!) - overspill feature (aka oversubscribe/overcommitment) for SGE systems - strict checking cmdline var (will compare reported nr. of jobs against displayed/found jobs) - id column is now more readable (put in brackets) - fixed long-standing bug that would report incorrectly the queues of jobs in a node, in some cases - restored deprecated document file deletion - huge refactoring of the codebase 0.8.6 ----- - Support for python 2.6 for early RHEL6/Centos6/ScientificLinux6 distros - Added tarball creation for better user reporting - Added Viewport class - Several bugfixes 0.8.5 ----- - initial support for data anonymisation - minor bugfixes 0.8.4 ----- - Watch replacement with simple pager included (with full color functionality, compatible with older RHEL6 systems) - GECOS field completed by a less “intruding” command - Numerous enhancements and bug fixes 0.8.3 ----- - The worker node occupancy table can now be viewed horizontally (transposed) - Custom conf files createable by users - Filter/select nodes by name/regex - Numerous enhancements and bug fixes 0.8.2 ----- - Ability to select which of the three qtop parts to display - GECOS field implemented - States can be assigned more than one lines - New node line displays the queue the job belongs to - (trivial) auto-detection of batch-system - Numerous enhancements and bug fixes 0.8.1 ----- - Overwrote PyYAML dependency with custom YAML parser 0.8.0 ----- - Wrapping together support for ``PBS`, ``OAR``, ``SGE`` 0.7.3 ----- - Support for ``OAR`` 0.7.2 ----- - Introduce support for ``SGE`` 0.7.1 ----- - Finalise support for ``PBS`` 0.7 --- Enhancements: - Input files are now using YAML for dumping and loading 0.6.7 ----- Enhancements: - created yaml files now have the pid appended to the filename - pbs-related functions (which create the respective yaml files) have moved to a dedicated module - took out state\_dict[‘highest\_core\_busy’], seemed useless (and unused) Bugfixes: - a separate read\_qstatq\_yaml function added, for consistency (removed from qstatq2yaml) - change qstatq\_list from list of tuples to list of dictionaries - offline\_down\_nodes was moved from pbs.pbsnodes2yaml to read\_pbsnodes\_yaml 0.6.6 ----- Bugfixes: - got rid of all global variables (experimental) 0.6.5 ----- Enhancements: - ``PBS`` now supported 0.6.4 ----- Bugfixes: - lines that don’t contain *any* actual core are now not printed in the matrices. 0.6.3 ----- Enhancements: - optional stopping of vertical separators (every ‘n’ position for x times) - additional vertical separator in the beginning 0.6.2 ----- Bugfixes: - WN matrix width bug ironed out. 0.6.1 ----- Enhancements: - Custom-cut matrices (horizontally, too!), -o switch 0.5.2 ----- Enhancements: - Custom-cut matrices (vertically, not horizontally), width set by user. 0.5.1 ----- Enhancements: - If more than 20% of the WNs are empty, perform a blind remap. - Code Cleanup 0.5.0 ----- Bugfixes: - Major rewrite of matrices calculation fixed New features: - true blind remapping !! Enhancements: - exotic cases of very high numbering schemes now handled - more qstat entries successfully parsed - case of many unix accounts (>62) now handled 0.4.1 ----- Bugfixes: - now understands additional probable names for ``pbsnodes``, ``qstat`` and ``qstat-q`` data files 0.4.0 ----- Bugfixes: - corrected colorless switch to have ON/OFF option (default ON) - ``qstat_q`` didn’t recognize some faulty cpu time entries - now descriptions are in white, as before. Enhancements: - Queues in the job accounting summary section are now coloured 0.3.0 ----- Enhancements: - command-line arguments (mostly empty for now)! - non-numbered WNs can now be displayed instead of numbered WN IDs New features: - implement colorless switch ``(-c)`` Bugfixes: - fixed issue with single named WN - better regex pattern and algorithm for catching complicated numbered WN domain names 0.2.9 ----- New features: - handles cases of non-numbered WNs (e.g. fruit names) - parses more complex domain names (with more than one dash) Bugfixes: - correction in WN ID numbers display (tens were problematic for larger numbers) 0.2.8 ----- Bugfixes: - colour implementation for all of the tables 0.2.7 ----- Bugfixes: - Exiting when there are two jobs on the same core reported on pbsnodes (remapping functionality to be added) - Number of WNs >1000 is now handled 0.2.6 ----- Bugfixes: - fixed some names not being detected (``%``,``=`` chars missing from regex) Enhancements: - changed name to ``qtop``, introduced configuration file ``qtop.conf`` and colormap file ``qtop.colormap`` 0.2.5 ----- New features: - Working Cores added in Usage Totals - map now splits into two if terminal width is smaller than the Worker Node number 0.2.4 ----- Enhancements: - implemented some stuff from PEP8 - un-hardwired the file paths - refactored code around cpu\_core\_dict functionality (responsible for drawing the map) 0.2.3 ----- Bugfixes: - corrected regex search pattern in make\_qstat to recognize usernames like spec101u1 (number followed by number followed by letter) now handles non-uniform setups - R + Q / all: all did not display everything (E status) 0.2.2 ----- Enhancements: - masking/clipping functionality (when nodes start from e.g. wn101, empty columns 1-100 are ommited) 0.2.1 ----- Enhancements: - Hashes displaying when the node has less cores than the max declared by a WN (its np variable) 0.2.0 ----- Bugfixes: - unix accounts are now correctly ordered 0.1.9 ----- Bugfixes: - All CPU lines displaying correctly 0.1.8 ----- Enhancements: - unix account id assignment to CPU0, 1 implemented 0.1.7 ----- Enhancements: - ReadQstatQ function (write in yaml format using Pyyaml) - output up to Node state! 0.1.6 ----- Bugfixes: - ReadPbsNodes function (write in yaml format using Pyyaml) 0.1.5 ----- Bugfixes: - implemented saving to 3 separate files: ``QSTAT_ORIG_FILE``, ``QSTATQ_ORIG_FILE``, ``PBSNODES_ORIG_FILE`` 0.1.4 ----- Bugfixes: - some “wiremelting” concerning the save directory 0.1.3 ----- Bugfixes: - fixed tabs-to-spaces. Formatting should be correct now. | Enhancements: | - Now each state is saved in a separate file in a results folder 0.1.2 ----- Enhancements: - script reads qtop-input.out files from each job and displays status for each job 0.1.1 ----- Enhancements: - changed implementation in ``get_state()`` 0.1.0 ----- Enhancements: - just read a pbsnodes-a output file and gather the results in a single line