license_file = LICENSE
max-line-length = 120
# note: we ignore all 501s (line too long) anyway as they're taken care of by black
max-line-length = 79
ignore = E203, E402, W503, W504, E501
per-file-ignores =
__init__.py: F401, F403, F405
./hubconf.py: F401
test/smoke_test.py: F401
test/smoke_test_deps.py: F401
test_*.py: F841, E731, E266
test/opengl_rendering.py: F401
exclude = venv
extend-select = B901, C401, C408, C409
;select = D417 # Missing argument descriptions in the docstring
;inherit = false
match = .*\.py
;match_dir = ^(?!(.circlecli|test)).*
convention = google
add-ignore = D100, D104, D105, D107, D102
ignore-decorators =
; test/*.py
; .circleci/*