# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import argparse import distutils.command.clean import glob import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import sys from datetime import date from pathlib import Path from typing import List from setuptools import find_packages, setup from torch.utils.cpp_extension import BuildExtension, CppExtension cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) try: sha = ( subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd) .decode("ascii") .strip() ) except Exception: sha = "Unknown" def get_version(): version_txt = os.path.join(cwd, "version.txt") with open(version_txt, "r") as f: version = f.readline().strip() if os.getenv("TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION"): version = os.getenv("TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION") elif sha != "Unknown": version += "+" + sha[:7] return version ROOT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() package_name = "torchrl" def get_nightly_version(): today = date.today() return f"{today.year}.{today.month}.{today.day}" def parse_args(argv: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="torchrl setup") parser.add_argument( "--package_name", type=str, default="torchrl", help="the name of this output wheel", ) return parser.parse_known_args(argv) def write_version_file(version): version_path = os.path.join(cwd, "torchrl", "version.py") with open(version_path, "w") as f: f.write("__version__ = '{}'\n".format(version)) f.write("git_version = {}\n".format(repr(sha))) def _get_pytorch_version(is_nightly, is_local): # if "PYTORCH_VERSION" in os.environ: # return f"torch=={os.environ['PYTORCH_VERSION']}" if is_nightly: return "torch>=2.6.0.dev" elif is_local: return "torch" return "torch>=2.5.0" def _get_packages(): exclude = [ "build*", "test*", "torchrl.csrc*", "third_party*", "tools*", ] return find_packages(exclude=exclude) ROOT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() class clean(distutils.command.clean.clean): def run(self): # Run default behavior first distutils.command.clean.clean.run(self) # Remove torchrl extension for path in (ROOT_DIR / "torchrl").glob("**/*.so"): logging.info(f"removing '{path}'") path.unlink() # Remove build directory build_dirs = [ ROOT_DIR / "build", ] for path in build_dirs: if path.exists(): logging.info(f"removing '{path}' (and everything under it)") shutil.rmtree(str(path), ignore_errors=True) # def _run_cmd(cmd): # try: # return subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=ROOT_DIR).decode("ascii").strip() # except Exception: # return None def get_extensions(): extension = CppExtension extra_link_args = [] extra_compile_args = { "cxx": [ "-O3", "-std=c++17", "-fdiagnostics-color=always", ] } debug_mode = os.getenv("DEBUG", "0") == "1" if debug_mode: logging.info("Compiling in debug mode") extra_compile_args = { "cxx": [ "-O0", "-fno-inline", "-g", "-std=c++17", "-fdiagnostics-color=always", ] } extra_link_args = ["-O0", "-g"] this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) extensions_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, "torchrl", "csrc") extension_sources = { os.path.join(extensions_dir, p) for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(extensions_dir, "*.cpp")) } sources = list(extension_sources) include_dirs = [this_dir] python_include_dir = os.getenv("PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR") if python_include_dir is not None: include_dirs.append(python_include_dir) ext_modules = [ extension( "torchrl._torchrl", sources, include_dirs=include_dirs, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, extra_link_args=extra_link_args, ) ] return ext_modules def _main(argv): args, unknown = parse_args(argv) name = args.package_name is_nightly = "nightly" in name if is_nightly: tensordict_dep = "tensordict-nightly" else: tensordict_dep = "tensordict>=0.6.1" if is_nightly: version = get_nightly_version() write_version_file(version) else: version = get_version() write_version_file(version) TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION = os.getenv("TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION") logging.info("Building wheel {}-{}".format(package_name, version)) logging.info(f"TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION is {TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION}") is_local = TORCHRL_BUILD_VERSION is None pytorch_package_dep = _get_pytorch_version(is_nightly, is_local) logging.info("-- PyTorch dependency:", pytorch_package_dep) # branch = _run_cmd(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]) # tag = _run_cmd(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--exact-match", "@"]) this_directory = Path(__file__).parent long_description = (this_directory / "README.md").read_text(encoding="utf8") sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + unknown extra_requires = { "atari": [ "gym", "atari-py", "ale-py", "gym[accept-rom-license]", "pygame", ], "dm_control": ["dm_control"], "gym_continuous": ["gymnasium<1.0", "mujoco"], "rendering": ["moviepy<2.0.0"], "tests": [ "pytest", "pyyaml", "pytest-instafail", "scipy", "pytest-mock", "pytest-cov", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-rerunfailures", "pytest-error-for-skips", "", ], "utils": [ "tensorboard", "wandb", "tqdm", "hydra-core>=1.1", "hydra-submitit-launcher", "git", ], "checkpointing": [ "torchsnapshot", ], "offline-data": [ "huggingface_hub", # for roboset "minari", "requests", "tqdm", "torchvision", "scikit-learn", "pandas", "h5py", "pillow", ], "marl": ["vmas>=1.2.10", "pettingzoo>=1.24.1", "dm-meltingpot"], "open_spiel": ["open_spiel>=1.5"], } extra_requires["all"] = set() for key in list(extra_requires.keys()): extra_requires["all"] = extra_requires["all"].union(extra_requires[key]) extra_requires["all"] = sorted(extra_requires["all"]) setup( # Metadata name=name, version=version, author="torchrl contributors", author_email="vmoens@fb.com", url="https://github.com/pytorch/rl", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", license="MIT", # Package info packages=find_packages( exclude=( "test", "tutorials", "docs", "examples", "knowledge_base", "packaging", ) ), ext_modules=get_extensions(), cmdclass={ "build_ext": BuildExtension.with_options(no_python_abi_suffix=True), "clean": clean, }, install_requires=[ pytorch_package_dep, "numpy", "packaging", "cloudpickle", tensordict_dep, ], extras_require=extra_requires, zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": _main(sys.argv[1:])