Breaking change in handling of some version constraints from poetry-core
to 1.1.0
- I am on the latest Poetry version.
- I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate.
- If an exception occurs when executing a command, I executed it again in debug mode (
- OS version and name: Mac OS X 11.6 (BigSur)
- Poetry version: 1.1.14 -> 1.2.0
- Link of a Gist with the contents of your pyproject.toml file:
I ran into an interesting bug (I'm not sure if it's the root cause of some other issues, I had trouble finding a matching issue) where when poetry was using poetry-core==1.0.0
it was correctly resolving the version constraint of a somewhat non-standard semver version, but once poetry started using version poetry-core==1.1.0
, it's no longer correctly resolving the same version constraint, resulting in dependency resolution issues because the resolved constraint is never satisfiable.
For more context, in my current project, I'm pulling in a library:
opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi = "^0.32b0"
Where the next available version is 0.33b0
In a version of poetry that uses poetry-core==1.0.0
, it correctly resolves this constraint:
# pip install poetry-core==1.0.0
# python <<EOF
from poetry.core.semver import parse_constraint
This will output >=0.32b0,<0.33
, which is what ultimately ends up in
when publishing with poetry.
Now, using poetry-core==1.1.0
# pip install poetry-core==1.1.0
# python <<EOF
from poetry.core.semver.version import Version
This will output 0.32
, which ultimately will get translated to a constraint that's unsolvable >=0.32b0,<0.32
install_requires = \
'opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.32b0,<0.32', # <-- here
'opentelemetry-instrumentation-logging>=0.32b0,<0.32', # <-- and here
Ultimately, after upgrading to poetry
version 1.2.0
and publishing my package, it could no longer be installed because this version constraint could no longer be satisfied, resulting in a breaking change. I've worked around this for now by specifying an explicit version constraint, but, wanted to see if this is something that anyone else has noticed, if this is a "won't fix" type situation, since the version is somewhat non-standard, etc.