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Poetry cannot install dvc[ssh] package #4683



  • I am on the latest Poetry version.
    I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate.
    If an exception occurs when executing a command, I executed it again in debug mode (-vvv option).
  • OS version and name: Windows 10 21H1 with WSL2 (Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Poetry version: 1.1.11
  • Link of a Gist with the contents of your pyproject.toml file:


This issue has been cross-posted in the dvc git repo. Here: iterative/dvc#6886
dvc[ssh] can't be added to a project using Poetry env manager.
When I create my package environnement using Poetry adding dvc with [ssh] extra create a weird unrelated error.
Here is my full error log from poetry


Minimal failing example:

  1. poetry init
  2. poetry add dvc[ssh]
  3. poetry install

Full reproductibilty: get the pyproject.toml at the bottom, get an python installation with poetry installed and simply run poetry install with the file in the working directory.

I have the weird feeling that this issue is due to the fact that you need to first install dvc package and THEN dvc[ssh] (bcrypt looks missing) as described here:
But that's not possible with Poetry, I can't have two line called "dvc" (one vanilla, one with the extra) and I can't have a line starting with dvc[ssh]


  Package('bcrypt', '3.2.0')

  at ~/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/ in _solve

By removing the dvc with extras line from .toml file and doing poetry add dvc it works, but I can't use ssh plugin. Doing poetry add dvc[ssh] fails with the erros in the previous pastebin log.

EDIT: By using a fresh .toml file from poetry with only dvc[ssh] added, the same error arise.



sjawhar commented on Nov 6, 2021


To help in debugging this, the bcrypt package doesn't get visited in the DFS here:

def depth_first_search(
source: "PackageNode", aggregator: Callable
) -> List[Tuple[Package, int]]:
back_edges = defaultdict(list)
visited = {}
topo_sorted_nodes = []
dfs_visit(source, back_edges, visited, topo_sorted_nodes)

In this case, bcrypt is a dependency as an extra of an extra of a dependency: iterative/dvc#6886 (comment)

ssh extra depends on sshfs[bcrypt] which depends on asyncssh[bcrypt] which depends on bcrypt. So bcrypt is an indirect dependency of dvc[ssh].


austinbutler commented on Dec 7, 2021


To add some more data here, same issue with celery[sqs] since Celery 5.2.

Add the following to pyproject.toml:

celery = { extras = ["sqs"], version = "~5.2.0" }

Run poetry lock:


  Package('urllib3', '1.26.7')

  at ~/.local/share/pypoetry/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/ in _solve
      267│                 continue
      269│             final_packages.append(package)
    → 270│             depths.append(results[package])
      272│         # Return the packages in their original order with associated depths
      273│         return final_packages, depths

This is working fine with Celery 5.1.x. So comparing the changes relating to SQS extras, my guess is that not explicitly defining dependencies for the extra causes this.

Seems pip-tools also has problems installing celery[sqs] as of 5.2: celery/celery#7070.

Explicitly adding the kombu[sqs] dependency to pyproject.toml works around this for me.

python = "^3.9"
celery = { extras = ["sqs"], version = "~5.2.0" }
kombu = {extras = ["sqs"], version = "^5.2.2"}

lucidyan commented on Dec 16, 2021


For those who wanted fast solution for adding dvc[ssh] with poetry:

poetry add bcrypt 'dvc[ssh]'

Clarification: I suppose the square brackets should be inside the quotes in the shell. Also, poetry has some problems with the bcrypt-dependency resolving as pointed above, so you must add it explicitly.


skshetry commented on Dec 20, 2021


We are also getting a similar issue with dvc[hdfs]. Resolving numpy versions is slow too.


  Package('pyarrow', '6.0.1')

  at .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/ in _solve
      268269│             final_packages.append(package)
    → 270│             depths.append(results[package])
      271272# Return the packages in their original order with associated depths
      273return final_packages, depths
Full log and stack trace
PyPI: No release information found for pyarrow-0.1.0, skipping
PyPI: 9 packages found for pyarrow >=1
PyPI: Getting info for pyarrow (6.0.1) from PyPI
   1: fact: pyarrow (6.0.1) depends on numpy (>=1.16.6)
   1: selecting pyarrow (6.0.1)
   1: derived: numpy (>=1.16.6)
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-0.9.6, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-0.9.8, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0.3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0.4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0b1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0b4, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0b5, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0rc1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0rc2, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.0rc3, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.1.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.2.0, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.2.1, skipping
PyPI: No release information found for numpy-1.4.0, skipping
PyPI: 29 packages found for numpy >=1.16.6
PyPI: Getting info for numpy (1.21.5) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: fact: numpy (1.21.5) requires Python >=3.7,<3.11
   1: derived: not numpy (==1.21.5)
PyPI: Getting info for numpy (1.21.4) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: fact: numpy (1.21.4) requires Python >=3.7,<3.11
   1: derived: not numpy (==1.21.4)
PyPI: Getting info for numpy (1.21.3) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: fact: numpy (1.21.3) requires Python >=3.7,<3.11
   1: derived: not numpy (==1.21.3)
PyPI: Getting info for numpy (1.21.2) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: fact: numpy (1.21.2) requires Python >=3.7,<3.11
   1: derived: not numpy (==1.21.2)
PyPI: Getting info for numpy (1.21.1) from PyPI
PyPI: No dependencies found, downloading archives
PyPI: Downloading sdist:
   1: selecting numpy (1.21.1)
   1: Version solving took 92.668 seconds.
   1: Tried 1 solutions.

  Stack trace:

  8  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clikit/ in run
      129│             parsed_args = resolved_command.args
    → 131│             status_code = command.handle(parsed_args, io)
      132except KeyboardInterrupt:
      133│             status_code = 1

  7  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clikit/api/command/ in handle
      118def handle(self, args, io):  # type: (Args, IO) -> int
    → 120│             status_code = self._do_handle(args, io)
      121except KeyboardInterrupt:
      122if io.is_debug():

  6  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clikit/api/command/ in _do_handle
      169│         handler_method = self._config.handler_method
    → 171return getattr(handler, handler_method)(args, io, self)
      172173def __repr__(self):  # type: () -> str

  5  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cleo/commands/ in wrap_handle
       90self._command = command
    →  92return self.handle()
       9394def handle(self):  # type: () -> Optional[int]

  4  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/console/commands/ in handle
      171self._installer.whitelist([r["name"] for r in requirements])
    → 173│             status =
      174except BaseException:
      175# Using BaseException here as some exceptions, eg: KeyboardInterrupt, do not inherit from Exception

  3  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/installation/ in run
      101│         local_repo = Repository()
    → 103return self._do_install(local_repo)
      104105def dry_run(self, dry_run=True):  # type: (bool) -> Installer

  2  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/installation/ in _do_install
      233│             )
    → 235│             ops = solver.solve(use_latest=self._whitelist)
      237self._io.write_line("Installing dependencies from lock file")

  1  .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/ in solve
       63with self._provider.progress():
       64│             start = time.time()
    →  65│             packages, depths = self._solve(use_latest=use_latest)
       66│             end = time.time()


  Package('pyarrow', '6.0.1')

  at .env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/ in _solve
      268269│             final_packages.append(package)
    → 270│             depths.append(results[package])
      271272# Return the packages in their original order with associated depths
      273return final_packages, depths

3 remaining items

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      Poetry cannot install dvc[ssh] package · Issue #4683 · python-poetry/poetry