To find how many layers are left by the default sketch element naming. Now a days we are workin in collabration with designers and also developers. In order to standardise the naming this extension help you to find the layer default names.
Download the Sketch Plugin file, and double click it, or move it to your plugins folder manually.
Plugin > Sketch Default Name Check 👁️ > Run 👉
or press ctrl + swift + s
Make sure you have selected atleast 1 Artboard
Check out the output when we run the plugin.
This video illustrate how this plugin works.
Currently we are giving support to the following layer types
, Rectangle
, Path
, Combined Shape
, Polygon
, Star
, Triangle
, Line
, Group
, Type something
, Shape
Click the below button to download the plugin and double click the SketchDefaultNameCheck.sketchplugin
to install
- Shortcut Command
- Rename automatically if it has local element name
- Remove all the name which has copy in the prefix