Warning: This repository might not contain the newest version of the source code. The development is continued at https://github.com/dlt-rilmta/purepospy
A Python3 wrapper for PurePos.
- See requirements.txt.
- Model (already included) e.g. Szeged corpus with emMorph tags.
The authors recommend using PurePOSPy in emtsv the new version of e-magyar language processing system. This module is called emTag.
The PurePOS class is a Python 3 wrapper class around PurePos, which can be used for training and tagging
>>> from purepospy import PurePOS
>>> p = PurePOS('szeged.model') # New, or existing file
>>> tok = ['word', 'lemma', 'tag']
>>> sent = [tok, tok, ...]
>>> sentences = [[sent],[sent], ...]
>>> p.train(sentences) # Training, optional
>>> p.tag_sentence('Sentence as string , tokenised .')
Output#output_lemma#output_tag as#as_lemma#as_tag string#string_lemma#string_tag .#.#PUNCT
This Python wrapper, and utilities are licensed under the LGPL 3.0 license. PurePos has its own license.