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Konstantin Podsvirov edited this page Sep 27, 2015 · 4 revisions


English | Русский

This article has been automatically translated into English. Edits are welcome. This is the original article written in Russian.


Qt forum thread for discussion.


Meet osgQtQuick 2.0!

// Qt
import QtQuick 2.0

// OpenSceneGraph
import osg       2.0 as OSG       // Core types
import osgGA     2.0 as OSGGA     // GUI Abstraction
import osgViewer 2.0 as OSGViewer // Viewer functionality

// Root item - 3D scene view
OSGViewer.View {
    // Default view size
    width: 640; height: 480
    // Set favorite camera manipulator
    cameraManipulator: OSGGA.TrackballManipulator {}
    // Set scene for rendering
    sceneData: OSG.Geode {
        OSG.ShapeDrawable {
            color: Qt.rgba(1, 1, 0, 1)
            shape: OSG.Box {
                halfLengths: Qt.vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

Test Game: Sokoban

The test sokoban.qml script.

Sokoban Screen


The first attempts at integrating OpenSceneGraph Qt Quick been taken back in 2013. They led to the development and implementation of the first sample application. On it I wrote in the wiki osgQtQuick-Demo-Russian. The demonstration was very poor and did not even aroused some interest. We assume that it was version 1.0.

Verify that the technology and received a reserve of knowledge Author (AZ) I took the refactoring project to get osgQtQuick 2.0.

At the moment, the project has already achieved some results. The maturity of the project is estimated as Betty (on some platforms).

Already there is a partial reflection of OpenSceneGraph C ++ API Module osg, osgDB, osgGA, osgViewer (and even osgEarthUtil) in qml modules.

Develops qml documentation modules.

Source Code

The main repository is available at hosting the author or the git:

   git clone git: //

Active mirror on github:

The author will be pleased by your PRs.


Perhaps better than qdoc document qml code still has not been able to.

With the latest version of the documentation is available here.

Pre-build Binaries

Itching to try, but too lazy to build. Dont be upset.

If you are a Windows user for you to help DaDdy!

If you sit under Linux, you will be able to build and install.