NullPointerException when phploc is used without a formatter #683
I'm running the phing from composer (2.16)
On this page, you offer this:
<target name="project-size-and-tests"
description="Measures the size of the project and count it's tests">
<phploc countTests="true">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.php" />
<include name="*.php" />
However, if you ran that, you would get a NullPointerException.
The reason is that you are missing a formatter. You cannot output to the cli without one.
<target name="project-size-and-tests"
description="Measures the size of the project and count it's tests">
<phploc countTests="true">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.php" />
<include name="*.php" />
<formatter type="cli" usefile="false" />
However, the documentation below on the formatter suggests misleading things:
- It says you need it if you don't define reportType, but it ALSO needs it even if you DO define that but define it as cli.
- it says outfile is required, but obviously it isn't (if Required can only be Yes or No, this should probably be No, however, I would suggest adding "Depends" or "Maybe" or "If usefile true"
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