import os from pathlib import Path from shutil import copy, copytree import plistlib import requests from urllib.parse import urlparse import zipfile import sys import subprocess import tempfile import platform import argparse from glob import glob from subprocess import DEVNULL from utils.copy import Copy from utils.hash import LdidHash from utils.downloader import DpkgDeb, Ldid def is_ios(): # Check iOS function is up here so we can conditionally import stuff if not sys.platform == "darwin": return False return platform.machine().startswith("i") if not is_ios(): from utils.usbmux import USBMux from utils.installer import Installer """ Functions """ def cmd_in_path(args, cmd): if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] Checking if command {cmd} is in PATH...") if cmd == "ldid": if is_ios(): if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] Checking for ldid on iOS") if os.path.exists("/.bootstrapped"): print( "[-] Your device seems to be strapped with Elucubratus. Unfortunately, we do not support these devices. You can switch to a device that uses Procursus (Taurine, odysseyra1n), or use the online method on our GitHub.") print("") exit(1) if is_dpkg_installed("ldid"): if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] ldid is installed via dpkg") return True else: print( "[-] ldid is required on iOS, but it is not installed. Please install it from Procursus.") exit(1) # It seems like a better idea to force download ldid on macOS and Linux to make sure # they have the proper version all the time. A lot of ugly code is necessary for it. return False return subprocess.getstatusoutput(f"which {cmd}")[0] == 0 def is_macos(): if platform.machine().startswith("i"): return False return sys.platform == "darwin" def is_linux(): return sys.platform == "linux" def is_dpkg_installed(pkg): return (os.system("dpkg -s " + pkg + "> /dev/null 2>&1")) == 0 """ Main Function """ def main(args): if subprocess.getoutput(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']) != "main": ver_string = f"{subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).decode('ascii').strip()}_{subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode('ascii').strip()}" else: ver_string = f"{subprocess.check_output(['poetry', 'version', '--short']).decode('ascii').strip()}" print( f"IPA Permasigner | Version {ver_string}") print("Program created by Nebula | Original scripts created by zhuowei | CoreTrust bypass by Linus Henze") print() # Check if script is running on Windows, if so, fail if sys.platform == "windows": print("[-] Script must be ran on macOS or Linux.") exit(1) # Check if codesign is added on Linux or iOS if args.codesign: if not is_macos(): print( "[-] Codesign can only be used on macOS, remove the argument to use ldid instead.") exit(1) ldid_in_path = cmd_in_path(args, 'ldid') dpkg_in_path = cmd_in_path(args, 'dpkg-deb') # Auto download ldid if not ldid_in_path: if Path(f"{os.getcwd()}/ldid").exists(): if is_linux() and platform.machine() == "x86_64": if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On Linux x86_64, ldid not found...") if not LdidHash.check_linux_64(args): print( "[*] ldid is outdated or malformed, downloading latest version...") os.remove(f"{os.getcwd()}/ldid") Ldid.download_linux_64(args) elif is_linux() and platform.machine() == "aarch64": if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On Linux aarch64, ldid not found...") if not LdidHash.check_linux_arm64(args): print( "[*] ldid is outdated or malformed, downloading latest version...") os.remove(f"{os.getcwd()}/ldid") Ldid.download_linux_arm64(args) elif is_macos() and platform.machine() == "x86_64": if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On macOS x86_64, ldid not found...") if not LdidHash.check_macos_64(args): print( "[*] ldid is outdated or malformed, downloading latest version...") os.remove(f"{os.getcwd()}/ldid") Ldid.download_macos_64(args) elif is_macos() and platform.machine() == "arm64": if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On macOS arm64, ldid not found...") if not LdidHash.check_macos_arm64(args): print( "[*] ldid is outdated or malformed, downloading latest version...") os.remove(f"{os.getcwd()}/ldid") Ldid.download_macos_arm64(args) else: print( "[*] ldid binary is not found or fails hash check, downloading latest binary.") if is_linux() and platform.machine() == "x86_64": Ldid.download_linux_64(args) elif is_linux() and platform.machine() == "aarch64": Ldid.download_linux_arm64(args) elif is_macos() and platform.machine() == "x86_64": Ldid.download_macos_64(args) elif is_macos() and platform.machine() == "arm64": Ldid.download_macos_arm64(args) # Auto download dpkg-deb on Linux if not dpkg_in_path and is_linux(): if not Path(f"{os.getcwd()}/dpkg-deb").exists(): if platform.machine() == "x86_64": if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On Linux x86_64, dpkg-deb not found...") print("[*] dpkg-deb not found, downloading.") DpkgDeb.download_linux_64(args) print() elif platform.machine() == "aarch64": if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On Linux aarch64, dpkg-deb not found...") print("[*] dpkg-deb not found, downloading.") DpkgDeb.download_linux_arm64(args) print() if is_macos(): if not subprocess.getstatusoutput("which dpkg")[0] == 0: if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] On macOS x86_64, dpkg not found...") print( "[-] dpkg is not installed and is required on macOS. Install it though brew or Procursus to continue.") exit(1) # Prompt the user if they'd like to use an external IPA or a local IPA if not (args.url or args.path): option = input( "[?] Would you like to use an external or a local IPA? [E, L] ").lower() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpfolder: print("[*] Created temporary directory.") print() # If the user's choice is external, download an IPA # Otherwise, copy the IPA to the temporary directory if args.url: url = args.url if not os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] == ".ipa": print( "[-] URL provided is not an IPA, make sure to provide a direct link.") exit(1) res = requests.get(url, stream=True) try: if res.status_code == 200: print(f"[*] Downloading file...") with open(f"{tmpfolder}/app.ipa", "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) else: print( f"[-] URL provided is not reachable. Status code: {res.status_code}") exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(f"[-] URL provided is not reachable. Error: {err}") exit(1) elif args.path: path = args.path path = path.strip().lstrip("'").rstrip("'") if Path(path).exists(): copy(path, f"{tmpfolder}/app.ipa") else: print( "[-] That file does not exist! Make sure you're using a direct path to the IPA file.") exit(1) elif option == "e": url = input("[?] Paste in the *direct* path to an IPA online: ") if not os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] == ".ipa": print( "[-] URL provided is not an IPA, make sure to provide a direct link.") exit(1) res = requests.get(url, stream=True) try: if res.status_code == 200: print(f"[*] Downloading file...") with open(f"{tmpfolder}/app.ipa", "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) else: print( f"[-] URL provided is not reachable. Status code: {res.status_code}") exit(1) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: print(f"[-] URL provided is not reachable. Error: {err}") exit(1) elif option == "l": if os.environ.get('IS_DOCKER_CONTAINER', False): print( "[*] Running in Docker container, please place an IPA in the ipas folder, then put the name of the file below.") ipa_name = input( ' IPA name (ex. Taurine.ipa, DemoApp.ipa): ') path = f"/usr/src/permasigner/ipas/{ipa_name}" else: path = input( "[?] Paste in the path to an IPA in your file system: ") path = path.strip().lstrip("'").rstrip("'") if Path(path).exists(): copy(path, f"{tmpfolder}/app.ipa") else: print( "[-] That file does not exist! Make sure you're using a direct path to the IPA file.") exit(1) else: print("[-] That is not a valid option!") exit(1) print() # Unzip the IPA file print("[*] Unzipping IPA...") with zipfile.ZipFile(f"{tmpfolder}/app.ipa", 'r') as f: os.makedirs(f"{tmpfolder}/app", exist_ok=False) f.extractall(f"{tmpfolder}/app") print() # Read data from the plist print("[*] Reading plist...") if Path(f"{tmpfolder}/app/Payload").exists(): for fname in os.listdir(path=f"{tmpfolder}/app/Payload"): if fname.endswith(".app"): app_dir = fname print("Found app directory!") else: print("[-] IPA is not valid!") exit(1) pre_app_path = os.path.join(f"{tmpfolder}/app/Payload", app_dir) if Path(f'{pre_app_path}/Info.plist').exists(): print("Found Info.plist") with open(f'{pre_app_path}/Info.plist', 'rb') as f: info = plistlib.load(f) if app_name = else: app_name = info["CFBundleName"] if args.bundleid: app_bundle = args.bundleid else: app_bundle = info["CFBundleIdentifier"] app_version = info["CFBundleShortVersionString"] app_min_ios = info["MinimumOSVersion"] app_author = app_bundle.split(".")[1] if info["CFBundleExecutable"]: app_executable = info["CFBundleExecutable"] print("Executable found.") else: app_executable = None print("No executable found.") print("Found information about the app!") print() # Get the deb file ready print("[*] Preparing deb file...") print("Making directories...") os.makedirs(f"{tmpfolder}/deb/Applications", exist_ok=False) os.makedirs(f"{tmpfolder}/deb/DEBIAN", exist_ok=False) print("Copying deb file scripts and control...") Copy.copy_postrm(f"{tmpfolder}/deb/DEBIAN/postrm", app_name) Copy.copy_postinst(f"{tmpfolder}/deb/DEBIAN/postinst", app_name) Copy.copy_control(f"{tmpfolder}/deb/DEBIAN/control", app_name, app_bundle, app_version, app_min_ios, app_author) print("Copying app files...") full_app_path = os.path.join(f"{tmpfolder}/deb/Applications", app_dir) copytree(pre_app_path, full_app_path) print("Changing deb file scripts permissions...") f"chmod 0755 {tmpfolder}/deb/DEBIAN/postrm".split(), stdout=DEVNULL) f"chmod 0755 {tmpfolder}/deb/DEBIAN/postinst".split(), stdout=DEVNULL) if app_executable is not None: print("Changing app executable permissions...") exec_path = os.path.join(full_app_path, app_executable)['chmod', '0755', f'{exec_path}']) print() # Sign the app print("[*] Signing app...") Copy.copy_entitlements(f"{tmpfolder}/entitlements.plist", app_bundle) frameworks_path = os.path.join(full_app_path, 'Frameworks') if args.codesign: print("Signing with codesign as it was specified...") ['security', 'import', './data/certificate.p12', '-P', 'password', '-A'], stdout=DEVNULL)['codesign', '-s', 'We Do A Little Trolling iPhone OS Application Signing', '--force', '--deep', '--preserve-metadata=entitlements', f'{full_app_path}'], stdout=DEVNULL) else: print("Signing with ldid...") if is_ios(): ldid_cmd = 'ldid' else: ldid_cmd = './ldid' if args.debug: print( f"[DEBUG] Running command: {ldid_cmd} -S{tmpfolder}/entitlements.plist -M -Kdata/certificate.p12 -Upassword '{full_app_path}'")[f'{ldid_cmd}', f'-S{tmpfolder}/entitlements.plist', '-M', '-Kdata/certificate.p12', '-Upassword', f'{full_app_path}'], stdout=DEVNULL) print() # Package the deb file print("[*] Packaging the deb file...") if args.output: path_to_deb = args.output else: path_to_deb = 'output/' + app_name.replace(' ', '') + '.deb' os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True) dpkg_cmd = f"dpkg-deb -Zxz --root-owner-group -b {tmpfolder}/deb {path_to_deb}" if dpkg_in_path: if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] Running command: {dpkg_cmd}")"{dpkg_cmd}".split(), stdout=DEVNULL) else: if args.debug: print(f"[DEBUG] Running command: ./{dpkg_cmd}")"./{dpkg_cmd}".split(), stdout=DEVNULL) is_installed = False if not args.noinstall: option = 'n' if not args.install: option = input( "[?] Would you like install the application to your device (must be connected)? [y, n]: ").lower() if option == 'y' or args.install: if is_macos() or is_linux(): try: mux = USBMux() if not mux.devices: mux.process(1.0) if not mux.devices: print("Did not find a connected device") else: print("Found a connected device") Installer.install_deb(args, path_to_deb) is_installed = True except ConnectionRefusedError: print("Did not find a connected device") pass elif is_ios(): print("Checking if user is in sudoers") p ='sudo -nv'.split(), capture_output=True) if p.returncode == 0 or 'password' in p.stderr.decode(): print("User is in sudoers, using sudo command") if args.debug: print( f"[DEBUG] Running command: sudo dpkg -i {path_to_deb}") ["sudo", "dpkg", "-i", f"{path_to_deb}"], capture_output=True) ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-f'], capture_output=True) else: print("User is not in sudoers, using su instead") if args.debug: print( f"[DEBUG] Running command: su root -c 'dpkg -i {path_to_deb}") f"su root -c 'dpkg -i {path_to_deb}'".split(), capture_output=True) "su root -c 'apt-get install -f'".split(), capture_output=True) # Done!!! print() print("[*] We are finished!") if is_installed: print( "[*] The application was installed to your device, no further steps are required!") else: print("[*] Copy the newly created deb from the output folder to your jailbroken iDevice and install it!") print("[*] The app will continue to work when rebooted to stock.") print("[*] Also, this is free and open source software! Feel free to donate to my Patreon if you enjoy :)") print("") print(f"[*] Output file: {path_to_deb}") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--codesign', action='store_true', help="uses codesign instead of ldid") parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help="shows some debug info, only useful for testing") parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', type=str, help="the direct URL of the IPA to be signed") parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=str, help="the direct local path of the IPA to be signed") parser.add_argument('-i', '--install', action='store_true', help="installs the application to your device") parser.add_argument('-n', '--noinstall', action='store_true', help="skips the install prompt") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help="specify output file") parser.add_argument('-b', '--bundleid', type=str, help="specify new bundle id") parser.add_argument('-N', '--name', type=str, help="specify new app name") args = parser.parse_args() main(args)