The hardware specification for alice. Including a library to controll the hardware.
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python screen
Clone the repository into the folder /home/pi/git.
# If not using /home/pi/git folder you have to fix the script with the correct path.
cd /home/pi/git
git clone
You can make alice-harware automatically launch on boot by adding the following to your rc.local
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
sudo -su pi /home/pi/git/alice-hardware/
Simply run the code on your raspberrypi inside alicebot.
# cd /path/to/repo/alice-hardware
Then connecct with the alice-ai from your laptop or also on the raspi. For that see the doc of the ai.
You can also use the alice-remote to control the robot manually.
TOOD coming sooner or later