This project uses the Eve Online API to look for Tower Alert notifications and sends email alerts. It runs in the Google App Engine.
The cron.yaml instructs google to hit /check once every 30 minutes. The handler that responds to requests to /check then talks to the eve API to determine if there are any notifications, and sends out emails.
Move sample_config.ini to config.ini and fill in your values.
# This file can be run on the command line or used as a library.
Found Relavent Notification! 44919XXXX 75 100XXXX 1390068060 0
Sending email to...
Subject: EVE Online Alert!
Notification ID: 44919XXXX
Notification Type: tower_alert 75
Sender ID: 100XXXX Date Sent: Sat Jan 18 10:01:00 2014
aggressorAllianceID: null
aggressorCorpID: 1000066
aggressorID: 129701XXXX
armorValue: 1.0
hullValue: 1.0
moonID: 4041XXXX
shieldValue: 0.9966237833682771
solarSystemID: 3100XXXX
typeID: 17176