Releases: pathwar/pathwar
Releases · pathwar/pathwar
2.102.0 (2023-05-23)
Bug Fixes
- go: add const instead of hardcoded string (1d753ce)
- go: add const instead of hardcoded string (88f7e3c)
- go: lint (c79ecc9)
- go: reduce token claims to minimum (39dd386)
- go: use const instead of hard code value for auth0 realm (e035c16)
- go: use refresh token to testing for long period (417d583)
- web: delete mention of keycloack (2e182e2)
- web: delete print statements (c17ec4c)
- web: delete useless keycloack.json file (bc7a93f)
- add default sso realm (3b56d6a)
- delete mention of keycloack (87186a5)
- use of undeclared var (c77e5d3)
- go: adapt back to Auth0 (b43ab11)
- go: adapt protobuf of a new token anatomy (095aa90)
- go: change URL (c13396f)
- go: comment email verification (d28f8d9)
- go: delete useless double pub key (77b23a7)
- go: delete useless double pub key (89a1b04)
- go: generate new claim for token (b4d1175)
- go: rename claim nickname to preferred_username (add5943)
- go: replace audience with (11186a7)
- go: use acces token instead of ID token (b6a3143)
- go: use acces token instead of ID token (499a8e4)
- web: add auth0 token (b33bcbc)
- web: add logout feature (7eacfa6)
- web: add token in env to test web features (5c726ae)
- adapt keycloack feature to generic feature (1c2b34d)
- web: delete unused import (5f35363)
- web: use id token of auth0 instead of access token in a way to have claims (797957b)
- adapt web to handle auth0 authentication (9c6e9e0)
- add auth0 (23b9faa)
- add our new AUTH system JWT (85f8bf6)
- auth0 get token (111aa83)
- call new AUTH API to get acces token (c4ad6b3)
- handle multiple pub key to impl. teritori auth (9fa0c0b)
- handle SSO verification with two keys (8f4d3ef)
- web: delete keycloack statements (ade237e)
2.100.0 (2023-04-07)
- gà: save team_id on challenge_validation saving to db (6165f9b)
- go: add admin command to dump season stats (6f9994b)
- go: add admin season stat route into method of httpClient (1f3265b)
- go: add csv dumping season result format (fa24216)
- go: add formating into season stats (e87b3be)
- go: add handling error into print csv format (1dd2e9a)
- go: add handling error into print csv format (f59d4c9)
- go: add moretags to precise query param format in admin season stats route (17938ad)
- go: add params to admin season-stats command (267a743)
- go: add util func to pretty print CSV (158beab)
- go: add warning message about rebuild state (787803c)
- go: admin season stats route verify if input is not empty (829757e)
- go: call admin season stats route in the cli command (ee5fc79)
- go: fix linter reference on range scope (77668a6)
- go: generate new route to dump season stats (eec7a8b)
- go: global pre run into admin season-stats command (6503eec)
- go: route season stats add members preload (025d51c)
- go: transform all field into season stats struct into string to easily print into csv (f0d8128)
- go: verify arguments in admin season-stats command (4937ffe)
- go: verify input & admin right into season stats API route (c896853)
- go/event: admin stats season add possiblity to rebuild from a previous state (5981376)
- go/event: create func to rebuild stat and split func general rebuild with DRY concept (8d590a8)
- go/event: rebuild stats from a datetime and print result (ad66a80)
- go/event: refactor event rebuilding and add call rebuild in dump stats to a previous datetime (9cd950c)
- go/season-stat: adapt mesage proto (014f02a)
- go/season-stat: retrieve number of challenges validated by each team (a669645)
- go/season-stat: retrieve season by id or slug (51a4c2c)