Welcome to the "Burger Restaurant Database" project! This GitHub repository focuses on creating a comprehensive database for a burger restaurant using SQL, along with an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram generated using dbdiagram.io and several SQL queries to analyze sales, customer spending, employee performance, and ingredient usage.
Table: Stores information about customer orders, including order date, menu items, quantity, and payment details. -
Table: Contains customer details such as name, address, email, and phone number. -
Table: Holds details about menu items, including menu name and price. -
Table: Stores information about employees, including name and contact details. -
Table: Contains payment types accepted by the restaurant. -
Table: Lists various burger ingredients. -
Table: Establishes relationships between menu items and ingredients.
The ER diagram visually represents the relationships between different tables, providing a clear overview of the database structure.
Top-Selling Menu:
- Identifies the most popular menu items based on total sales quantity.
SELECT md.menu_name, SUM(r.quantity) AS total_sales FROM receipt r JOIN menu_detail md ON r.menu_id = md.menu_id GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC;
Sales by Week:
- Analyzes sales trends on a weekly basis, calculating the total sales amount.
SELECT strftime('%W', order_date) AS week_number, SUM((r.quantity * md.price)) AS total_sales FROM receipt r JOIN menu_detail md ON r.menu_id = md.menu_id GROUP BY 1;
Top Spending Customer:
- Identifies customers who spent the most by calculating their total spending.
SELECT r.customer_id, c.firstname || ' ' || c.lastname AS full_name, SUM((r.quantity * md.price)) AS total_spending FROM receipt r JOIN menu_detail md ON r.menu_id = md.menu_id JOIN customer c ON r.customer_id = c.customer_id GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 3 DESC;
Average Order Amount:
- Calculates the average order quantity.
SELECT AVG(quantity) AS avg_order_size FROM receipt;
Employee Handling Most Orders:
- Determines which employee processed the highest number of orders.
SELECT r.employee_id, e.firstname || ' ' || e.lastname AS full_name, COUNT(r.employee_id) AS no_order FROM receipt r JOIN employee e ON r.employee_id = e.employee_id GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 3 DESC;
Ingredient Usage Analysis:
- Analyzes ingredient usage, highlighting the most frequently used ingredients.
SELECT i.ing_id, i.ing_name, (SELECT SUM(r.quantity) FROM receipt r WHERE r.menu_id IN (SELECT fr.menu_id FROM food_recipe fr WHERE fr.ing_id = i.ing_id)) AS total_quantity_used FROM ingredient i ORDER BY total_quantity_used DESC;