Ce répertoire regroupe les externals pour Max du cours paccpp.
Pour installer ce répertoire et compiler les externals, se reporter au répertoire MaxStarterKit qui possède la même structure.
Nom | déscription |
pa.dummy | Select outlet based on input atoms |
pa.count~ | Outputs a signal increasing by 1 for each sample elapsed |
pa.phasor~ | Outputs a ramp between 0. and 1. at a given frequency |
pa.osc1~ | A simple sinusoidal oscillator |
pa.osc2~ | A sinusoidal oscillator using linear interpolation on a 512 point buffer |
pa.osc3~ | A sinusoidal oscillator using linear interpolation on a 512+1 point buffer |
pa.delay1~ | A fixed delay using static memory allocation |
pa.delay2~ | A fixed delay using dynamic memory allocation |
pa.sah~ | Sample and hold a signal according to a trigger |
pa.clip~ | Clip signal between minimum and maximum values |
pa.delay3~ | A variable delay line |
pa.delay4~ | A signal driven variable delay line |
pa.delay5~ | A single writer / multiple readers delay line |
pa.readbuffer1~ | Access a Max buffer~ object |
pa.readbuffer2~ | Read samples in a Max buffer~ at a given speed |
pa.snapshot~ | Converts signal into float at a given time interval |
pa.gain~ | Multiply signal with a smooth transition |
pa.phasorpp~ | c++ version of the pa.phasor~ object |
- paccpp wiki => "Anatomie-d'un-objet-Max"
- max-sdk