Fix key release blockers of the contributor admin dashboard #19570
This issue aims to fix the key issues that block the launch of the contributor admin dashboard.
Available Tasks
Assigned Tasks
Fixed Tasks
Question Coordinator: The “Displaying 1-17 of many” seems odd since there are only 17 results and the page size is 20. Shouldn’t it be “Displaying 1-17 of 17”? I.e. when there are no more pages, “many” should be replaced by the total number of entries. (See Fix part of #19570: pagination ui in contribution admin dashboard table #19592 for partial previous work.) @stevenjgodfrey
Edit “role” the cancel button does not work on my end. After click “cancel” the pop-up window still there. A bit of unclear why need to edit role. @DmirtyUsov
Some errors observed on console. @stevenjgodfrey
No data loads for me when I visit the page. I am a curriculum, translation, voiceover and question admin at this point, but not a translation or question coordinator. The page should show a 401 error if I do not have the required permissions. Despite not having actual access I am able to click on the “Add reviewer” button; this is wrong. @Aakash-Jakhmola
Why is this square showing? as a first time user i think the is something which i can not see @Aakash-Jakhmola
There is no indication that person have to select a language to check the status , at first i thought why this number is 0 then i choose language and data shows up @Aakash-Jakhmola
Question Coordinator: The “17” in “Question Reviewers” should be higher so that there is space between it and the bottom edge of the white box. @stevenjgodfrey
Question Coordinator: The second-last column in this table does not make sense (it says “Last Reviewed” but this is a table of Question Submitters. @stevenjgodfrey
Question Coordinator: There should be more space between the text and the bottom of the gray box. (In the screenshot, the list of topics actually continues for a third line below the box.) @stevenjgodfrey
Question Coordinator: I opened the roles for a user and removed the question reviewer role. I saved the changes. There is no indicator that the changes were successfully saved (I would expect a green toast at the bottom right). When I reopened the modal, both the question submitter and reviewer roles were unchecked, even though I had only removed the reviewer role. @stevenjgodfrey
I have not selected any language, so what does this number depict? Translation reviewer and Question reviewer for which language and which topics or overall/total number. @stevenjgodfrey
For language drop down menu its better that we start every language in english first , as this will be easy to search. Suggestion: change headers to “Recent Performance” and “Overall Accuracy” @masterboy376
For language drop down menu its better that we start every language in english first , as this will be easy to search @Aakash-Jakhmola
Change "Question Reviewers" -> "Practice Question Reviewers" @stevenjgodfrey
Placeholder still showing after a topic is selected. Took a while to realize that it could mean that more than 1 topic can be selected. However it is impossible on my end to select more than 1 topic. (Description - I try typing the 2nd topic, the options pop up, I select the topic it searches and shows an incomplete word. See 2nd screenshot. @stevenjgodfrey
Change the URL of the dashboard page from /contributor-dashboard-admin to /contributor-admin-dashboard. @sumitks866
How to test all the changes:
- Run the development server
- Give yourself "Release Coordinator", "Translation Coordinator", "Question Coordinator" role from /admin page(Roles tab)
- Then goto the /release-coordinator page
- Turn on the cd_admin_dashboard_new_ui feature.
- Then goto /contributor-dashboard-admin
- To populate data on Contributor Dashboard
Helpful Tips
Seeking Help: If you encounter persistent errors after applying your changes and can't resolve them despite multiple attempts, you can seek assistance from @chris7716 and others. To do this effectively:
Prepare a Draft PR: Initiate a draft pull request on GitHub incorporating all your changes.
Document Your Attempts: Create a debugging doc to fully describe the issues you are running into and the solutions you've tried, so that others can help you more easily.
Reach Out for Help: Contact @chris7716 via email ( Include in your communication:
- The specific error you're encountering.
- The link to your draft PR.
- The debugging doc, which includes the list of solutions you've already attempted.
- Email title with "
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