Geospatial dataset picker via fast Api Rest interface written in NodeJs for GDAL bindings and Fastify
It is basically an advanced elevation service and Geopicker has been specially designed to offer the widest range of formats and methods of data requests that is possible, to adapt to any context of use by the client. Each endpoint and the parameters it accepts have been designed on the basis of the functioning of already existing services, gathering a complete and coherent collection of APIs. At present the index.html page contains a large implementation of browser side requests using LeafletJs as basemap and jQuery.
- Large Rest API: many endpoints suitable for each data request context
- JSON Schema: validation of routes and parameters, can be deactivated
- Customization: friendly configs and to help devs in many deploy contexts
- Formats: support for different geospatial input and output formatss
and includes some other additional functions:
- Densify: add more points in a sequence of coordinates, this improves the display on an elevation graph, adding intermediate positions at a minimum fixed distance.
- Simplify: unlike densify it removes points that are too close together from a geometry.
- Height: add the vertical distance from the ground, if input has elevation add a fourth coordinate with this value.
- Metadata: get additional informations for a certain geometry, can be for example the direction of a path.
The API is work in progress.
This basic structure can be extended starting from the environment variable PREFIX
which by default /
Status | Method | Path | Return | Description |
✔️ | GET | / | html | demo map page if enabled by env var DEMO_PAGE=true |
✔️ | GET | /status | object | service status, versions, datasets |
✔️ | GET | /datasets | object | list available datasets and their attributes |
✔️ | GET | /:dataset | object | show attributes of a certain dataset |
✔️ | GET | /:dataset/:lon/:lat | array | get single location value of dataset, densify not supported |
✔️ | GET | /:dataset/:locations | array | locations is a string (format: `lon,lat |
✔️ | POST | /:dataset/lonlat | arrays | accept array or object in body |
✔️ | POST | /:dataset/geometry | object | geojson geometry Point or LineString in body |
✔️ | POST | /:dataset/locations | arrays | accept array or object of locations in body (format is [[lon,lat],[lon,lat],[lon,lat]] ) |
❌ | GET | /densify/:locations | arrays | add more points in list of locations |
❌ | POST | /densify/geometry | object | add more points in linestring |
❌ | GET | /within/:lon/:lat | object | check what dataset contains lon,lat |
❌ | POST | /within/geometry | object | check what dataset contains geometry in body |
❌ | POST | /meta/geometry | object | return direction and length of geometry |
Additional global Parameters:
Status | Parameter | Default | Description |
🚧 | precision | 7 | rounded to digits decimal precision |
🚧 | densify | false | enable densification of points in the result |
🚧 | simplify | false | enable simplication geometry of the result |
🚧 | height | false | add vertical distance from the ground(only input has elevation) |
❌ | format | by input | output type(json,polyline,geojson) |
❌ | meta | false | additional metadata in output |
✔️ Done ❌ TODO 🚧 Work in Progress
Running by official Docker image:
docker run -v "/$(pwd)/tests/data:/data" -e DEMO_PAGE=true -p 8080:8080 stefcud/geopicker
Running from source code in development mode, requirements: nodejs 16.x > and glibc 2.28 (Ubuntu 20.x > ):
npm install
cd server && npm install && cd -
npm run dev
Browse the demo page: http://localhost:9090/
Full configuration options can be found in docs config
some useful tools for contributors npm run <scriptname>
run in local docker-compose containerstart
run in production modebench
run benchmarksdev
run in development mode
Get single location exchanging a few bytes:
$ curl "http://localhost:9090/elevation/11.123/46.123"
Post a json object and receive the same decorated with the result(still works with longitude
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"lon": 11.123, "lat": 46.123"}' \
{"lon": 11.123,"lat": 46.123,"val":195}
Get many stringified locations in one time(designed for not too long LineString):
curl "http://localhost:9090/elevation/11.1,46.1|11.2,46.2|11.3,46.3"
Post a very long LineString saving bytes:
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[[10.9998,46.0064],[10.9998,46.0065],[10.9999,46.0066],[11.0000,46.0067]]' \
Post anyone GeoJSON geometry, the same input geometry is always returned which has a third dimension:
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[11.1,46.1],[11.2,46.2],[11.3,46.3]]}' \
From version v1.6.1 /elevation/...
is the same of /datasets/elevation/...
can be implicit.
benchmarks scripts: tests/benchmarks.js
using AutoCannon
cd tests && npm install && cd -
npm run bench
The results testing a dataset of 2x2km geotiff
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 0 ms │ 0 ms │ 0 ms │ 1 ms │ 0.02 ms │ 0.16 ms │ 6 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 18111 │ 18111 │ 22783 │ 23471 │ 22175.28 │ 1473.21 │ 18099 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 4.02 MB │ 4.02 MB │ 5.05 MB │ 5.21 MB │ 4.92 MB │ 327 kB │ 4.01 MB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
# of samples: 11
244k requests in 11.01s, 54.1 MB read
for details see the descriptions in the Roadmap issues
Status | Goal |
✔️ | Swagger Documentation Interface |
🚧 | manage multiple datasets |
🚧 | ES6 modules |
🚧 | extend benchmarks for any endpoints |
❌ | enable densify function |
❌ | enable simply function |
❌ | unit testing |
❌ | support vector format in datasets, such as shapefile |
❌ | supports complex geometries in input |
❌ | limit access by api key |
❌ | caching responses |
❌ | interfaces: websocket, jsonrpc |
❌ | command line interface |
Created by Stefano Cudini @zakis Distributed under the BSD 2-Clause license.