PROBLEM:- Given a positive integer N. The task is to check if N is a power of 2. More formally, check if N can be expressed as 2x for some x. Example 1: Input: N = 1 Output: true Explanation: 1 is equal to 2 raised to 0 (20 == 1). Example 2: Input: N = 98 Output: false Explanation: 98 cannot be obtained by any power of 2. Your Task: Your task is to complete the function isPowerofTwo() which takes n as a parameter and returns true or false by checking is given number can be represented as a power of two or not. Expected Time Complexity: O(log N). Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1). Constraints: 0 <= N <= 1018 SOLUTION:- JAVA CODE: //User function Template for Java class PowerCheck{ // Function to check if given number is power of two public static boolean isPowerofTwo(long n){ // Your code here if(n==0) { return false; } while(n!=1) { if(n%2!=0) return false; n=n/2; } return true; } }