PROBLEM:- Given an array Arr[] of N integers.Find the sum of values of even and odd index positions separately. Example 1: Input: N=5 Arr={1,2,3,4,5} Output: 9 6 Explanation: The sum of elements at odd places i.e at 1st,3rd and 5th places are (1+3+5=9) Similarly,the sum of elements at even places i.e. at 2nd and 4th places are (2+4=6). Example 2: Input: N=5 Arr={1,1,1,1,1} Output: 3 2 Explanation: The sum of elements at odd places is (1+1+1=3).Similarly, the sum of elements at even places is (1+1=2) Your Task: You don't need to read input or print anything.Your Task is to complete the function EvenOddSum() which takes an integer N and an array Arr as input parameters and returns the sum of elements in odd places and in even places separately. Expected Time Complexity:O(N) Expected Auxillary Space:O(1) Constraints: 1<=N<=105 0<=Arr[i]<=104,for 0<=i SOLUTION: JAVA CODE: // User function Template for Java class Solution { ArrayList EvenOddSum(int N, int Arr[]) { // code here ArrayList list=new ArrayList(); //ArrayList odd=new ArrayList(); int sum1=0,sum2=0; for(int i=0;i