Monologue is a basic mountable blogging engine in Rails built to be easily mounted in an already existing Rails app, but it can also be used alone.
This README is for Monologue 0.3.X.
To know how to upgrade, see file. If you want to know what changed since the last versions, see
Rails mountable engine (fully named spaced and mountable in an already existing app)
back to basics: few features
tags (or categories)
multiple users
support for Google Analytics and tags
few external dependencies (no Devise or Sorcery, etc…) so we don't face problem integrating with existing Rails app.(Rails mountable engines: dependency nightmare?)
comments are handled by disqus
enforcing Rails cache for better performance (only support file store for now). Read this to enable it.
more in the CHANGELOG
bonus: there is a monologue-markdown extension
- see roadmap!
gem "monologue"
And run bundle install
to fetch the gem and update your 'Gemfile.lock'.
Add this to your route file (config/route.rb
# This line mounts Monologue's routes at the root of your application.
# This means, any requests to URLs such as /my-post, will go to Monologue::PostsController.
# If you would like to change where this engine is mounted, simply change the :at option to something different.
# We ask that you don't use the :as option here, as Monologue relies on it being the default of "monologue"
mount Monologue::Engine, at: '/' # or whatever path, be it "/blog" or "/monologue"
For example, if you decide to mount it at /blog
, the admin section will be available at /blog/monologue
Here we decide to use monologue as default route mounting it at /
, it means that the admin section will directly
be available at /monologue
Run these commands:
- $
bundle exec rake monologue:install:migrations
- $
bundle exec rake db:create
(only if this is a new project) - $
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Open your development console with rails c
, then:
Monologue::User.create(name: "monologue", email:"", password:"my-password", password_confirmation: "my-password")
This is all done in an initializer file, say config/initializers/monologue.rb
. More on this in the Wiki - Configuration.
Start your server and head on http://localhost:3000/monologue to log in the admin section.
- Additionnal step: turn caching off in
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
- If you use compiled assets, I recommend you to add
gem "tinymce-rails"
to your Gemfile otherwise you might not be able to post an article.
Monologue is using his own tables. If you want to use your own tables with monologue (for example the User table) this might help you to monkey patch Monkey Patch
See the Wiki - Customizations.
- Rails 3.1 +
- Database: MySQL & Postgres are supported but other databases might work too.
- Jean-Philippe Boily, @jipiboily
- Michael Sevestre, @msevestre
Fork it, then pull request. Please add tests for your feature or bug fix.
You will need to install this before running the test suite:
Zurb for the "social foundicons".