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django tinymce attachment

Open source images management system based on the Django framework.


  • Work with images, files and archives.
  • integration with TinyMCE editor.
  • Easy to connect to any model.
  • Resize, crop, upscale and add filters to images.


  • Python 2.7
  • Django 1.11.*
  • django-tinymce 2.6.0
  • django-imagekit 0.3.3
  • django-classy-tags >=0.3,<=0.9.0

Installation and basic usage

  1. Install package


  2. Create application custom_attachment. Add next files to app:

    from imagekit.processors import Resize
    class ResizeThumb(Resize): # required resize
        width = 172
        height = 172
    class ResizeDisplay(Resize):  # required resize
        width = 1200
        height = 900
    class ResizeImg384x288(Resize): # optional resize
        width = 384
        height = 288
        crop = True
        upscale = True
    class ResizeImgAutox408(Resize):  # optional resize
        height = 408

    "Resize" it is processor for change image size. Which has the following parameters:

    • width - width limit (default: None).
    • height - height limit (default: None).
    • crop - crop image to maintain aspect ratio for specified width and height (default: False).
    • upscale - increase image size to maintain aspect ratio for specified width and height (default: False).

    from imagekit.specs import ImageSpec
    from .resizes import *
    class Thumb(ImageSpec):
    	processors = [ResizeThumb]
    class Display(ImageSpec):
    	processors = [ResizeDisplay]
    class Img384x288(ImageSpec):
    	processors = [ResizeImg384x288]
    	quality = 80
    class ImgAutox408(ImageSpec):
    	processors = [ResizeImgAutox408]

    Image specifications is a set of processors. Which has the following parameters:

    • processors - list of image processors (deafault: empty list)
    • quality - value in range 0 to 100 (source image have 100 quality). You can lower the jpeg image quality for optimization image size. You cannot reduce the png image file-size in this way (deafault: 70)
  3. Configure your settings file:

    • ATTACHMENT_FOR_MODELS - list of models for connecting images and files (default: empty list)
    • ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_DIR - folder in the media root for storing attachment files (default: 'upload/attachment/source')
    • ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR - folder in the media root for storing image versions (default: 'upload/attachment/cache')
    • ATTACHMENT_IKSPECS - file with specifications of image versions (default: 'attachment.ikspecs')
    • ATTACHMENT_EXTRA_IMAGES, ATTACHMENT_EXTRA_FILES - count of extra inline images/files for connected models (default: 3)
    • ATTACHMENT_MAX_IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE, ATTACHMENT_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE - limit in bytes for uploaded images/files (default: None). Pay attention to Django variables: FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE and FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS.
    • GROUP_IMAGES - Add to attachments extra field "group" (default: True).
    • ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_ROLES - list fixed image roles - for example "gallery", "caption"(default: False)
    • ATTACHMENT_LINK_MODELS - list of models to be listed in link-list TinyMCE (default: empty list)
    • ATTACHMENT_SPECS_FOR_TINYMCE - list specifications for TinyMCE editor (default: empty list). For example we need connect attachments to "Page" model.

    Simple settings configuration:

    # attachments
    INSTALLED_APPS += ['unidecode', 'imagekit', 'attachment', '<PROJECT_ROOT>.custom_attachment']
    ATTACHMENT_IKSPECS = '<PROJECT_ROOT>.custom_attachment.ikspecs'
    ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_ROLES = ['gallery', 'caption']
    # TinyMCE
    INSTALLED_APPS += ['tinymce']
    'mode': 'exact',
    'theme': 'advanced',
    'relative_urls': False,
    'width': 1024,
    'height': 300,
    'skin': 'o2k7',
    'plugins': 'table,advimage,advlink,inlinepopups,preview,media,searchreplace,contextmenu,paste,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras',
    'theme_advanced_buttons1': 'justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,sub,sup,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,|,formatselect,removeformat,cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,media,charmap,|,visualchars,nonbreaking',
    'theme_advanced_buttons2': 'visualaid,tablecontrols,|,blockquote,del,ins,|preview,fullscreen,|,code',
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_location': 'top',
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_align': 'left',
    'valid_elements': '*[*]',
    'extended_valid_elements': '*[*]',
    'custom_elements': 'noindex',
    'external_image_list_url': 'images/',
    'external_link_list_url': 'links/',
    'paste_remove_styles': 'true',
    'paste_remove_styles_if_webkit': 'true',
    'paste_strip_class_attributes': 'all',
    'plugin_preview_width': '900',
    'plugin_preview_height': '800',
    'accessibility_warnings': 'false',
    'theme_advanced_resizing': 'true',
    'content_style': '.mcecontentbody{font-size:14px;}',
  4. Add urlpattern to main

    from django.views.static import serve
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.contrib import admin
    from django.conf.urls import url, include
    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', serve, {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),
        url(r'^', include('attachment.urls')), # before admin urls
        url(r'^tinymce/', include('tinymce.urls')),
        # ...
  5. Call attachments in template:

    Example №1. Get page images/files:

    {% load attachment_tags %}
    {% get_images for current_page as images %}
    {% get_files for current_page as files %}

    Example №2. Show page images/files:

    {% load attachment_tags %}
    {% show_images for current_page %}
    {% show_files for current_page %}

    To customize attachments show.html template, stick to the following template structure:

    • templates/
      • attachment/
        • show.html

    Example №3. Image specifications:

    {% load attachment_tags %}
    {% get_images for current_page as images %}
    {% for image in images %}
        	<source srcset="{{ image.display.url }}" media="(min-width: 1216px)"/>
            <source srcset="{{ image.imgautox408.url }}" media="(min-width: 1024px)"/>
            <source srcset="{{ image.img384x288.url }}" media="(min-width: 768px)"/>
         	<source srcset="{{ image.thumb.url }}" media="(min-width: 320px)"/>
            <img src="{{ image.thumb.url }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"/>
    {% endfor %}
  6. Apply migrations, run local server and add attachments in admin

    python migrate
    python runserver

Advanced usage


We have several processors from the box:

  • BottomCenterWatermark
  • BottomLeftWatermark
  • BottomRightWatermark
  • CenterWatermark
  • AroundWatermark - repeated throughout the photo.
  • GrayScale - image discoloration.


  1. Put watermark.png image to your images directory

  2. Create <PROJECT_ROOT>/custom_attachment/ with the following contents:

    from os.path import join
    from django.conf import settings
    from attachment.processors import BottomLeftWatermark
    STATIC_PATH = join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'static') if settings.DEBUG else settings.STATIC_ROOT
    class BLWatermark(BottomLeftWatermark):
        image_path = join(STATIC_PATH, 'img', 'watermark.png')
        opacity = 0.7
        left = 0
        bottom = 50
  3. Add Watermark processor to image specification in <PROJECT_ROOT>/custom_attachment/

    from imagekit.specs import ImageSpec
    from .resizes import *
    from .processors import BLWatermark
    from attachment.processors import GrayScale
    class WatermarkDisplay(ImageSpec):
    	processors = [ResizeDisplay, BLWatermark]
    class GrayScaleDisplay(ImageSpec):
    	processors = [ResizeDisplay, GrayScale]
  4. To add a new image specifications to the TinyMCE editor update

    ATTACHMENT_SPECS_FOR_TINYMCE = ['watermarkdisplay', 'grayscaledisplay']
  5. Call new image specifications in template:

    {% load attachment_tags %}
    {% get_images for current_page as images %}
    {% for image in images %}
        <img src="{{ image.watermarkdisplay.url }}"/>
        <img src="{{ image.grayscaledisplay.url }}"/>
    {% endfor %}


update_cache - сommand updates images of specified specification or model. parameters:

  • -s - specify image specification, for example:

     python update_cache -s img384x288
  • -m - specify image model (optional, default attachment.AttachmentImage ). For example:

     python update_cache -s img384x288 -m attachment.AttachmentImage

Custom application based on attachments

For example, we need the Sliders app, for use attachments backend follow next steps:

from imagekit.models import ImageModel
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey, GenericRelation
from attachment.fields import ImagePreviewField
from attachment import settings

class Slide(ImageModel):

    class IKOptions:
        spec_module = settings.ATTACHMENT_IKSPECS
        cache_dir = settings.ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR
        cache_filename_format = "%(filename)s-%(specname)s.%(extension)s"
        image_field = 'image'

    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
    image = ImagePreviewField(widget_type='horizontal', upload_to=settings.ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_DIR)

class Slider(models.Model):

    slides = GenericRelation(Slide)

'ImagePrviewField' has following attributes:

  • widget_type - set specified widget template, can take the value horisontal, vertical or None (default: None)
  • upload_to - directory to upload image


Makes attachments to objects and register them in TinyMCE







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