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产品迭代进展(Product Iterative Progress) [2024-1-20] #1839



This issue will be updated weekly.

[中文版] | [English]

更新内容 更新日期
obdiag V3.0.0 已发布 2024-12-31
OBShell V4.2.5.0 已发布 2024-12-16
OMS 4.2.7 已发布 2024-12-13
obdiag V2.6.0 已发布 2024-11-28
OBShell V4.2.4 BP3 已发布 2024-11-25
OceanBase 4.3.4 已发布
obproxy 4.3.2 已发布
OCP-CE 4.3.4 开发中
obdiag 2.5.0 已发布
obshell 4.2.4 BP1 已发布
ODC 4.3.2 已发版
OceanBase 4.3.3 已发布 2024-10-18
OMS 4.2.6 已发布 2024-10-11
OMS 4.2.6 开发中 2024-09-25
obdiag 2.5.0 更新功能信息
obshell 4.2.4 已发布
OCP-CE V4.3.2 已发版,V4.3.3开发中
ODC V4.3.2 开发中
OBD 2.10.0 已发布 2024-09-09
OMS 4.2.5 已发布 2024-08-29
OMS 4.2.5信息更新
obdiag 2.4.0 发版时间延迟





  • 4.2.1 BP8 已发布:新增支持日志流副本管理、DBLink指定域名访问、主备租户角色切换验证、主备租户事件展示、事务提交后 Cursor 访问、SM3 加密函数,OBKV 新增响应时间统计直方图、OBKV-HBase 支持列分页、逆序扫描。
  • 4.3.2 已发布:OceanBase V4.3.2 是面向 AP 业务的性能增强版本,数据读取、数据分发、数据计算、向量化处理、计划选择全方位改进,AP 类基准测试性能整体提升 10%-15%。引入 Roaringbitmap 数据类型及相关计算表达式,给大数据集合运算和去重场景提供了更优选择。丰富增量旁路导入功能、提升全量旁路导入性能,扩展支持 Parquet 文件外表,加速大规模数据的处理速度。作为一款一体化数据库,新版本也针对 express oltp、complex oltp、olap、htap、kv 等 5 类场景分别梳理了场景化参数模版,配合部署工具,让初始配置就适合每一种业务类型。此外,新版本还融合了 V4.2.x 系列前序版本的诸多兼容性增强和用户体验改进特性,并合入了TP 类 SQL 的性能改进,致力于满足各类应用场景对产品的诉求。
  • 4.3.2BP1 已发布:主要对以下两个功能进行增强:1. 异步任务调度:OceanBase 数据库目前已支持 insert overwrite、insert select、create table as、load data 等多种数据导入命令,来支撑数据实时入库。但实时导入的方式需要在导入过程中等待导入完成,不能中断会话,这在大规模数据导入的场景比较不易用。新版本基于 DBMS_SCHEDULER 提供了异步任务调度能力,用户可通过 submit job、show job status 和 cancel job 等命令实现异步导入任务的创建、状态查询和任务取消。2.SELECT INTO OUTFILE 分区导出:OceanBase 数据库目前已支持通过 SELECT INTO OUTFILE 导出多文件,但尚未支持对数据分区后按分区导出。新版本增加按分区导出能力,以得到更清晰的目录结构。在此基础上还可以将文件目录构造为带分区的外表,通过分区路径裁剪,提高外表的查询效率。
  • 4.3.3 已发布:OceanBase V4.3.3 作为 4.3 系列的第一个 GA 版本发布,在几个关键场景完成了突破。一是在关系型数据库基础上支持了适用于 AI 类分析处理的向量类型及索引;二是更好满足 HTAP 混合负载场景下,TP、AP 资源物理强隔离诉求的全新的列存副本形态;三是面向 AP 类查询任务的整体可观的性能提升。除此之外,新增 ARRAY 复杂类型支持、优化 Roaringbitmap 类型计算性能,强化物化视图改写刷新等能力,扩展外表功能、提高外表导入性能,优化 AP 类 SQL 的计划生成和执行策略,加快面向 OLAP 负载的产品化能力提升。新版本还支持了一种只需恢复日志无需恢复数据到本地即可提供读写服务的快速恢复能力,也支持了 QUERY 级别的资源组设定,提升了系统的可靠性和易用性。同时,V4.2.4 及之前版本的大部分特性已经在 V4.3.3 补充支持,后续也会推出同样可应用于 OLTP 业务生产的全新融合版本。
  • 4.3.4 已发布:面向 AP 业务的 GA 版本,在第一个 GA 版本 V4.3.3 的基础上,新增多个重要特性。完善多值索引能力,丰富全文索引场景,提升查询性能;完善旁路导入功能,优化主键表写临时文件开销,提高数据导入效率;新增自动分区分裂功能、Format Outline 功能、租户级全局控制导数走旁路导入功能,提升产品易用性;同时对 OBKV 支持全局索引、OBKV-HBase 能力增强等 V4.2.5 及之前版本的大部分特性,进行了补充支持。


  • 4.3.1 已发布:重点增强了MySQL兼容性、Binlog功能、性能优化及OBKV支持,包括模拟MySQL语法、Binlog服务IP扩展、CPU使用率降低、表锁与主备库支持、多字符集与字符序、分布式事务优化、LSOP与Batch请求增强、HBase模式及TableGroup支持、路由与解析优化,以及POI和ODP内存管理改进,发布于2024年8月6日。
  • 4.3.2 已发布:提供了一系列增强的功能,包括基于权重的动态负载均衡、列存副本路由、只读流量控制、各种类型路由支持、observer 能力传递给 JDBC、SQL 限流、性能优化、内存稳定性提升、多种监控和协议支持、以及针对 OBKV 的异步处理和大结果集优化。发布于10月23日。


  • V2.6.1 已发布;
  • V2.6.2 已发布:该版本为 BUGFIX 版本,主要修复本月收到的部分问题反馈。
  • V2.7.0 已发布:该版本主要是支持非部署组件(obclient/jre)安装,进一步提供JAVA产品(OCP、OCP-Express)的易用性。
  • V2.8.0 已发布:该版本主要是支持接管含有OBShell的Oceanbase集群。
  • V2.9.0 已发布:该版本主要是支持组件变更、configserver白屏,租户调优,安装包清理。
  • V2.10.0 已发布:该版本主要是支持白屏组件管理、适配 Oceanbase-CE V4.3.3、 OBProxy V4.3新特性, 优化 test 命令组。


  • V4.2.3 已发布,主要优化客户端交互体验。
  • V4.2.3 BP1 已发布,主要优化客户端动画展示等。推出 OBShell-SDK-GO、OBShell-SDK-Python 方便开发者接入。
  • V4.2.4 已发布,支持租户管理和备份恢复。
  • V4.2.4 BP1 已发布。支持集群内自动版本同步。
  • V4.2.4 BP3 已发布。在进行副本或主区变更前检查 enable_rebalance,新增接口以基于 ob_admin 获取可恢复时间区间,并将监听地址从指定 IP 修改为。


  • V4.2.2 已发布:主要支持ObServer 4.2.2 CE,并且支持监控大盘等新增功能;
  • V4.3.0 已发版:主要功能主备库切换、OBS/S3 适配、活跃告警处理 & 优化告警消除逻辑、 CPU 超卖等预计。发版时间5月24号。
  • V4.3.1 已发版:支持主备库切换、S3协议 适配。发版时间7月26日。
  • V4.3.2 已发布:支持 OBKV监控, 租户克隆/重命名、运维配置、SSO协议白屏配置等新功能。发版时间9月23日。
  • V4.3.3 开发中:提供列存副本,适用于 TP/AP 负载的隔离场景。支持统计信息管理以优化查询性能,并增强了 OCP 的权限角色模型以提升数据安全。此外,版本包含20余项改进,如运维、性能监控、备份恢复和操作审计等。预计11月15日发布。
  • V4.3.4 开发中:本版本提供 Binlog 服务的安装部署、基础运维、监控告警等功能,帮助用户实现与 MySQL 下游生态链路的无缝对接;同时优化组织角色权限模型, 提升系统的整体安全性。预计发布时间12月30日。
  • V4.2.5.0 已发布。支持缩容和故障节点替换。


  • V2.1.2 已发布:该版本主要Standalone模式。目前大部分ob-operator用户是希望替换正在使用的mysql。该模式可以在不支持固定IP的情况下实现POD重建不丢失,进一步降低用户使用门槛。
  • V2.2.0 已发布:该版本主要适配4.3.0新特性,不再依赖网络组件实现自动容灾。
  • V2.2.1 已发版: 该版本主要实现集群可迁移至 ob-operator 管理,同时进行实用的功能增强,在集群部署完成之后可修改资源和存储挂载,修复了故障恢复的相关问题。
  • V2.2.2 已发版: 此版本修复了一个重要 issue,在并发删除多数 zone 的 observer 时有概率造成集群不可用,另外提供了多个 feature 来方便的对运行中的集群进行调整。
  • V2.3.0 开发中: 此版本将会带来在多 Kubernetes 中运维 OceanBase 集群的能力,预计将在 10.15 发布。
  • Dashboard V0.2.0 已发版:该版本将补齐租户管理相关功能,包括租户创建、备份、恢复等。
  • Dashboard V0.2.1 已发版:在“连接”选项卡中添加了对连接集群系统和租户的支持。
  • Dashboard V0.3.0 已发布:此版本增加了 obproxy 管理和告警功能。
  • Dashboard V0.3.1 已发布: 此版本提供基于权限和角色的访问控制能力。
  • Dashboard V0.4.0 开发中: 此版本将提供 SQL 诊断相关的功能,预计将在 11.15 发布。


  • V4.2.3 已发布,引入数据归档改进、任务日志查看与编辑、无锁结构变更以及账号锁定和表重命名功能。增强项目协同,用户可申请权限,绑定数据源,新增安全管理员和参与者角色,工单可共享URL。SQL Check和全链路TRACE得到优化,前者可定位问题SQL,后者可深入分析慢查询。MySQL数据源新增导入导出,模拟数据支持扩增至1亿行。
  • V4.2.4 2024/4/3 发布,带来OceanBase 4.2.2、Oracle和Doris支持,71个新的代码片段和字典视图的自动补全。同构数据库结构比对、OBOracle分区计划配置、提升数据归档和清理效率。安全增强涵盖更多SQL规则、库访问权限、通知功能。SSO现支持LDAP,易用性提升体现在优化的数据库选择和个人配置,桌面版允许大容量数据导出。
  • V4.3.0 2024/6/12 发布,支持 OceanBase 4.3.0 列存,变更风险管控支持多库变更、库管理员、手动执行,数据归档/清理支持查看任务性能指标、配置分区条件、配置超时时间、实现了 OceanBase 全字段类型兼容,数据清理支持联动历史库校验,新增全局对象检索。详见 CHANGELOG
  • V4.3.1 2024/7/31 发布,重点提升了风险管理,增强AP功能,并优化用户体验,包括细粒度权限控制、SQL执行实时分析及数据管理改进。
  • V4.3.2 2024/9/27:本版本新增逻辑库支持和数据归档链路,并优化SQL开发页面,提高数据管理和开发的便捷性与可靠性。

OceanBase 敏捷诊断工具(obdiag)

  • V2.1.0 已发布:新增1个基础采集tabledump功能,新增3个根因分析场景(集群无主问题根因分析、通用事务问题根因分析、建索引报错问题根因分析),4个优化项(sql/ssh执行器优化、日志分析对文件压缩传输、cpu高场景信息采集优化、集群故障时不阻塞采集)
  • V2.2.0 已发布,发布时间2024.06.14,主要是扩充根因分析场景以及新增tabledump采集功能
  • V2.3.0 已发布,主要支持SQL诊断调优功能和k8s 部署的OB支持诊断。发布时间:2024-07-24。
  • V2.4.0 已发布,主要迭代项为易用性改造,发布时间9月4日;
  • V2.5.0 已发布,主要迭代功能为,新增obdiag display 功能以及索引大小分析功能,改造日志采集功能支持日志按规则脱敏。发布时间为10月18日;
  • V2.6.0 已发布,主要迭代功能为:新增obdiag analyze memory 内存分析功能,obdiag display 新增支持 OB 3.x的能力。
  • V3.0.0 已发布,主要功能为新增支持OMS常见问题诊断以及代码架构调整。


  • V4.2.3 已发布:新增支持 HBase->OBKV 旁路导入,支持社区版 HBase V2.x、TiDB V2.x 和 V3.x、GreenPlum V5.1、PostgreSQL V11.x、V13.x、V14.x、V15.x 和 V16.x 等版本,支持单点登录、更换数据源、统一日志保留时间、数据库通配,以及 OMS V4.1.0-CE 通过特殊升级步骤直接升级至 V4.2.3-CE。于4月18日发布。
  • V4.2.4 已发布:发版新增 OBKV 增量数据迁移HBase以及HBase到OBVK时的反向链路,支持Kerberos认证的HBase集群数据迁移OBVK,同步链路支持通配模式,旁路写入支持多表汇聚场景,OceanBase Mysql作为中间库是的自动检测功能, OMS安装系统支持cgroup2的适配,增量阶段DDL在OceanBase中可以配置并发执行,全量校验新增字段不一致和排查指定字段两项功能,结构迁移执行SQL导出功能,OceanBase到OceanBase无主键表的视图迁移功能。
  • V4.2.5 已发布,新增 Qdrant 至 OceanBase 向量库的数据迁移任务;新增一键正向切换功能;支持数据源MySQL、OceanBase 迁移用户使用角色方式授权;支持 MySQL 中文库名迁移;MariaDB 支持 DDL 功能;适配操作系统 Debian 12;新增OceanBase 3.x 元数据本地缓存功能及链路创建时直接查询本地缓存功能,解决3.x大量表无法创建链路问题。于2024-08-29发布。
  • V4.2.6 已发布,发布时间2024-10-11。新增 Milvus 至 OceanBase 向量库的数据迁移任务;新增 Redis 至 OceanBase 向量库的数据迁移任务;新增 TiDB 至 OceanBase 的增量同步设置 Kafka 消费分组功能。
  • V4.2.7 已发布,发布时间2024-12-13。新增 ARM 架构镜像,并适配麒麟 V10 系统;OceanBase 社区版之间进行数据迁移时,支持迁移存储过程和函数;支持 OceanBase 社区版 V4.3.3 向量类型数据的增量同步;OMS 实现 TiDB 数据库 V4.x 之后版本的增量组件,去除对 TiCDC 和 Kakfa 的依赖;支持通过 INSERT IGNORE 模式写入数据至 OceanBase 社区版;支持迁移 MySQL 备库的数据至 OceanBase 社区版


  • V2.0.1_BP1 已发布:新增支持源端 observer v4.2.2、v4.2.1.3及以上版本,于3月27日发布
  • V2.0.1_BP2 已发布:新增支持 OceanBase 数据库 v4.3.0 版本,于4月16日发布
  • V2.0.2 已发布:新增遥测功能
  • V2.0.2_BP1 已发布:新增支持源端 4.2.4.x、4.3.1.x、4.3.2.x 版本,修复 oblogmsg 的内存泄漏问题。

[English] | [中文版]

Updated Content Date
obdiag V3.0.0 released 31/12/2024
OBShell V4.2.5.0 released 16/12/2024
OMS 4.2.7 released 13/12/2024
obdiag V2.6.0 released 28/11/2024
OBShell V4.2.4 BP3 released 25/11/2024
OceanBase 4.3.4 released
obproxy 4.3.2 released
OCP-CE 4.3.4 in progress
obdiag 2.5.0 released
obshell 4.2.4 BP1 released
ODC 4.3.2 released
OceanBase 4.3.3 released 18/10/2024
OMS 4.2.6 released 11/10/2024
OMS 4.2.6 in progress 25/09/2024
obdiag 2.5.0 update feature information
obshell 4.2.4 released
OCP-CE V4.3.2 released, V4.3.3 in progress
ODC V4.3.2 开发中
OMS 4.2.5 released 29/8/2024
OMS 4.2.5 information update
obdiag 2.4.0 release time delayed


Deployer and Maintenance Tools

Migration Tools


  • 4.2.1 BP8 Released: Added support for log stream replica management, DBLink specified domain name access, primary and backup tenant role switching verification, primary and backup tenant event display, cursor access after transaction submission, SM3 encryption function, OBKV added response time statistics histogram, OBKV-HBase supports column paging and reverse scanning.
  • 4.3.2 Released: OceanBase V4.3.2 is a performance-enhanced version for AP business, with all-round improvements in data reading, data distribution, data calculation, vectorized processing, and plan selection, and an overall improvement of 10%-15% in AP benchmark performance. The introduction of Roaringbitmap data type and related calculation expressions provides a better choice for large data set operations and deduplication scenarios. Enrich the incremental bypass import function, improve the full bypass import performance, expand support for Parquet file appearances, and accelerate the processing speed of large-scale data. As an integrated database, the new version also sorts out scenario-based parameter templates for five scenarios, including express oltp, complex oltp, olap, htap, and kv, and cooperates with deployment tools to make the initial configuration suitable for each business type. In addition, the new version also integrates many compatibility enhancements and user experience improvement features of the previous versions of the V4.2.x series, and incorporates performance improvements for TP-type SQL, dedicated to meeting the product demands of various application scenarios.
  • 4.3.2BP1 Released: The following two functions are mainly enhanced: 1. Asynchronous task scheduling: OceanBase database currently supports multiple data import commands such as insert overwrite, insert select, create table as, and load data to support real-time data storage. However, the real-time import method requires waiting for the import to complete during the import process and cannot interrupt the session, which is not easy to use in the scenario of large-scale data import. The new version provides asynchronous task scheduling capabilities based on DBMS_SCHEDULER. Users can use commands such as submit job, show job status, and cancel job to create, query the status, and cancel tasks for asynchronous import tasks. 2. SELECT INTO OUTFILE partition export: OceanBase database currently supports exporting multiple files through SELECT INTO OUTFILE, but does not yet support exporting by partition after partitioning data. The new version adds the ability to export by partition to obtain a clearer directory structure. On this basis, the file directory can also be constructed as a partitioned external table, and the query efficiency of the external table can be improved by partition path clipping.
  • 4.3.3 Released: OceanBase Database V4.3.3 is the first General Availability (GA) release in the V4.3 series, offering significant advancements in key areas. It introduces support for vector types and indexes for AI-related analysis and processing, enhancing its core relational database capabilities. Additionally, it implements a new form of columnar replicas, ensuring physical isolation between transaction processing (TP) and analytical processing (AP) resources in hybrid transaction/analytical processing (HTAP) scenarios. This version also boosts the overall performance of AP queries. Furthermore, the update includes support for the complex ARRAY data type, improved computing performance for the RoaringBitmap data type, enhanced query rewriting based on materialized views, extended external table features, better import performance for external tables, and optimized strategies for plan generation and execution of AP SQL statements. These enhancements significantly improve the database's ability to handle online analytical processing (OLAP) workloads. Additionally, the new version offers a quick restore feature, allowing you to restore only logs instead of data to your local server for faster read and write services. It also introduces support for query-level resource groups, enhancing system reliability and usability. Most features from OceanBase Database V4.2.4 and earlier are supported in V4.3.3. An upcoming integrated version will target online transaction processing (OLTP) scenarios.
  • 4.3.4 Released: The GA version for AP services adds several important features based on the first GA version V4.3.3. Improve the multi-value indexing capability, enrich the full-text indexing scenarios, and improve the query performance; improve the bypass import function, optimize the temporary file overhead of the primary key table, and improve the data import efficiency; add the automatic partition splitting function, Format Outline function, and tenant-level global control derivative bypass import function to improve product usability; at the same time, supplement support for most of the features of V4.2.5 and previous versions, such as OBKV support for global indexing and OBKV-HBase capability enhancement.


  • 4.3.1 Released: It focuses on enhancing MySQL compatibility, Binlog functions, performance optimization, and OBKV support, including MySQL syntax simulation, Binlog service IP expansion, CPU usage reduction, table lock and master-slave database support, multiple character sets and character sequences, distributed transaction optimization, LSOP and Batch request enhancements, HBase mode and TableGroup support, routing and parsing optimization, and POI and ODP memory management improvements. It was released on August 6, 2024.
  • 4.3.2 released: provides a series of enhanced features, including weight-based dynamic load balancing, column-based replica routing, read-only traffic control, various types of routing support, observer capabilities passed to JDBC, SQL throttling, performance optimization, memory stability improvement, multiple monitoring and protocol support, and asynchronous processing and large result set optimization for OBKV. Released on October 23.


  • V2.6.1 has been released;
  • V2.6.2 has been released: This is the BUGFIX version, which mainly fixes some problem feedback received this month. It is expected to be released on March 7th.
  • V2.7.0 has been released: This version mainly supports the installation of non-deployment components (obclient/jre) and further provides JAVA products (OCP , OCP-Express) ease of use.
  • V2.8.0 has been released: It mainly supports taking over Oceanbase clusters containing OBShell.
  • V2.9.0 Expected to be released in early June.
  • V2.9.0 has been released: It mainly supports component changes, Config Server white screen, tenant optimization, and installation package cleanup.
  • V2.10.0 has been released: It mainly supports management of white-screen components and adapt to the new features of Oceanbase-CE V4.3.3 and OBProxy V4.3. Optimize the test command group。


  • V4.2.3 has been released, focusing on enhancing the user interaction experience.
  • V4.2.3 BP1 has been released, mainly optimizing client-side animation display. OBShell-SDK-GO and OBShell-SDK-Python have been launched to facilitate integration for developers.
  • V4.2.4 has been released, supporting tenant management and backup recovery.
  • V4.2.4 BP1 has been released. Support automatic versions in the cluster synchronization.
  • V4.2.4 BP3 has been released. Check enable_rebalance before making replica or master changes, add an interface to get the recoverable time interval based on ob_admin, and change the listening address from the specified IP to
  • V4.2.5.0 has been released. Support for shrinking and failed node replacement.


  • V4.2.2 Primarily supports ObServer 4.2.2 CE, and includes support for new features such as monitoring dashboards.
  • V4.3.0 is in progress: main functions such as master-slave database switching, OBS/S3 adaptation, active alarm processing & optimized alarm elimination logic, CPU overselling, etc. Release date May 24th.
  • V4.3.1 is released: support for master-slave database switching, S3 protocol adaptation. Relase date July 26th.
  • V4.3.2 has been released: supports OBKV monitoring, tenant cloning/renaming, operation and maintenance configuration, SSO protocol white screen configuration and other new features. Release time September 23.
  • V4.3.3 is under development: provides column storage replicas, suitable for TP/AP load isolation scenarios. Supports statistical information management to optimize query performance, and enhances the OCP permission role model to improve data security. In addition, the version includes more than 20 improvements, such as operation and maintenance, performance monitoring, backup and recovery, and operation auditing. It is expected to be released on November 15.
  • V4.3.4 is under development: This version provides installation and deployment of the Binlog service, basic operation and maintenance, monitoring and alarm functions, etc., to help users achieve seamless connection with the MySQL downstream ecological chain; at the same time, it optimizes the organizational role permission model and improves the overall security of the system. It is expected to be released on December 30.


  • V2.1.2 released: This version is mainly in Standalone mode. Currently, most ob-operator users want to replace the MySQL they are using. This mode can achieve POD reconstruction without loss when fixed IP is not supported, further reducing the user threshold.
  • V2.2.0 released: This version mainly adapts to the new features of 4.3.0 and no longer relies on network components to achieve automatic disaster recovery.
  • V2.2.1 released: This release provides the ability to migrate OceanBase Cluster to cloud environment and managed by ob-operator, and enhance the ability to modify resource and storage mounts after cluster deployed, fix issues related to observer recovery.
  • V2.2.2 released: This release fixes a critical issue that may cause obcluster down when shrinking majority obzones concurrently, and also provides features to easily maintain a running obcluster。
  • V2.3.0 is under development: This version will bring an exiting ability to operate OceanBase among multiple Kubernetes Clusters, this version is expected to release on Oct 15.
  • Dashboard V0.2 released: This version will complete tenant management-related functions, including tenant creation, backup, recovery, etc.
  • Dashboard V0.2.1 released: Added support for connecting cluster sys and tenant in Connection tab.
  • Dashboard V0.3.0 released:This release integrates alertmanager to provide the ability to handle alarms and operations of obproxy.
  • Dashboard V0.3.1 released:This release provides the ability of access control based on privilege and role.
  • Dashboard V0.4.0 is under development:This release will provide SQL diagnosis features, this release is estimated to release on Nov 15th.


  • V4.2.3 released with improved data archiving, editable task settings, lock-free structural modifications including account locks and table renames. Enhanced project collaboration introduces permission requests, data source-project binding, new roles for security and participation, and ticket sharing via URLs. SQL Check can now pinpoint risk issues. MySQL data source gains import/export capabilities. Full-link TRACE now analyzes slow SQL, and data mocking scales to 100 million rows.
  • V4.2.4 released on 2024/4/3, supporting OceanBase 4.2.2, Oracle, Doris, and offering 71 new code snippets. Homogeneous database structure comparison with DIFF previews and script downloads, OBOracle's configurable partitioning, improved data archiving/cleansing, and more SQL checks optimize security. SSO includes LDAP integration. Enhancements in usability with refined database selectors and personal settings boost the desktop version's large data export capabilities.
  • V4.3.0 released on 2024/6/12, Introduced support for the latest OceanBase 4.3.0 column storage. Enhanced change risk control with support for multi-database changes, database administrators, and manual execution. Data Archiving/Cleanup: added functionality to view task performance metrics, enabled configuration of partition conditions, introduced timeout configuration options, implemented full-field type compatibility with OceanBase. Support for linking historical database verification during cleanup tasks. Introduced the ability to search global objects across the system. See CHANGELOG for details.
  • V4.3.1 was released on July 31, 2024, focusing on improving risk management, enhancing AP functions, and optimizing user experience, including fine-grained permission control, real-time analysis of SQL execution, and data management improvements.
  • V4.3.2 27/92024: Added logic library support and data archiving links, and optimized SQL development pages to improve the convenience and reliability of data management and development.

OceanBase Diagnostic Tool (obdiag)

  • V2.1.0 released:Add 1 basic collection tabledump function, add 3 root cause analysis scenarios (root cause analysis for cluster no rootservice problems, root cause analysis for general transaction problems, and root cause analysis for index error problems), and 4 optimization items (SQL/ssh executor optimization, log analysis for file compression transmission, CPU high scenario information collection optimization, and non blocking collection during cluster failures)
  • V2.2.0 has been released, the release time is 2024.06.14, mainly expanding the root cause analysis scenario and adding tabledump collection function
  • V2.3.0 has been released, mainly supporting SQL diagnosis and tuning functions and OB support diagnosis for k8s deployment. Release time 24/07/2024.
  • V2.4.0 in progress, the main iteration is usability improvement. Release date: Sep. 4;
  • V2.5.0 released. The main iterative functions are: adding obdiag display function and index size analysis function, and improving the log collection function to support log desensitization according to rules. Release date 18/10/2024;
  • V2.6.0 released, the main iterative functions are: added obdiag memory analysis feature, obdiag display added ability to support OB 3.x.
  • V3.0.0 released, the main features are new support for OMS FAQ diagnostics and code architecture adjustments.


  • V4.2.3 released: Added support for HBase->OBKV bypass import, support for community edition HBase V2.x, TiDB V2.x and V3.x, GreenPlum V5.1, PostgreSQL V11.x, V13.x, V14.x, V15.x and V16.x, support for single sign-on, data source change, unified log retention time, database wildcard, and direct upgrade of OMS V4.1.0-CE to V4.2.3-CE through special upgrade steps. Released on April 18.
  • V4.2.4 released: The new version adds OBKV incremental data migration to HBase and reverse link from HBase to OBVK, supports Kerberos-authenticated HBase cluster data migration to OBVK, supports wildcard mode for synchronization link, supports multi-table aggregation scenarios for bypass write, automatic detection function for OceanBase Mysql as an intermediate library, OMS installation system supports cgroup2 adaptation, incremental phase DDL can be configured for concurrent execution in OceanBase, full verification adds two functions of field inconsistency and troubleshooting of specified fields, SQL export function for structure migration, and view migration function for OceanBase to OceanBase tables without primary keys.
  • V4.2.5 released. The main functions are: Added data migration task from Qdrant to OceanBase vector library; added one-key forward switching function; supported role authorization for migration users of data sources MySQL and OceanBase; supported migration of Chinese database names in MySQL; supported DDL function for MariaDB; adapted operating system Debian 12; added OceanBase 3.x metadata local cache function and direct query of local cache function when link creation, solving the problem that a large number of 3.x tables cannot create links. Released on 29/8/2024.
  • V4.2.6 released. The main functions are data migration tasks from Milvus to OceanBase vector library, data migration tasks from Redis to OceanBase vector library, the function of setting Kafka consumption grouping for incremental synchronization from TiDB to OceanBase. Released on 11/10/2024.
  • V4.2.7 has been released. New ARM architecture image has been added and adapted to Kirin V10 system; support migrating stored procedures and functions when migrating data between OceanBase Community Editions; support incremental synchronization of vector type data in OceanBase Community Edition V4.3.3; OMS implements the incremental component of TiDB database after V4.x; support writing data to OceanBase Community Edition via INSERT IGNORE mode; support migrating MySQL backup database data to OceanBase Community Edition; remove dependency on TiCDC and Kakfa. OMS implements the incremental component of TiDB database after V4.x and removes the dependency on TiCDC and Kakfa; supports writing data to OceanBase Community Edition in INSERT IGNORE mode; supports migrating data from MySQL backup repository to OceanBase Community Edition.


  • V2.0.1_BP1 published: Added support for source observer v4.2.2, v4.2.1.3 and above
  • V2.0.1_BP2 published: Added support for OceanBase database v4.3.0, released on April 22
  • V2.0.2 published: Added telemetry functionality.
  • V2.0.2_BP1 published: Added support OceanBase 4.2.4, 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and above, fixed memory leak in oblogmsg serialization.



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