If you're probably here you're either angry or you're sad :|
The latest update, 8.0.0
, has been a breaking change for users. This isn't a breaking change just because I felt like it, rather it paves the way forward for making Neorg expansive and more stable than it was before. We just need to jump through the initial hurdles.
If you have issues, please read the blog post I made. It will have you covered on how to fix things.
If you don't want to deal with the breakages, feel free to roll back to version v7.0.0
- everything will continue to run there.
If you're having errors in lazy, I highly encourage you to restart Neovim and try manually rerunning :Lazy build luarocks.nvim
and, if that succeeds, running :Lazy build neorg
afterwards. If you get any errors which you do not understand, please post them here!
Thank you lot for the patience! Happy note taking.
If you have a build = ":Neorg sync-parsers"
step in your Neorg configuration be sure to remove it. That'll overwrite the build.lua
build step and make the build process fail.