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A basic Flutter demo app for Arabic TTS with models from tts_arabic / tts-arabic-pytorch.

The app runs ONNX models using the package onnxruntime_flutter.


  1. (Set up Flutter)
  2. Download the onnx models from Google drive. By default, mixer128.onnx and vocos22.onnx are activated.
  3. Put the onnx files into the assets/models folder.
  4. (Modify the following lines in pubspec.yaml and main.dart to use other models than mixer128.onnx and vocos22.onnx)

in pubspec.yaml

  - assets/models/mixer128.onnx
  - assets/models/vocos22.onnx

in main.dart

  modelPath: "assets/models/mixer128.onnx",
  vocoderPath: "assets/models/vocos22.onnx",

Supported models:

Model Model ID Type #params File Paper
FastPitch fastpitch Text->Mel 46.3M fp_ms.onnx arxiv
MixerTTS mixer128 Text->Mel 2.9M mixer128.onnx arxiv
MixerTTS mixer80 Text->Mel 1.5M mixer80.onnx arxiv
Vocos vocos Vocoder 13.4M vocos22.onnx arxiv


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