# OSX leaves these everywhere on SMB shares ._* # OSX trash .DS_Store # Eclipse files .classpath .project .settings/** # Files generated by JetBrains IDEs, e.g. IntelliJ IDEA .idea/ *.iml # Vscode files .vscode/** # This is where the result of the go build goes /output/** /output /_output/** /_output # Emacs save files *~ \#*\# .\#* # Vim-related files [._]*.s[a-w][a-z] [._]s[a-w][a-z] *.un~ Session.vim .netrwhist # Go test binaries *.test /hack/.test-cmd-auth # JUnit test output from ginkgo e2e tests /junit*.xml # Mercurial files **/.hg **/.hg* # Vagrant .vagrant network_closure.sh # Local cluster env variables /cluster/env.sh # Compiled binaries in third_party /third_party/pkg # Also ignore etcd installed by hack/install-etcd.sh /third_party/etcd* # User cluster configs .kubeconfig .tags* # Web UI www/master/node_modules/ www/master/npm-debug.log www/master/shared/config/development.json # Karma output www/test_out # precommit temporary directories created by ./hack/verify-generated-docs.sh and ./hack/lib/util.sh _tmp/ doc_tmp/ # Test artifacts produced by Jenkins jobs /_artifacts/ # Go dependencies installed on Jenkins /_gopath/ # Config directories created by gcloud and gsutil on Jenkins /.config/gcloud/ /.gsutil/