function run_SlepianD(exampleIndex,testEnergy) %run_SlepianD compute and plot Slepian eigenfunctions on the sphere (8.27) and (8.29) if nargin<1 exampleIndex=0; % default is to do Australia including Tasmania end if nargin<2 testEnergy=false; end %% Determine path for output frames base=userpath; base(end)='/'; % ~/Documents/MATLAB/ frames_folder=[base 'slepian-frames/']; % ~/Documents/MATLAB/slepian-frames/ data_folder=[base 'slepian-data/']; % ~/Documents/MATLAB/slepian-data/ %% Parameters for various increments in degrees for different grids intginc=0.1; % fine grid for integration (degrees) medinc=0.5; % medium grid for smooth plotting (degrees) plotinc=2.0; % coarse grid for grid plotting (degrees) fprintf('\n@@ Fine Grid: %.2f (degrees)\n',intginc) fprintf('@@ Medium Grid: %.2f (degrees)\n',medinc) fprintf('@@ Coarse Grid: %.2f (degrees)\n',plotinc) %% Close all figures close all %% Choose a region on the sphere switch exampleIndex case 0 % region is Australia including Tasmania [tv_aus,pv_aus,mask_aus,tR,pR]=ausRegion(medinc,false,true); basename='australia2'; case 1 % region is Australia excluding Tasmania [tv_aus,pv_aus,mask_aus,tR,pR]=ausRegion(medinc,true,true); basename='mainland'; case 2 % an open equatorial band tr(1,:)=[60 100]; pr(1,:)=[0 300]; basename='band'; case 3 % anumber of non-intersecting regular subregions % subregion 1 tr(1,:)=[30 60]; pr(1,:)=[-70 -10]; % subregion 2 tr(2,:)=[80 110]; pr(2,:)=[-70 -10]; % subregion 3 tr(3,:)=[20 70]; pr(3,:)=[0 40]; basename='reg3'; case 4 % rectangle bounding Australia [tv_aus,pv_aus,mask_aus,tR,pR]=ausRegion(medinc,false,true); tr(1,:)=[tv_aus(1) tv_aus(end)]*180/pi; pr(1,:)=[pv_aus(1) pv_aus(end)]*180/pi; basename='bnd-aust'; end %% Populate the N_tot x N_tot Hermitian D matrix (8.27) for L_max=15:5:20 fprintf('\n@@ L_max: %d\n',L_max) N_tot=(L_max+1)^2; switch exampleIndex case {0,1,4} % irregular non-simply-connected (uses mask) D=SlepianDH(L_max,tv_aus,pv_aus,mask_aus,true); case {2,3} D=zeros(N_tot,N_tot); % allocate and initialize to zero for r=1:size(tr,1) % loop over subregions tv_intg=(tr(r,1):intginc:tr(r,2))*pi/180; pv_intg=(pr(r,1):intginc:pr(r,2))*pi/180; D=D+SlepianDH(L_max,tv_intg,pv_intg); % accumulate fprintf('@@ Completed D for Region: %d\n',r) end end fprintf('@@ Size of D matrix: %dx%d\n', size(D)) %% Save the D matrix dataName=sprintf('%s_%04d',[data_folder basename],L_max); save([dataName '.mat'],'L_max','D'); %% Get spectral eigenstructure [V,lamD]=eig(D); % eigen-structure % stem(flip(diag(lamD))) % plot the eigenvalues maxSlepian=1.0; for eigindex=0:3;%N_tot-1 % eigenvalue index in descending energy order if eigindex>N_tot-1 break; end lambda=min(max(lamD(end-eigindex,end-eigindex),0.0),1.0); % pin to [0,1] (superfluous) fprintf('@@ Eigenvalue %04d: %8.6f\n',eigindex,lambda) %% eigindex'th eigenvector w with eigenvalue lambda in spectral domain w=V(:,end-eigindex); % eigenvector - SHT of Slepian function w=w/norm(w); % normalize eigenvector (actually this is superfluous) if testEnergy % test spatial energy of slepian function is unity spectralEnergy=norm(w)^2; % will be 1 but just check fprintf('@@ Spectral Energy: %8.6f\n',spectralEnergy) % eigindex'th Slepian eigenfunction in spatial domain (0'th is dominant) tv_intg=(0:intginc:180)*pi/180; pv_intg=(0:intginc:360)*pi/180; % spatial Slepian eigenfunction [slepian,theta,phi] [slepian,~,~]=ishtRectGrid(w,tv_intg,pv_intg); % ISHT; theta,phi unused spatialEnergy=trapSphereMaskedR(abs(slepian).^2,tv_intg,pv_intg); fprintf('@@ Spatial Energy: %8.6f\n',spatialEnergy) end %% Plot eigenfunction in spatial domain close % prepare fresh figure bump=0.3; ref=1.0; ptype=1; tv_plot=(0:medinc:180)*pi/180; pv_plot=(0:medinc:360)*pi/180; [slepian_plot,theta_plot,phi_plot]=ishtRectGrid(w,tv_plot,pv_plot,true); if eigindex==0 maxSlepian=max(abs(slepian_plot(:))); % for plot normalization fprintf('@@ Max Slepian: %8.6f\n',maxSlepian) end s=spatialPlot(slepian_plot/maxSlepian,theta_plot,phi_plot, bump,ref,ptype); s.EdgeColor='none'; % no lines s.FaceAlpha=0.8; colormap('cool') % or copper set(gcf,'MenuBar','none'); set(gcf,'ToolBar','none'); hold on switch exampleIndex case {0,1,4} % fill Australia area on zero/reference surface aus_coast=ref*[sin(tR).*cos(pR); sin(tR).*sin(pR); cos(tR)]/ ... (ref+bump); idx = any([~isnan(tR);~isnan(tR)],1); fill3(aus_coast(1,idx),aus_coast(2,idx),aus_coast(3,idx), ... 'w','EdgeColor','None'); % draw Australia coastline on Slepian surface rR=interpn(theta_plot,phi_plot,slepian_plot,tR,pR); % very slick F=spatialMap(rR/maxSlepian,ptype); rad=abs(ref + bump*F)/(ref+bump)*1.02; aus_coast=[rad.*sin(tR).*cos(pR); rad.*sin(tR).*sin(pR); rad.*cos(tR)]; plot3(aus_coast(1,:),aus_coast(2,:),aus_coast(3,:),'w','LineWidth',2); view(-100,-30) % set viewpoint % view(mode(tR)*180/pi,0) % set viewpoint set(gca,'CameraViewAngle',9) % zoom into scene case {2,3} % Compute energy in sub-regions lambda_est=0; for r=1:size(tr,1) % loop over subregions (fine grid) tv_intg=(tr(r,1):intginc:tr(r,2))*pi/180; pv_intg=(pr(r,1):intginc:pr(r,2))*pi/180; reg=ishtRectGrid(w,tv_intg,pv_intg); lambda_est=lambda_est+trapSphereMaskedR(abs(reg).^2,tv_intg,pv_intg); end fprintf('@@ Region Energy: %8.6f (eigenvalue %8.6f)\n',lambda_est,lambda) % Plot sub-regions for r=1:size(tr,1) % loop over subregions (coarse grid) ttcr=(tr(r,1):plotinc:tr(r,2))*pi/180; ppcr=(pr(r,1):plotinc:pr(r,2))*pi/180; [r_reg,theta_reg,phi_reg]=ishtRectGrid(w,ttcr,ppcr); s=spatialPlot(1.01*r_reg/maxSlepian,theta_reg,phi_reg); s.EdgeColor='y'; % no lines end end %% Annotate plot llabel=sprintf('$L_{\\mathrm{max}}=%d$\n$\\lambda_{%d}=%8.6f$', L_max,eigindex,lambda); delete(findall(gcf,'Tag','myLabel')); a=annotation('textbox',[0.695,0.895,0.28,0.1],'String',llabel); a.Interpreter='latex'; a.FontSize=18; a.LineStyle='none'; a.Tag='myLabel'; hold off %% Output to png file (directory needs to exist) set(gcf,'InvertHardCopy','off'); set(gcf,'color','w'); % Set the figure frame color to white set(gcf,'PaperUnits','inches','PaperPosition',[0 0 6 6]) %150dpi outname=sprintf('%s_%04d_%04d',[frames_folder basename],L_max,eigindex); saveas(gcf,outname,'png') end %% Render eigenfunction movie on osx; needs avconv - get via brew install libav if ~system('which avconv >/dev/null') renderMovWithAvconv=sprintf(... 'avconv -framerate 2 -y -v quiet -f image2 -i %s_%04d_%%04d.png',... [frames_folder basename],L_max,[frames_folder basename],L_max); system(renderMovWithAvconv); % make compressed mov cleanup=sprintf('rm %s_%04d*.png',[frames_folder basename],L_max); system(cleanup); % delete frames end end