May 19, 2004 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- Added MonoApplicationsConfigFile and MonoApplicationsConfigDir directives that use the new --appconfigfile and --appconfigdir options of mod-mono-server to support virtual hosts. April 16, 2004 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- More existing installation breakage. From now on, mod_mono is able to launch mod-mono-server. April 8, 2004 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- The changes today will break existing installations. Check out the INSTALL file for details on the new setup. It's easier. .... December 2, 2003 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- 0.6 released. November 24, 2003 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- 0.6 is near. There have been several fixes to POST+body handling and building mod_mono_old is now optional. This way, you don't need mono-dev package to build mod_mono. October 2, 2003 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- Preparing 0.5 release. Renamed: * mod_mono to mod_mono_old * mod_mono_unix to mod_mono The FAQ and INSTALL for the old mod_mono are in FAQ-old.txt and INSTALL-old. September 18, 2003 - Gonzalo Paniagua --------------------------------------- From now on, mod_mono_unix uses content_type to determine if it will process a request or not. You *MUST* use the AddType directive in your apache configuration file. More info in the INSTALL file.