[metadata] name = scriv version = attr: scriv.__version__ description = Scriv changelog management tool long_description = file: README.rst, CHANGELOG.rst long_description_content_type = text/x-rst url = https://github.com/nedbat/scriv author = Ned Batchelder author_email = ned@nedbatchelder.com license = Apache-2.0 zip_safe = False classifiers = Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Intended Audience :: Developers License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Natural Language :: English Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 project_urls = # For some reason, these appear in reverse order on pypi... Mastodon = https://hachyderm.io/@nedbat Funding = https://github.com/sponsors/nedbat Issues = https://github.com/nedbat/scriv/issues Source = https://github.com/nedbat/scriv Documentation = https://scriv.readthedocs.io [options] packages = scriv package_dir = = src install_requires = # begin_install_requires attrs click click-log jinja2 requests # end_install_requires [options.package_data] scriv = templates/*.* [options.entry_points] console_scripts = scriv = scriv.cli:cli [options.extras_require] toml = tomli;python_version<3.11 yaml = pyyaml [scriv] ghrel_template = file: ghrel_template.md.j2 rst_header_chars = -. version = literal: src/scriv/__init__.py: __version__ [isort] indent = ' ' line_length = 80 multi_line_output = 3 include_trailing_comma = True [wheel] universal = 1 [tool:pytest] addopts = -rfe norecursedirs = .* docs requirements [coverage:run] branch = True source = scriv tests omit = */__main__.py [coverage:report] precision = 2 [coverage:paths] source = src */site-packages others = . */scriv [mypy] python_version = 3.7 show_column_numbers = true show_error_codes = true ignore_missing_imports = true check_untyped_defs = true warn_return_any = true [doc8] max-line-length = 80 [pycodestyle] exclude = .git,.tox max-line-length = 80 ; E203 = whitespace before ':' ; W503 line break before binary operator ignore = E203,W503 [pydocstyle] ; D105 = Missing docstring in magic method ; D200 = One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes ; D203 = 1 blank line required before class docstring ; D212 = Multi-line docstring summary should start at the first line ; D406 = Section name should end with a newline (numpy style) ; D407 = Missing dashed underline after section (numpy style) ; D413 = Missing blank line after last section (numpy style) ignore = D105,D200,D203,D212,D406,D407,D413