The following authors have all licensed their contributions to AssemblyScript under the licensing terms detailed in LICENSE: * Daniel Wirtz * Max Graey * Igor Sbitnev * Norton Wang * Alan Pierce * Palmer * Linus Unnebäck * Joshua Tenner * Nidin Vinayakan <> * Aaron Turner * Willem Wyndham * Bowen Wang * Emil Laine * Stephen Paul Weber * Jay Phelps * jhwgh1968 * Jeffrey Charles * Vladimir Tikhonov * Duncan Uszkay * Surma * Julien Letellier * Guido Zuidhof * ncave <> * Andrew Davis * Maël Nison * Valeria Viana Gusmao * Gabor Greif * Martin Fredriksson * forcepusher * Piotr Oleś * Saúl Cabrera * Chance Snow * Peter Salomonsen * ookangzheng * yjhmelody * bnbarak * Colin Eberhardt * Ryan Pivovar * Roman F. <> * Joe Pea * Felipe Gasper * Congcong Cai <> Portions of this software are derived from third-party works licensed under the following terms: * TypeScript: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Apache License, Version 2.0 ( * Binaryen: Copyright (c) WebAssembly Community Group participants Apache License, Version 2.0 ( * musl libc: Copyright (c) Rich Felker, et al. The MIT License ( * V8: Copyright (c) the V8 project authors The 3-Clause BSD License ( * Arm Optimized Routines: Copyright (c) Arm Limited The MIT License (