Alto is a Typescript implementation of the ERC-4337 bundler specification developed by Pimlico, focused on transaction inclusion reliability.
For a full explanation of Alto, please visit our docs page
pnpm install
pnpm build
./alto --entryPoint "0x5ff1...2789" --signerPrivateKeys "..." --utilityPrivateKey "..." --minBalance "0" --rpcUrl "http://localhost:8545" --networkName "local"
To find a list of all options, run:
./alto help
A helper script for running Alto locally with an Anvil node can be found at scripts/
pnpm build
pnpm test # note: foundry must be installed on the machine for this to work
- Run Geth node or any other node that support debug_traceCall
- Clone bundler-spec-tests repo.
- build & run bundler with
--environment development --bundleMode manual --safeMode true
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.
Feel free to ask any questions in our Telegram group