An improved JavaScript mode for GNU Emacs. Forked from
For some of the latest changes, see latest user-visible changes.
$ git clone git://
$ cd js2-mode
$ git checkout emacs23
$ emacs --batch -f batch-byte-compile js2-mode.el
Then put js2-mode.elc into your site-lisp directory.
In your emacs config:
(autoload 'js2-mode "js2-mode" nil t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js$" . js2-mode))
See for additional details.
This is the backward compatible version, for Emacs 22 and 23.
For Emacs 24 and newer, the master branch is recommended.
If you find problems, please report them at
Some third-party modes that use the generated syntax tree: