Starting from Docker v.1.10 the DB v.10 fails to start in a build phase.
Output of docker version
Version: 1.10.2
API version: 1.22
Version: 1.10.2
API version: 1.22
Output of docker info
Containers: 1
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 0
Images: 1
Server Version: 1.10.2
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 30
Dirperm1 Supported: true
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file
Volume: local
Network: bridge null host
Kernel Version: 4.1.18-boot2docker
Operating System: Boot2Docker 1.10.2 (TCL 6.4.1); master : 611be10 - Mon Feb 22 22:47:06 UTC 2016
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 1
Total Memory: 1.956 GiB
Name: default
Debug mode (server): true
File Descriptors: 10
Goroutines: 22
Unfortunately service oracle-xe start
just prints the standard output and it is not obvious that there is a problem before checking processes. So the steps to reproduce will use sqlplus
- docker run --rm -ti image bash <- anything having 10g should reproduce the issue
- sqlplus /nolog
- connect sys/password as sysdba
- startup
successful startup.
ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment
Linux Error: 1: Operation not permitted
It is not a problem for docker run
, because passing --security-opt seccomp:unconfined
fixes the problem. But there is no such option for the docker build
. So any build that requires interaction with the DB will fail. As an example, the interaction may be required when some data or PL/SQL scripts must be deployed in a certain way.