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No available IPv4 addresses on this network's address pools: bridge #18527



Hi there, one of my production host encountered the following error when starting a new container (creation when well, POST /start request failed):

no available IPv4 addresses on this network's address pools: bridge 

The bridge network is the default one giving IPs on

There are not so many containers on the host (70, see docker info output below) So I suppose there are plenty of available addresses.

In the complete log I've a warning about umount ipc, but I suppose it's related to the cleaning of the container start after the IP allocation error.

What could be the source of that? Thank you very much.

Complete error log

time="2015-12-09T05:11:25.189277559+01:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.12/containers/8071fd471587152b90353bcdcc182d5609094123c1c1bc48c8ec0c68617b0a7a/start
time="2015-12-09T05:11:25.190917242+01:00" level=warning msg="failed to cleanup ipc mounts:\nfailed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers/8071fd471587152b90353bcdcc182d5609094123c1c1bc48c8ec0c68617b0a7a/shm: no such file or directory\nfailed to umount /var/lib/docker/containers/8071fd471587152b90353bcdcc182d5609094123c1c1bc48c8ec0c68617b0a7a/mqueue: no such file or directory"
time="2015-12-09T05:11:25.191040536+01:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.12/containers/8071fd471587152b90353bcdcc182d5609094123c1c1bc48c8ec0c68617b0a7a/start returned error: Cannot start container 8071fd471587152b90353bcdcc182d5609094123c1c1bc48c8ec0c68617b0a7a: no available IPv4 addresses on this network's address pools: bridge (1a238bd06bf71115861570f9a62ae5d047334adc12899f0810d31109836071cd)"
time="2015-12-09T05:11:25.191097543+01:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="Cannot start container 8071fd471587152b90353bcdcc182d5609094123c1c1bc48c8ec0c68617b0a7a: no available IPv4 addresses on this network's address pools: bridge (1a238bd06bf71115861570f9a62ae5d047334adc12899f0810d31109836071cd)" statusCode=500

docker version

 Version:      1.9.1
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   a34a1d5
 Built:        Fri Nov 20 13:12:04 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      1.9.1
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   a34a1d5
 Built:        Fri Nov 20 13:12:04 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

docker info

Containers: 70
Images: 254
Server Version: 1.9.1
Storage Driver: btrfs
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file
Kernel Version: 4.2.0-21-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
CPUs: 6
Total Memory: 31.42 GiB
Name: <hostname>



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