[aliases] release = egg_info -RDb '' # Make sure the sphinx docs are built each time we do a dist. # bdist = build_sphinx bdist # sdist = build_sphinx sdist # Make sure a zip file is created each time we build the sphinx docs # build_sphinx = generate_help build_sphinx zip_help # Make sure the docs are uploaded when we do an upload # upload = upload upload_help [egg_info] # tag_build = .dev [bdist_rpm] doc-files = doc [flake8] exclude = __init__.py,*externals*,constants.py,fixes.py ignore = E241,E305,W504,W605 [tool:pytest] addopts = --durations=20 --doctest-modules -ra --cov-report= --tb=short --doctest-ignore-import-errors --junit-xml=junit-results.xml --ignore=doc --ignore=examples --cov=mne_connectivity [pycodestyle] exclude = __init__.py,*externals*,constants.py,fixes.py ignore = E241,E305,W504 [pydocstyle] convention = pep257 match_dir = ^(?!\.|externals|doc|tutorials|examples|logo).*$ match = (?!tests/__init__\.py|fixes).*\.py add-ignore = D100,D104,D107,D413 add-select = D214,D215,D404,D405,D406,D407,D408,D409,D410,D411 ignore-decorators = ^(copy_.*_doc_to_|on_trait_change|cached_property|deprecated|property|.*setter).*