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Mihir Lad edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 5 revisions

About Features

This repo contains two types of features: required and optional. Required features are those that are either required to have a functional system or those that I consider vital to defining what LadOS is. Optional features are extra features that either improve the system in some additional way or fix a system-specific issue.

Every feature can be installed manually from the script located in the root of the LadOS repo. Simply launch the script and follow the on-screen menu.

$ ./
-----Main Menu-----
1. Install LadOS
2. Install Required Features
3. Install Optional Features
4. Fixes
5. Scripts
6. Exit

Some features require extra configuration files, some require extra configuration and can be set interactively, and some can optionally use extra configuration while not being necessary. Before choosing to install any features, check the wiki page of the feature to confirm if there is any additional configuration required or any that would simply make the installation process easier.

All the feature wiki pages can be accessed from the wiki sidebar on the right.

Feature List

Required Features

  • dracut: A replacement for mkinitcpio. It's included for its simplicity and support for unified kernel images.
  • sudoers: Sudo with additional configuration added
  • enable-community-repo: Enable pacman community repo
  • yay: AUR helper
  • rEFInd-minimal-black: rEFInd bootloader with minimal-black theme applied. The main bootloader for the system.
  • dwm: A window manager. My patched version of dwm.
  • st: A terminal emulator. My patched version of st.
  • crontab: Cronie with additional configuration added
  • system-services: Enable particular systemd system-level services
  • dotfiles: My dotfiles and configuration files

Optional Features

  • auto-mirror-rank: Auto-ranks pacman mirrors every boot
  • configure-backlight: intel_backlight X11 config file for controlling display backlight
  • configure-touchpad: Touchpad configuration for X11 which enables tapping, natural scrolling, and an lrm button map.
  • corsair-headset: Corsair headset X11 config file to fix buggy behavior (
  • doom-emacs: Installs doom emacs
  • ferdi-darkmode: Installs dark mode themes for Google Calendar, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Trello
  • gcp-tunnel: Sets up remote port forwarding using SSH with a Google Cloud Platform Compute instance which enables SSH over the Internet through the GCP instance no matter what network the computer is connected to.
  • gogh: Installs a gogh theme on gnome-terminal (Not fully implemented)
  • gtk-greeter: Installs lightdm-gtk-greeter with the maia-gtk-theme and custom configuration
  • hp-printer: Installs hplip, CUPS, and setups up an HP printer
  • huion: Installs drivers and additional configuration for a huion graphics tablet
  • luks-encryption-tpm: Installs a dracut module to allow storing and retreiving the encryption key of a LUKS root partition from the system's TPM
  • on-monitor-change: Auto-outputs connected displays above the main display and restarts polybar on connecting new displays
  • openvpn-expressvpn: Setups up openvpn with ExpressVPN servers (requires ExpressVPN account)
  • physlock: Sets up a physlock service to prevent TTY switching
  • plymouth: Installs plymouth with deus_ex boot animation (credits to
  • polybar-pacman-hooks: Installs a pacman hook to refresh polybar after package upgrades. adi1090x)
  • power-desktop-options: Installs desktop files that execute power options such as poweroff, reboot, etc.
  • powertop: Installs powertop and service
  • recovery-mode: Installs a recovery partition
  • redshift: Installs redshift with geoclue for location-based updates
  • restic-b2: Installs services and scripts to auto-backup computer to B2 Cloud Storage using restic
  • secure-boot-custom: Sets up secure boot with custom keys
  • secure-boot-preloader: Sets up secure boot with Preloader
  • secure-boot-shim: Sets up secure boot with Shim
  • setup-gpu-passthrough: Sets up the computer to allow GPU passthrough (Not fully implemented)
  • ssh-keys: Installs existing user and root SSH keys into system
  • steam: Installs steam and enables multilib repos
  • systemd-boot: Installs the systemd-boot bootloader
  • user-services: Installs a set of systemd services to autostart particular applications such as compton, redshift, etc.
  • vifm: Installs vifm with image previews using ueberzug
  • weather-polybar-module: Installs existing OpenWeatherMap API key to use with a custom weather module on polybar
  • webkit2-greeter: Installs the lightdm-webkit2-greeter with user avatar and backgrounds
  • win10-fonts: Installs Windows 10 fonts (fonts must be acquired yourself)
  • wpa-supplicant: Installs wpa_supplicant with dhcpcd with existing network configuration
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